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12:12 AM
To Stackers who received the xmas gift: having a bad time setting it up? It sucks at 2.4g / 5g same SSID. Make dedicated 2.4g SSID for it.
This internet of things is going too far, colorful sweaters now require a dedicated SSID.
12:33 AM
all those weird research results
 In 2011, researchers at Albany Medical College played songs by Beethoven and Miles Davis to rats, learning that the rats preferred silence, but would rather hear Beethoven than Miles Davis. Then the researchers injected some rats with cocaine while the rats were listening to Miles Davis because, y'know, why not? At this point they weren't even conducting a study, they were just enjoying some jazz, and dosing rats with cocaine, as you do.
of course in statistics, we don't care about the sample size, sample bias and standard error, or any significance arise from those
1:52 AM
3:17 AM
@Telkitty Of course, in statistics all that matters is drugged rats.
3:34 AM
maybe it wasn't just rats that were on drugs ...
Topic request spam, by hour
So it didn't stop after the big wave and subsequent mass-destruction.
got a script running to destroy it every 3 minutes now
persistent buggers
Memo to self: don't request topics about the handling of CJK characters in JS.
yeah, that would be a very bad idea
3:43 AM
Hudson Jameson quietly stopped being a mod on Ethereum; looks like low activity / low compatibility with SE model.
> with a cockroach on the loose happily deleting and replacing my profile with the cockroach's poop, the only alternative I can see is for me to click on the SE icon on my desktop, pull that icon down to that "wastebasket" icon down there in the lower right hand corner of my desktop, and drop the SE icon into it. Then next, I will delete the SE program entirely from my computer. - meta.stackexchange.com/q/288000
This is serious, the guy is going to delete SE.
were spams ever analysed and blocked at root (IP) or are they somewhat tolerated coz they are sort of good for traffic and user engagement?
the guy who mentioned cockroach has an account in aviation, guess cockroaches can fly
@Telkitty they are... But that was overlooked in Docs. Hence the fun Saturday.
3:55 AM
I almost admire the consistency of some of the spammers, some of them have been spamming for 5 straight years
And CM job ads said that the job doesn't involve writing code.
sometimes I even suspect that the spammers themselves might forgot that they have bots piggyback on some heavy trafficed servers
6:35 AM
Telkitty™ introduces '1002 nights - Sarah & the little trolling husky'
8:13 AM
@ShadowWizard WE LOVE HATS! Winter Bash will begin in 7 days, 15 hours, 46 minutes, and 30 seconds.
Can't wait?
Oooh. Winter Bash will align perfectly with the start of my vacation. I could do something or go somewhere, or I could get hats!!!
@AlexisKing hats. Totally just hats. You can do anything with hats. :D
@rene true!
@ShadowWizard If Valve is any indication, you can even make digital hats your company’s primary product and still be successful!
8:19 AM
@AlexisKing My vacation is aligned with Winter Bash ...
8:43 AM
nobody brings smart phones or tablets on vacation? sometimes I even bring laptop
Is there an power outlet behind every tree in the bush?
power banks, lots of them, also power outlet in the car
once I went on a multiday hike, I brought 12 batteries and 2 power banks (and I didn't declare them on the flight)
the other time I brought a power bank and didn't declare it on the flight and was called out by airport customs :x
9:02 AM
Do you also bring a pack of mules or something? How do you carry that??
battery 20g, 12 x 20 = 240g
powerbank: 150g - 350g
up to 30000mAh, some are solar powered too
10:02 AM
@Pandya It's Alexis King's fault.
I didn’t do it, I swea— Wait, what am I being blamed for, exactly?
4 hours later…
2:31 PM
@AlexisKing Tim Post losing his keys, of course.
(and thus all random downvotes across Stack Exchange! ;))
2:46 PM
looking left
looking right
Good, I'm all alone. Time for a confession. Terrible confession.
I've committed a terrible crime.
Something that can't be forgiven.
I can't even describe it in words, as the words would be too cruel.
So I'll just post a picture.
running away in terror
you then proceeded and made coffee and gave it to your wife/kid/colleague in the same cup without emptying it first?
That's nothing compared with the actual crime.... something against any nature rule.....
3:27 PM
@ShadowWizard you abuse the SO mug for as a money collector ...
and only Shekels there, no big spenders ..
@rene yes!!! I've.... I've.... I've turned my Stack Overflow Mug into a piggy bank!!! D:
@rene hey, shekels are good! :P
shame on you. You'll be banned to Reddit
It was just too big for coffee, almost two times as ordinary cup....
...and it never refilled itself...
There is no too big in coffee
@rene that's what I thought in the beginning. You can't know until you try.... :D
I found out in the hard way, size does matter. :P
3:32 PM
You tell me now ...
@rene never too late...... ;)
2 hours later…
5:21 PM
12 messages moved to Chimney
6:11 PM
@Gothdo Yeah, it's not available anymore.
6:31 PM
@zaq Why?
6:45 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: What do I do when my joke non-answer is accepted? by user346035 on meta.stackexchange.com
6:57 PM
the JS framework I want (that doesn't exist yet) -- Kasra is blogging on heroku app these days...
7:54 PM
> Mine's a unicorn: [SPOILER ALERT] imgur DOT com/tAeIg8A -- Ben Dumke-v. d. Ehe at 11:08 AM - 11 Dec 2016
Unspoilified link to image: imgur.com/tAeIg8A ... this doesn't look like anything I'm familiar with.
(xmas gift for Stack employees]
Yeah, why wouldn't I want the walls of my living room to change color telling me I have another email to answer...
It's cool and fun :D
Might also be "just" a modular Christmas tree
Wonder if @Oded also got this? ;)
8:45 PM
> Color: Artistic White
Define: "Artistic White" Google search results are not encouraging.
> viagra cialis levitra high quality white c4d wallpaper
@ShadowWizard yep we all got one set.
@ShadowWizard cup full of cockroaches (jukim)?
9:16 PM
@Oded rofl... Yeah! :)
9:36 PM
I thought that similarly to questions being closed before being deleted, chat rooms are frozen and then deleted. How wrong was I... :/
> Rooms not worth retaining which are inactive for 7 days will be deleted.
So the magic number for a one-user mostly-feeds room is 7, not 15.

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