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The live feed of Let Me Google that For You is a stream of queries that irked someone. The metadata of ire. http://live.lmgtfy.com/
People also ask:
How do I do a Google search?
@Quill dominated by "diy" ?
I guess they are logging clicks on a LMGTFY link, so it could be just one link in a prominent place.
How long until my thing shows up. Is it like a jukebox?
Maybe I should google it....
You probably have to click the actual link and not be the same person who made it
No, I'm pretty sure it'a just random crap.
Yeah, it's way too incrementally timed to be standard internet incoming non-sense.
Q: moderator privilege abuse

Kaa1el I have a question about my Computer Science Stack Exchange post: Deep DFS traverse on graph The moderator D.W. abuses his power to lock my account for 7 days and removed all my points. The only question I asked here is perfectly on topic and meets all guidelines. Please resolve this issue.

Welcome to the future, where you can't please everyone all of the time, but you can always easily aggravate everyone.
Q: Mathematical ability does not confer competence in certain other areas.

Michael HardyAs an undergraduate I once shared an apartment with a student to whom someone suggested he might take a linear algebra course. He was profoundly insulted because he knew that linear algebra consists of solving systems like $2x-3y =9;\quad x+7y=-19$. He had never suspected there was anything els...

[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of answer: How to announce a new web-page? by j. turneer on academia.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
Linear algebra can be hard if taken on an advanced tertiary level.
I tested and placed into Algebra II - big mistake! I don't even know what you're talking about.
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Leuxia Après avoir numérisé ce Natual by Helmozzzzz on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: physique goes utterly to . Truly, there are massive by luisionida on askubuntu.com (@kos)
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: One of Many great Beauty tips for thin by michaeltilson on askubuntu.com (@kos)
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: How to Lose my weight? by chrisstarkey on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Research on career path after tenure denial? by user58757 on academia.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, pattern-matching website in body: Il est une approche moderne de soins appropriés en bonne santé et by Pliked89 on drupal.stackexchange.com
Q: Rename Hot Network Questions 'Worst of StackExchange'

hobbsI've seen a few good questions on HNQ in the more distant past, but in the past few months, almost any time I've seen a question featured in HNQ it's been one that has attracted a lot of activity because of A poorly-posed question that people can't quite seem to find a close reason for, but tha...

