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At a glance it looks like something for Information Security more than Super User
Bit of an overlap there
On one hand, How to force a server to use a specific elliptic curve at the beginning of the handshake via openssl? was migrated from Security to SU, so SU is perhaps better.
I think its on topic on SU, and that matters just a little ;)
> ▓▓▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░ 40% -- Year Progress at 5:00 PM - 26 May 2017
Sometimes tour doesn't pick the best example of a comment...
A self-referential paradox: a Documentation section called Undocumented Features
undocumented features sound like bugs
The difference? Undocumented features sometimes get fixed.
I have an idea! Since SE now has a data team, why doesn't the data team do something useful, like write a search engine for SE?
A lot of information on Stackoverflow, for example, are obsolete. Google doesn't always return the most relevant. The most relevant, not coincidentall, usually is also the most recent.
When they finish that, they can invade Russia.
I don't think it's that complicated. To make it perfect, yes, it will take A LOT of effort. But there are a few hypothesis: 1) usually there is a life cycle for most maintained software/OS/programming language, and my guess is 2-3 years. 2) answer relevant is highly correlated with those major updates.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title: It some irregular sexual Iron Bull Edge by daatzeen on graphicdesign.SE
if link tag with update sites & update triggers questions associated with that tag to be evaluated
although I have to say, many companies are highly irresponsible with their updates
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body, +2 more: Nayvi Serum skin care by eckr urfey on apple.SE
they leave to some third party to figure out what exactly need to be updated
@bjb568 I imagine an argument over the placement of ^2 leading to divorce.
@Telkitty too broad ;p
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +4 more: supplement4help.com/bio-rocket-blast/ by yuossefaljehan on askubuntu.com
@Shog9 Do you have a way to pull the number of frozen and number of deleted rooms on chat.stackoverflow.com? I'm counting now but it's like 7500 pages at 10 seconds each.
Actually I can't even do it, my cookies keep expiring and I need to keep the 10k privs.
@JasonC there's probably.... lots
by this time, shog is probably on to his 2nd glass of alcohol
best time to ask anything other than related to SE really
that is ... if you could get response to start with
@JasonC I can help you with that.
so, there's 2792 pages of rooms....
the last page has 7
the rest have 20
7050 pages and I need the frozen / deleted separately. Although... can you not see deleted because of privs?
Because if you can only see frozen, I can subtract.
wait, which server?
I was looking at chat.se
ahh, can't help you there
an SO mod probably could but my chatmoddly powers are only on the 'shared' chat server
whoo. 14K
Oh yeah I figured it out.
I can view active and active+frozen+deleted page counts when logged in. And in an incognito tab I can view active+frozen. So that's enough to do the math.
1011 active rooms, 63935 frozen, 76037 deleted.
1 hour later…
What the Smoke?
Too many charcoal from the smoked spam. Need clean-up.
@JourneymanGeek on this I wondered if I can abuse the linking feature by leaving a comment with links to my own answers and then delete the comment. That will fill the Linked Posts table but only leaves a trace for moderators.
I've never seen anyone do that before
Great let's abuse test that ....
> I need to do more testing on it than I can reliably do on a Friday afternoon before a long weekend.
if pre-drunk is a state you shouldn't do coding I better stop altogether ...
@rene I got a stumper for you.
This is in progress and heavily mcve'd hence not making sense, but check out this query, where the cte parses close voter ids: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/676500
It works.
Now comment out that select and uncomment the last bit that says "this doesn't" and explain what happens.
(You can put a top 50 in that last query I just linked to the wrong version, doesn't matter. The only difference that matters is the u.userid < w.userid)
@TimStone ^ That one's for you too if you need a head-scratcher.
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '{"OriginalQuestionIds":[1867861]' to data type int.
And that string shouldn't be possible, because and s.value like '%"DisplayName"%'.
All evidence suggests that adding u.userid < w.userid to that join causes the cte to attempt the convert without honoring its where clause.
Any other queries from that same cte succeed, which shouldn't be possible if there's truly a parse error.
So wtf is going on?
I was unable to reproduce that effect with test data. It doesn't make any sense.
there's NAA for that, but sure I can help to get it rid faster
@JasonC but on duplicate votes that is a valid option: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/676505 your query works, your assumption about datashape is wrong
@rene No. I know that string can exist. But it should not pass the like '%"DisplayName"%' condition in the where clause, so a convert on that string should never even be attempted. Not only that, but if that string was finding its way into the convert, those other two commented out queries should also fail.
Remove the and u.userid < w.userid condition and suddenly it works again.
yeah, that is because the query plan processor will not evaluate that userid column as it is nowhere used then.
need moar coffee
@rene Nope. I thought of that. But data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/676508 works.
@JasonC heh, one of your example questions makes me wish I had the ability to bitchslap smack someone with a rolled up newspaper over the internet.
@rene And it actually gets weirder: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/676509 -- see comments.
This is driving me crazy. And it almost, almost feels like a SQL server bug, but I'm not confident enough to assume that yet.
Must be something caused by the CTE as this simply works as expected: data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/676505
Yeah. It's super weird. I've used that parsing style in the past, it always works. It's something with the cte, its where clause, and something about that join. It's frustrating too because I haven't yet been able to construct any small test tables that make it happen. I can't find a minimal test case that fails in the same way.
(The and charindex(',', s.value) > 1 is unnecessary, really, that was just something I threw in there when trying to fix this current problem, btw.)
@TimStone Prev. ping continued, last example is ^^^ (data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/676509). Read the above convo, and be mystified.
It's way past my bed time
@JourneymanGeek (PS: Like 10 of those questions made me want to slap somebody, lol)
@JasonC I'm a lot more patient
also I find a lot of the MSO meta questions assume context
2 hours later…
@JasonC I played a bit further here. It looks like the query plan optimizer assumes it can safely bring the where clause to the CTE query producing this: Filter(WHERE:([Expr1001]=(100297) AND STRING_SPLIT.[value] like N'%,"DisplayName":%')) Expr1001 is the convert. If that order was reversed it would work, assuming it would short-circuit.
I couldn't find a query hint that tells the optimizer to either do that reversal or don't optimize it like that. Could make a good question on SO I think.
Maybe not optimal but could be a workaround: use try_cast
3 hours later…
@Telkitty brews a cup of green tea for @Telkitty
It's fixed now
GD election got enough candidates now (3 for 2 positions)
Westside looks okay except that the answers to the questionnaire constitute his first post on meta. :-/
While writing question,they are not saved when I close browser. And when I open again,all question is gone :( and I need to write again. Any solution?
I remembered it used to save in android buts its not saved in iOS :(
Hi chat
I thought iOS has multiple drafts? Not sure though since I don't have iOS
@Fawad Most desktop text editors have an option to save text. All of them, now that I think of it. And Google Docs.
@Elephant correct word draft. There isn't showing "saved as draft" ;(
33 messages moved to Chimney
@rene Whoa. TIL. Also, nice. I'm definitely going to make an SO (or maybe a DBA) question out of this once I get my head around it.
Man I slept in hard. And it was apparently quiet in here last night.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: Where is downloaded skype files on android? by james on android.SE
1 hour later…
What boy scout rank did you reach, @JasonC?
I'm not sure if it's something for lifetime or just for the duration of membership.
I'm an eagle scout
Cool. Should totally be in your developer story.
And oa brotherhood
> The induction process, called the Ordeal, is the first step toward full membership in the Order.
What a name.
@Gerry Cool! So my veterstrikdiploma can be on there as well?
We should give those to about a half of our graduates, as an accurate description of the skills acquired.
Eagle Scout is a serious thing, though.
It is? Never made it to the boy scouts, so I'm unaware of its importance, if any
Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). The designation "Eagle Scout" was founded over one hundred years ago. Only four percent of Boy Scouts are granted this rank after a lengthy review process. The requirements necessary to achieve this rank take years to fulfill. Since its founding, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men. Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges. The Eagle Scout must demonstrate Scout Spirit, an ideal attitude based upon the Scout Oath and Law, service...
What do we get for collecting 21 badges on SO...?
@Ferrybig Yup
@Ferrybig Watching this endless list of new questions never gets boring
@Gerry Some unexplained downvotes.
@Elephant Undo's RPi 3
Sorry for the smokey maintenance here, but there are 2 smokey's running at the moment, and 1 of them broke in Charcoal HQ
!!/standby teward/Solar
@Ferrybig Sorry isn't good enough. Unforgivable.
@JasonC don't let smokey hear that, or he may refuse to work with me
@Jason which is exactly what I meant with "did the site just degrade without a clear reason?". Well, if you got more details there is always chat... — Shadow Wizard 19 secs ago
@ShadowWizard Unexpectedly defensive, but I know you meant to type "Ah, yeah, it's pretty interesting, thanks." :P
Hey, don't ping @ShadowWizard, he is obviously grumpy
@JasonC Ah, yeah, it's pretty interesting, thanks.
@rene I'm the Anti-Shog, I accept pings with open arms. :P
@rene I'm half-tempted to bust out the "ping attack shadowizard with star trek tos transcripts" script again.
Go for it!
And hey, any W count, @Jaso!
@JasonC lol
stealing @Jaso's "n"
@ShadowWizard txt spk
What's a W count
@JasonC 2
... yes. Makes sense.
in Baker Street, 2 mins ago, by Hexacoordinate-C
"Gaming/The Bridge: minigame Eggs.Asteroids

