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@DamienPaul Yes (and maybe). Use the contact form on the bottom of the page.
I just now realized that my proposal to rename Community to Buffy was deleted by said Community, because of negative score + account-nuke. Took an upvoted Shog's answer with it, too.
Was that my first ever post on MSE? One of the first, anyway.
Oh well. Out of the extant posts of mine, Remove the reputation reduction (-2) for downvotes received is probably the lowest-scored, at -21.
@JonEricson nah, I have nothing more to contribute to MSE - though am still a bit curious about some things
it's all good - thank you for answering my question, though :)
called the daughter's uni, they said that on their record, there is nothing out of ordinary
so they are probably lying as usual
can't really feed baby magpies, a whole gang of them will rest in your decking area
I am amazed that they are sending people to colonize Mars without at least trying to maintain some kind of ecosystem in the space first ...
maybe something like a vege garden with silk worms
it's not like the people you are sending to Mars are coming back to earth to replenish
sorry I asked my question at all... feel very stupid now.
I <3 magpies, they are intelligent, clumsy, aggressive little bastards. Just like me :p
Yay, Bret's talk from #phillycheesestack is public now.
so it wasn't just my imagination ...
need to get back to stack of things that I should be doing ...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: How can I add a "finger dot" to an app demo video? by dannyrizal on ux.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Figure out what works best for you to get by user660952 on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted username, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: It is undoubtedly not impossible to think for a body like by riciajuriya on gaming.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Best Pills For Diet Info by Justinmos on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Non-English link in answer: Legality of Driving a Motorcyle in Vietnam as a Foreigner by Huy Tien on travel.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, repeated URL at end of long post: leptigentry.com/ by Humet on graphicdesign.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Different Ways To Get Rid Of Dry Itchy Skin by user59813 on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title, repeated URL at end of long post: supplementlab.org/alpha-force-testo-ca/ by BagedThomp on bricks.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: You can call just about anything by flashlight0 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, repeating words in answer: Is it possible to create nested lists in the WYSIWYG editor? by user106453 on wordpress.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: This content is incredibly resilient by shakooechishti on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, link at end of body, repeated URL at end of long post: purenitrateadvice.com/male-maximus/ by basheer68 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL in title, link at end of body, repeated URL at end of long post: purenitrateadvice.com/ultimate-testo-explosion/ by jongo21 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body: It performs a important role enhance by user69105 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Black Diamond Force A great way to work around by LarryRauch on drupal.stackexchange.com
@zaq Now? But SO has always been in love with 1337 trolls. No? How about the time when one of your co-founders personally delivered goods to one of your first well known albeit lesser trolls? What about the game SO dedicated to trolls? Do you think that 1337 trolls would thrive if SO didn't secretly allow them to do so all these times?
But don't worry, it's not just SO. The whole internet is secretly in love 1337 trolls. From my personal experience, I have been to quite a few popular sites, and I did well on ALL of them as a 1337 troll. Yep.
!!/blacklist Marlin\ Woods
@bwDraco You don't have code privileges, but I've created a pull request for you.
...that didn't work as expected.
What did you expect?
When bots start to write themselves, I start to worry.
I'd like to blacklist a username string due to ongoing trolling; see chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/114/ask-a-super-user-moderator
A warning has been given
!!/make yourself better
@JanDvorak what? I'm confused here.
A warning has been given to the SD authors that self-modifying code is not a great idea
@ShadowWizard User blacklisted (660989 on superuser.com).
@bwDraco ^
@ShadowWizard that only blacklists one account, not the username
That's one account. The user's socking.
"main" blacklist is for sites afaik, not users
Then we need a side one
@ShadowWizard There is a source file that contains a website blacklist
And there is a user blacklist
And then there is a username blacklist
@Magisch oh, there is? So how one can add names to it?
without a user-friendly chat command, I guess?
@ShadowWizard You can create a Pull request modifying that part of SD's code
there isn't a command for it, its hardcoded
oh, like privileged users?
Everyone can create a pull request on github
only Charcoal Team members can actually put it into effect
@ShadowWizard This is where the blacklisted usernames are handled
As you can see, its quite a limited list, so thats only for the very blatant and recurring spammers
@Magisch yup. On second thought, Marlin Woods might be a legit user one day, maybe not a good idea to globally blacklist it.
I would expect user whitelist beats username blacklist. That's the purpose of it.
It does
But user blacklist isn't used often due to how wide a net it casts
It's getting very late here so I can't really help at this point. I think we may need a closer look at this issue. I pulled up one more account with the same name through SEDE: data.stackexchange.com/superuser/query/573344
does anyone have samples of this guy's trolling antics
Maybe we can identify something else about his posts
It's content copied from other sites. One would need to search for strings through Google to confirm that they are copied.
