Does this site look like an illegal SE scraper? It gives attribution to the users in the form of a link, and links to the original question, but doesn't state anywhere that it is licensed under CC-BY-SA
@ShadowWizard yeah, sorry 'bout that testing earlier
Pre-experiment stats
16,753 questions
8,376 without accepted answers
3,460 with no answers
2,830 with no answers and not closed
$\frac{13,923}{16,753} = 83.107\%$
19,299 answers
1,641 questions closed
1,124 closed as not a duplicate
517 duplicates
Basically, I will need to obtain all those stats under the pre-experiment label for a specific range of time.
And I can either spend two days learning enough SQL to write a query for all of them, or I could just bother Sha.
The experiment is over. Here are the stats, beautifully crafted with heavy MathJax with stats topping$^1$.
Here's my take. Nothing really changed where we worried about change. You can play with this SEDE query to compare$^2$. We didn't get an influx of stuff that didn't end up answered. We didn...