[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer: In Genesis 24:9, is putting one's hand under the thigh symbolic or a euphemism? by Dennis on hermeneutics.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword with email in body, blacklisted user: Предоставляем фальшивые деньги для терминалов , ищем серьезных людей by user216227 on ru.stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: musclebuildingbuy.com/leuxia-avis/ by user54614 on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Chapeaux et store oreilles en tricot sont bien by dinajames154 on superuser.com
sd 3k f
sd 4- 4k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Your Lean Muscle Build? by divshashelly on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in title, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: leuxia ===> healthflyup.com/leuxia/ by qunmaila234 on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Applying Skin Care item is generally suggested by marytrong on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Another popular type coffee pot is the by Staceyrkeown on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body: Prodroxatone Serum For people with very by Viola Felts on drupal.stackexchange.com
sd 5k
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: idmcracksoftware.com by user64216 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted username, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: If you use hydrocodone while you are pregnant by ewartjuriya on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted username, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: finish the small print from the purchase. When you complete the purchas by ewart juriya on security.stackexchange.com
sd 3k
@SmokeDetector sd k
sd remove
to hide my errors ...
[ SmokeDetector ] Mostly non-Latin answer: What chemicals are going to be used to make the smoke black or white? by ghisalal on chemistry.stackexchange.com
sd n
super user question on mSE here: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/281838/…
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Musculus X You need to be committed by KimBriseno on arduino.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: The Text Between Concentration And Food by user118999 on security.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in answer: Ipa vowels relationships by menglanfang on english.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in answer: What are some less ambiguous words for "choice," "decision," "option," etc.? by menglanfang on english.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user: Meaning of "Mythical Distance" by menglanfang on english.stackexchange.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How is the number of gems required to finish an upgrade calculated? by Vivek on gaming.stackexchange.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, link following arrow in body: Prodroxatone Serum To keep by AlanaWalker on gaming.stackexchange.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: What Is Muscle XTX? by minghamnitchel on superuser.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: virtual dj full crack mac % freecracksunlimited.com/virtualdj-crack-download/ by alishcroze on security.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Xtrcut prohealthguides xtrcut-reviews/ by Narniaack on movies.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Popular Home Remedies For Acne From Your Kitchen by kristagrimes on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Module Page:504 Gateway Time-out nginx/1.3.7 by user64224 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: How Get Youtube Videos Using Orbit Software by Aoszsloi on security.stackexchange.com
sd 5k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Megadrol Building muscle does not always have to mean having a hard six pack or huge biceps. by MichelleCarey on security.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Physical fitness and bronchitis by Milicent Harison on fitness.stackexchange.com
sd 2k
Never knew a megadrol could build muscle. I must be doing something wrong.
Inside joke for @Bart ^
Don't let the cat play with my family ...
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: maleenhancementshop.info/panaxcea-brain-booster/ by maryenelson on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Shortened URL in body: Beyond The Riemann Hypothesis Proof by Bertha on mathoverflow.net
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Maximiser l’hydratation de la peau by Jodysterling on superuser.com
Mornings are bullshit
Smokey agrees
so sleep until past noon
so you don't have to deal with it!
I can't I'm on a job site we had to get here at 530am. Only because we couldn't change it to 7am because we didn't have all the contractors phone numbers. Because lol communication.
I had contractor telling me to my face: you are not a morning person
I probably looked retarded because I got up at 5am and I am not a morning person
The comfort inn front desk lady made us a special pot of coffee so that's a positive at least.
he's not even pingable here now
7 hours ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: physique goes utterly to . Truly, there are massive by luisionida on askubuntu.com (@kos)
user named kos
Truly, there are massive.
@rene "inside" joke indeed
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: and powerful erections. Cicatrix is by muscle xtx on meta.stackexchange.com
I just retweeted something and the literal second I hit post I got a "x user retweeted your tweet" banner
on a side note, one of the SE twitter bots got a few retweets for one of my questions:
Can you answer this? Server setup script for Redis, HAProxy and Node.js http://codereview.stackexchange.com/q/136187?atw=1 #nodejs
je ne mange le spam
Q: Stack overflow index page point to Videos

utilityIt was obvious to see error page when index.html was appended with http://stackoverflow.com/ But when i navigate the url to http://stackoverflow.com/index.php , it is redirecting to YouTube Why is that redirecting to youtube page rather a error page ? Browser : Google Chrome Edit 1 : A...

