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1:33 AM
2:37 AM
This query confirms that our demographics are predominantly Indian.
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Jan 10 at 8:39, by bwDraco
India is one of those much-overlooked countries. It's a booming, high-tech country, as much as it may seem otherwise.
in Root Access on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Aug 31 at 0:37, by bwDraco
Google's geographic data shows that India is a booming market for essential electronic devices.
Eh. Without post-processing to extract the country only, or a different query using like '%country%', an alternative explanation is that people from India are more likely to put "India" as their location.
Whereas, say, U.S. residents don't often indicate their location as "United States".
They'll go with "Texas" or "Los Angeles, CA", etc.
3:08 AM
you know one difference between a fat cat & a thin cat?
when you release a thin cat on to the timber floor from chest height, it can land relatively quietly, now try it with a fat cat ...
3:22 AM
> Santa flipped through his list, "I don't have you as naughty or nice―what have you been doing this year?" I replied, "trying to build node." -- Sampson at 3:09 PM - 14 Dec 2016
More seriously, [Jonathan] Sampson is no longer working on Internet Explorer (or whatever it's called these days), he moved to Brave recently.
An interesting concept of a browser, that....
> If you write about tech, programming, and related topics, I may be visiting your site. Sign up, so I can pay you: publishers.brave.com -- Sampson at 9:08 PM - 16 Dec 2016
> We are actually exploring ways to pay you even for the latter types of mediums Stack Overflow, Twitter, etc. -- Sampson at 6:41 PM - 17 Dec 2016
Interesting.... so, if SO is a part of the deal, then Brave users will be paying them directly instead of seeing ads, and Jon Skeet would get a slice of the pie if he's registered in the system as a content creator.
3:48 AM
pay you ... a visit ... pay your site a visit
7:16 AM
Sarah and little talking husky are going camping. They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. In the middle of the night husky wakes Sarah up: “Sarah, look up at the stars, and tell me what you deduce."
Sarah: "I see millions of stars and even if a few of those have planets, it's quite likely there are some planets like Earth, and if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life."
Little talking husky: “Sarah, you idiot, somebody's stolen our tent!"
7:34 AM
actually, that should be after '1002 nights - Sarah & the little trolling husky' chapter Cinderella, that chapter explains how Sarah & husky got together
4:00 PM
15 messages moved to Chimney
A: What makes a good badge? When and why should I suggest a new badge?

Jason CWell, here's my attempt at an answer, I'm sure it's missing a few things... What makes a good badge proposal? A good badge proposal: Encourages positive behavior. Helps sites thrive and promotes an effective Q&A model. Does not conflict with existing site goals, contradict existing mechan...

Am I on the right track with that, or did I completely botch it? I have to admit, I kind of made it all up as I went along.
tl;dr My version would be: (1) travel to 2011 and propose a badge; (2) enjoy it being implemented if you're lucky.
Pretty much.
Actually I should move that bit up to the top.
Market saturation, some people say.
Yeah totally.
@JasonC maybe mention that winterbash might be a testbed for badges?
4:05 PM
Oh, yeah. Plus the most well-received of new proposals came out of winter bash.
so, propose a hat first, then promote to badge
Now, most hat proposals get down voted ...
Maybe there should be a hat for making a well-received hat proposal.
I want a badge that every user starts off with, then loses if they post a question on Life Hacks.
4:37 PM
So, what's a positive behavior we don't have enough of? Participation in Meta?
The badges for that are for posting only.
"Visited Meta on N separate days"
But maybe visits aren't recorded, so "participated on Meta on N separate days", where participation is anything that leaves a trace: vote, comment, post.
A: As a Teacher: Choosing a suitable programming language

IdeePython, Pascal! Good for startups.

I thought Pascal was more of an enddown language.
4:52 PM
Pascal? Really?
They did teach us Pascal in high school ('96-'00) for some reason though.
Because that was the answer to "what's a suitable language for teaching programming" back in the days.
@zaq WE LOVE HATS! Winter Bash will begin in 0 days, 6 hours, 57 minutes, and 49 seconds.
@zaq no
@JasonC heh, me too! Though it was '93-'96 ;)
@Derpy you know, I have a hunch this year the secret hats will be really few and disappointing. Hope to be wrong though...
5:08 PM
Surely there will be a red MAGA hat...
Also without a secret hat for revealing secret of secret hats, there will be less motivation. ;)
5:24 PM
The toughest secret hat will be for writing something useful in Documentation.
6:12 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: How to learn a new poker game? by Reza Abdillah on poker.stackexchange.com
7:19 PM
@zaq That's not even possible.
7:33 PM
Unless this was implemented I don't think we have to worry about Docs
7:59 PM
@JasonC I posted that link in SOCVR. The question is closed now
8:17 PM
@rene It wouldn't be implemented as written "various sites with their specific hats", but I can easily imagine SO-only hats. After all, the newest badge is SO only, as are most of new user-facing features.
We'll see in 13,289 seconds
> if you call any model modifying code in the redraw* methods I will hunt you down
To kick off Winterbash, on December 19 users will not be able to vote on posts directly. They will instead be voting for some users representing their primary tag, who in turn will vote on the posts. This is to make sure that tags are fairly represented.
And because it's not always obvious which tag is your primary one, you'll need to register in it a few days in advance. Otherwise, oops.
9:02 PM
And if the hash of your user ID in binary ends in 1, you have a chance of being shot while you go register.
9:13 PM
<10,000 seconds
9:48 PM
When a flag is declined automatically as a result of review... wouldn't it be better to annotate it with something like "declined from review queue", than the current practice of saying nothing?
I'm not sure if linking to the review item is desirable or even possible (flag messages are plain text, it seems).
10:01 PM
@zaq doesn't that invite for much more meta complaints? And if so, for what good?
Not sure. I think better understanding of how the system works leads to fewer meta complaints, not more.
That makes also sense
10:36 PM
Current status: Coffee and SE
10:57 PM
slide 26 is interesting
11:11 PM
I'm not in tune with Russian media, but my impression is that DT was widely seen / presented as the preferred candidate from Russia's POV, and people are generally optimistic.
Discovering that you are wasting your life in review is the next natural stage of SO usage. The company has figured out a while ago that the odds that somebody comes back to ask yet another crappy question are the lowest when nobody responds to the previous question. That's not good for business, so these review queues are a counter-measure. They count on them being able to dump just about any box of Legos and volunteers forever showing up to clean up. Workaround is very simple, just don't review. It is your life, you decide how to spend it. — Hans Passant 6 mins ago
Except, perhaps, Hans.
11:46 PM
i hear it's party time
@zaq WE LOVE HATS! Winter Bash will begin in 0 days, 0 hours, 9 minutes, and 52 seconds.
On your marks...
... not implemented. I have to count manually, then: four cats in the sidebar.

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