Identifying the behavior is going to require human intervention.
Pure plagiarism?
SmokeDetector doesn't catch Plagiarism either way, and it's not supposed to.
Sadly, they're all unregistered accounts so I don't see any of those names on /users.
I need to get to bed.
You could grab another bot sitting by the websocket. Perhaps a SD clone.
@bwDraco already?! It's 9:45 AM :D
@ShadowWizard morning
@Derpy good
WAG attempt failed :(
@ShadowWizard here in the Tavern?
Was thinking... Is there any way to get a total of the votes/downvotes cast on a single site in a day? No user data, no need to know what post were voted, just the totals.
@Derpy why not? ;)
@Derpy probably only API
@Patrick made a site that let us query the API using SQL, you can ask to join its testing here, @Derpy
@ShadowWizard actually, I could use the data dumps too. I don't need real time.
@Derpy oh, good!
I was just curious to see if the data suggest that on low traffic sites it would pretty banal to identify downvoters just with a single, daily "data snapshoot.
Not that I would do that, it is just that that would again demonstrate that Stack only really works on big numbers.
It is already pretty obvious that the "good posts float to top" only work with enough votes. I wonder if the "anonymity" also falls apart on low traffic sites.
@ShadowWizard take your crazy Den games out of here. I'm already confused enough when I randomly enter your room. :p
@Derpy might be, but even so, can't see any way to fight this
>>flip @Bart
See? Not working. :(
And today Den has no WAG (yet) just long discussion with our dear @Dam - who takes part in HNQ - congrats! ;)
Hot Network Question
Oct 26 at 12:05, by Derpy
If ye really want to see how the "focus on content and not users" will work, and avoid those serial downvotes issues, I still ask Stack to do the big step and hide any reference to the post owner and the post owner rep score.
Yup, hiding post authors will indeed solve any issue related to reputation.
not "any", because the mud effect where low vote ratio sites get fewer votes because they are low vote ratio would be still there... but at least maybe people couldn't really do "mass revenge downvote" anymore
daily rant posted
returning to sleep mode
Tavern enters sleep mode
@Derpy I'll eat my hat if this ever happens
And as you can see, my hat is quite luxurious
@Magisch beware, see this case. ;)
Ooh, new election starts today?
election starts tomorrow :p
vote between a rock and a hard place
The Bridge chat room is pretty busy "discussing" the election
@Derpy What is the bridge?
@Magisch that would be Arqade main chat room.
TIL what the Bridge is
@Derpy "discussing"?
@Bart you running?
Away from it? Sure.
@ShadowWizard probably it would be more easy if you just see for yourself.
Is it like Trump/Clinton elections?
If so, I'll pass.
@ShadowWizard those ones, plus various jokes/comments on the current events.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body: Sex-Toy Motor Help? by Kim Jung Fun on engineering.stackexchange.com
@Derpy Well... not really familiar with arqade and not active there so guess I better pass anyway. Feel free to quote the best parts though... :)
@SmokeDetector this one is... weird. Not spam, not sure if offensive..... heck, no idea how to flag it. :(
Halp! @Bart @rene
OK, flagged as VLQ for now.
Yeah, let the site mods deal with it. ;)
Nothing for others to get involved in
I mean its ... bad, but not any of the types of bad we deal with
Might be just random trolling though, not innocent off topic question, can't really know.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, blacklisted website in answer: Rackmounting a tower chassis HP BLc3000 Blade System by Kristen Cloud on serverfault.com
heh, @Oded is in combat mode today :D
@ShadowWizard ?
Is #phillycheesestack still going on btw?
@Magisch nah, long over. They are all back. I think.
@Magisch he nuked this off topic question in 30 seconds, suspending the OP. Usually those are left for hours on the site...
oh, @zaq you said you can't find the videos on YouTube? Looks like each dev just upload to their own personal channel, e.g.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: In a list, if I break inheritance will Site collection Admin be able to access that list? by sandeep nandey on sharepoint.stackexchange.com
@ShadowWizard such a shame they don't fly anymore. Perfectly understandable, but still, they were awesome.
@Bart blame Bret!
@ShadowWizard Halp?
2 hours ago, by Shadow Wizard
@SmokeDetector this one is... weird. Not spam, not sure if offensive..... heck, no idea how to flag it. :(
Question is gone now
Problem solved
@SmokeDetector gone
I see manually reported reports are not auto deleted when the relevant post is deleted? @ArtOfCode
Pr0blam solved, order restored
@smci I just changed the title of the question as you intended to do, and it worked just fine :-) — Konamiman ♦ 1 hour ago
I see; the blacklist specifically allows "question" in title if it's followed by " mark"
@ShadowWizard what is jsonp=wrapperfunc doing here: meta.stackexchange.com/a/228060/158100
@rene to let me query the API with client side JS
Why you ask?