Send the message insert coin and click on the floating "click me" button that appears to start an Asteroids-esque minigame with user avatars."
Anyone here ever actually tried that? ^
I have, but I don't remember if that was enough on its own or if I had to manually enable the eggs first.
Q: What Easter Eggs do the chat sites have?

MosheAccording to balpha, the SE chat sites may have individual Easter eggs, depending on the site. If you find them, please post. Edit: Because it's so easy to make this stuff up, a screenshot as proof would be nice. (Although Photoshop ain't that hard either...)

@JasonC yeah, I know, that's what I posted too
@Jason which is exactly what I meant by "did the site just degrade without a clear reason?". Well, if you got more details there is always chat... — Shadow Wizard 8 mins ago
@Gerry You're late.
8 mins ago, by Jason C
@Jason which is exactly what I meant with "did the site just degrade without a clear reason?". Well, if you got more details there is always chat... — Shadow Wizard 19 secs ago
My theory: it is demoralizing to continually fight against the tide of "what's wrong with me?" questions
Which are inevitable considering the name and content of the site + the number of sick people with access to the internet.
It's n00b, not noob!
your mom is inevitable considering the name and content of the site
It's like a retweet but for chat.
@Gerry that's right, plus tide of questions about sexuality, which IMO makes people uncomfortable there.
I think that's called a "twat".
@Gerry that's.. brilliant!
s/1860 loss to Lincoln/2015 loss in SO election/
> The only dumb questions are the ones unasked. DR means "disaster recovery", e.g. your secondary/backup data center. -- Nick Craver at 1:04 PM - 27 May 2017
The first sentence proves Nick isn't active on SO anymore.
3 answers in 2012, 2 in 2013, 2 in 2014, 3 in 2015, none since.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Create ui ux forms in wordpress by Adi Sharabani on wordpress.SE
ow about health
@JourneymanGeek Yeah they're f'd. That's one of those sites that was kinda doomed to fail from the start.
I feel like pets has been heading a similar direction lately, too, sadly. But maybe not as bad.

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