Oh ... I never used it
(e.g. know of any downside?)
A: Am I accessing the API correctly?

Kevin MontroseI suspect your problem (as I commented) is XSS related. Try using JSONP instead of raw JSON; we just added support for the jsonp parameter.

@rene ^
I use the normal $.get, for example here: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/337456/578411
@rene and it works? Weird...
Can someone check the last commit here:
Using github online
Is it 7c437 or 726b6
Site for code review. Whole site. ;)
not review code but just tell me the sha-1 of the last commit
@UniversalElectricity 726b6 is the lastest, what do you want me to look at
Unless github robots are playing tricks again
@ShadowWizard pretty old?
Because I just commited 7c437 and it's not showing up
@rene yeah, but pretty sure the same origin policy hasn't changed since then.
but git log shows it
@UniversalElectricity probably one of your bots messing things up...
@ShadowWizard across a few computers?
@UniversalElectricity dunno, it's your bots...
Or should I just sleep and come back 6 hours later only to realise that it's something like caching?
@UniversalElectricity probably
ok then night all
@ShadowWizard I see no difference if I do this $.get("https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/sites?page=1&pagesize=999", function(data) { the suggestion to use that JSONP seems deprecated, specially since the domain changed as well (we're no longer on stackoverflow.com for he API)
nope. As it stands, the calculation is overly simple magic not found ...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened URL in answer: street level parking in French by Eve on french.stackexchange.com
Peter Mortensen here asks for a question rate. I assume that is questions per day? so total # questions / total days site exists, right?
@rene That's a plausible interpretation. Incidentally, this is exactly what API returns: stackapps.com/q/6543
SO gets 2.93 questions per minute over its lifespan.
OK, thanks, I'll add it to the query
Unfortunately, it rounds to 0.01 regardless of the scale (instead of keeping two significant digits). So one gets 0 for low-activity sites.
And Arabic is assured of being the last on that list forever...
Maybe it should be added to that bit of code that handles borked SEDE databases...
Updated the answer
2 hours until the beginning of election.
1 hour later…
@zaq At least we get an election before the election...
Unfortunately. Expect more unfunny references in nomination speeches this year.
You can solve everything with downvotes...
I wonder who will run that will be experienced and that I'd want to be a mod.
we'll see ...
No Martijn probably this year...
@zaq I'm expecting at least one Trump joke candidate.
@rene turns out that at some point SE added full CORS support to the API
CVs are done, deprecated, no longer accessible. I don't know any other way to put it. We provide the traditional view which is also the default for employers. You can link to the traditional view of your story and will be able to forever, it's just the editing and story views that are different. — Dean Ward ♦ Nov 4 at 10:46
So much for CVs are never going away...
@ShadowWizard cool
@rene warm
@hichris123 Dev Story has both views.
At least they don't mean closevotes
Granted, I just read the comment you posted, so I don't know the context
@Andy Right, but the original idea was that CVs would remain an option -- not that the story would even be needed.
@hichris123 Ah.
Election started, no nominations. People disappoint me.
My complaint about Dev Story was that it plastered the questions I wanted to feature in random spots around the timeline. I had to remove them because it was intuitive.
@Andy they are actively working on more flexible sorting
@hichris123 nothing is gone, the cheese is still there, just moved. I checked my own CV, it's still there intact.
@hichris123 did we outright say CVs were staying around? I believe we said you'd still be able to see a traditional view of your details.
Only the URL to reach it changed.
@bluefeet I'll have to dig up the quote, but I believe so.
Caucus badge is in before there's even a single nomination....
Then again - I'd rather have a few serious candidates to choose from, than a lot of candidates who aren't taking it serious enough.
@hichris123 Hmm, please do find it because I'm pretty sure that wasn't the message we were giving. If I said it, then I don't recall saying CVs were staying around.
@bluefeet yay!
also an SOCVR regular
Not sure if that is a plus ...
> Raised from being a freak kid to a moral gentleman, by Martijn and Jon
I suppose that's Jon C, not Jon E.
OK, someone has been first
It'll get hectic soon enough. Enjoy the quiet while it lasts.
@zaq Yes, he is a python dev
You could always ignore the election. It's just three messages. What comes after, though...
can be ignored just as well.
Well, there might come a wave of incorrectly declined flags
Andy will build a ML model for flag handling, I assume.
Supervised, I hope
Andy's missing an editing badge, tsk tsk.
@zaq Refiner. My only excuse is that I usually don't edit and answer in the same session. I'm either in "answer" mode or "edit" mode.
Since josliber's app isn't (yet) updated for this election, here's my primitive Google Sheets substitute.
@zaq Hopefully that gets updated. We'll see.
I posted my nomination.
I left a comment as expected
@AaronHall You might want to change the link on "[Atwood, Spolsky][1]".
I also posted mine
Open to criticism and inquiries
@zaq it doesn't refresh on its own?
From my point of view, I'd like to seem more mods who haven't immersed themselves in the same groupthink as the rest of us have. ;-)
Well, that's me out then
there is always room for @Bart
I take up a whole lot of space. I wouldn't be so certain
glasses don't take much room
@bluefeet That's optimism for you. (Or is it pessimism?)
@rene Nope, it's primitive indeed.
But updated now. And I made two changes: (a) replaced Downvotes with min(Upvotes, Downvotes), because candidates should know how to use both ends of the arrow. (b) transposed the plot to make longer label horizontal.
@JonEricson I wouldn't know, I'm just a bird with blue feet
@JonEricson I've linked to posts by Atwood and Spolsky in my profile, and I'm running out of characters.
Then leave the link out perhaps?
There is one line in there I so have the urge to troll. But I shall refrain
well, if you're thinking it, others might, which line?
Nah, just my weird mind. The "I'm circumspect" one. I just want to reply "Well, I don't see how what you did to your genitalia should influence this election".
It's bad, I know.
Hey @AaronHall, glad to see you're in the running as well.
@JonEricson It's important to (sometimes) question the direction of the group. I sometimes do that. I hope I don't do it too much, but if I err on a side, too much is it.
ok, well if you can think of a word that communicates it better, let me know.
It's fine. I'm just a child sometimes
is Alex K's comment a question?
I would guess so.
@AaronHall If you're referring to the changes in the review process one, he asked me the same one.
@Bart glad you said it ...
@rene Well I got circumspected when I was little - they did tell me I was always a well-behaved child.
> Community moderators are accorded the highest level of privilege on our community
ಠ_ಠ I even put a bounty on the typo report.
Community moderators moderate on the community... maybe?
In any case, @JonEricson I may be characterized as a contrarian, but I sometimes play the devil's advocate to ensure that the direction we're going stands scrutiny. Standing scrutiny is a common theme in my campaign for moderator. Can I count on your support? :)
Yay, a relevant XKCD! Timely and timeless...
50 mins ago, by Aaron Hall
@JonEricson It's important to (sometimes) question the direction of the group. I sometimes do that. I hope I don't do it too much, but if I err on a side, too much is it.
@AaronHall Still a bit early for endorsements. ;-)
Try money @AaronHall. I'm sure Jon can be persuaded.
Rep chart of Sergey K., the 6th nominee. Hmm, about 2.5K drop. Wasn't bounties.
'nuff said
I don't have any money, but here's a kitten:
I'm violently allergic to cats.
@zaq ... that may not be what you think it is. Let me see if I can find what I suspect.
@JonEricson Missing out on some of life's greatest joys
Hives and coughing fits are life's greatest joys?
So far, there's only one candidate who got a comment from a CM:
> Andy's work around comment flags has been very impressive. I'm definitely curious to see what his thoughts on the mod queue are and if we could incorporate some of his work permanently on the site. Better identification of flags is something that would be very nice to have permanently. [bluefeet]
@JonEricson No snuggling a kitten is
Hmm, can't seem to find it @zaq. I seem to recall a large rep recalc due to a high profile user leaving. But maybe that's not the case.
@Magisch Right. That's what I was talking about too.
@JonEricson I mean if you didn't have the hives and coughing
Snuggling a small kitten is just so ... there is few things more enjoyable then that
You could improvise and use a puppy instead
There are 2 on the SO moderator team already ...
@Bart Even so, having 17% of reputation received from one user seems abnormal.
Although some tags may be like that.
c++ tag with a couple of active regulars. Might be legitimately possible. But it does look strange indeed.
@zaq That means nearly 1 in 5 upvotes generating rep at all (excluding accepts / edits) would have to have come from 1 person
0,85 of every 5 upvotes, to be exact
I asked the user to explain, if he cares to.
Meanwhile, Cerbrus is nominee #7.
Good nominee
P.s. @zaq The previous nominations of Sergey contain no mention in any of the comments of the rep drop. So still a mystery.
> There are a lot of other rooms on Stack Exchange, I'm a regular in a large number of them, but no longer your Python room. I think the Python room is an outlier in many respects. You get a lot of new and young programmers that are just starting to learn Python and how to interact on this site. I'm not going to insist or even ask that you change. But I think that there is a need for a diversity of rooms and that you cannot have a monopoly on the Python tag.
4 hours of nomination period, 2.5 viable candidates. Not bad.

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