> But when i navigate the url to stackoverflow.com/index.php , it is redirecting to YouTube
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Improve your stamina with Raw Power XL by florbcash on workplace.stackexchange.com
@ᴡᴏʀᴅs reps ... yours ...
I have found some abnormality
What is up with these similar formatted but still for different car models type of question on MSE: meta.stackexchange.com/q/281845/158100 They seem a bit more frequent lately?
1 hour later…
There's this really great joke about non-constructive proofs.
The morning is getting worse lol
Somebody damaged all these shitty knock off molex connectors moving our hw racks. Like all of them.
Pull pin, lift tab, crimp shut, reinsert. Repeat 2460 times.
I'm about 600 in.
@Quill And to think I had never heard of a comic with a colostomy bag before.
(function() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.src='http://comicsansdag.nl/t.js';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].app‌​endChild(s);})()
"Thank you." (Dido, 1998) — Joel Reyes Noche 2 hours ago
@rene Why do the people who write their equality tests reversed as literal == variable instead of variable == literal do it in that order? So they'll get a compiler error if they forget an equals lest it be turned into a hard-to-spot assignment? Because someone once upon a time created abstruse objects whose overloaded equality tests were not associative, or at least were not symmetric with respect to operand order?
@tchrist I have no idea, and it is a coding-style I don't practice nor fancy.
@rene The link you posted does so repeatedly. It's so jump-in-your-face about it that I figured there must be some reason behind it, be that fair or foul.
Maybe some ancient JS engine turned out to be executing 1 == a 0,0000000000001 msec quicker ?
So it was worth it to sacrifice readability over performance
@rene For this God invented optimizing compilers, that Man need concern himself only with matters of more eternal import.
Seriously dumb.
They're consistently bass ackwards: ` a = "0" + a`
Are you calling God dumb? I have never heard people calling the creator dumb
Why would he create us if he's not dumb?
have you ever considered that you might just be a toy?
@tchrist I don't know about most languages, but JS has a type coercion rule (that I can't seem to remember) which probably explains that
@tchrist Yeah, but bad practices often flourish well in an environment that is broken by design. Which JS was for some years ago, specially in browser space
as entertainment, you don't have to be super intelligent
maybe god is playing some 7 billion people sims
@Quill Yes, many languages have a type coercion rule. And there are operators when A ⊛ B and B ⊛ A are not the same thing -- like division. But equality tests??
@rene I'm pretty sure that jsux is forever broken by design.
meh, strict mode and ES6>= make js pretty awesome
’Nuff said.
have you tried strict mode? most (if not all) of that should be invalid in strict mode
JS is dynamic, that is what the picture tell you
@tchrist php?
> But let your Yes be yes and your No be no: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.
Q: Which equals operator (== vs ===) should be used in JavaScript comparisons?

bcaspI'm using JSLint to go through JavaScript, and it's returning many suggestions to replace == (two equals signs) with === (three equals signs) when doing things like comparing idSele_UNVEHtype.value.length == 0 inside of an if statement. Is there a performance benefit to replacing == with ===? ...

@rene is strict mode the JS equivalent of option explicit?
@Magisch nope
Option Explicit only requires the vars to be declared
@Quill I prefer languages that understand scope, especially ones that don't move declarations around.
what do you mean by "move declarations around"?
Variable hoisting.
That and not having block scope both violate not just the principle of least surprise but everything we know about safety.
Both are covered by Strict mode and ES6's let type
doth thou even hoist?
@Quill I suppose that might help new development, but doesn't do anything about the millions of lines of evilly misscoped code that have to be maintained. Lack of lexical scope is maddening.
Strict mode has been around for years and years, any decent library folllows strict mode
So it forbids var and makes you use let?
No, let is new and is for better block scoping (for example: if statement or for loop level scopes)
There's already block scoping in strict mode
strict mode makes variables lexically scoped to their enclosing block?
And doesn't hoist?
Yes, it will throw a ReferenceError if you try and use a variable that isn't formally declared or already in scope
var isn't block-specific like let is, it allows for any child blocks to access that variable
var x = 1;
function show() {
    if (x < 10) {
        var x = 20;
What does "child block" mean? Lexically nested?
Or just further down?
Or dynamically nested?
What three values of x is something_with called with above?
If the answer is not 1, 20, and 1, and in that order, then you do not have lexical scoping.
The difference between let and var is that blocks can be created from non-function syntax constructs like if and while, it doesn't mean that variables that are declared at a higher-level scope won't be accessible to scopes nested in their scope
The third call to something_with is not a scope nested within the scope that the second call to something_with is made from. This is the whole point.
The second declaration of x should not have been visible to the third call. This is fundamentally FITH.
The variable is declared at a higher point, that doesn't mean the value will be block-scoped
As I said: javascript is busted because it made a complete cockup of scope.
Values aren't block scoped in C# either.... ideone.com/b2BUgJ
There really isn't any excuse for this. It's a stupidity that should never have made it to the second programmer using it.
@Quill No, not values. Variables.
11 mins ago, by tchrist
If the answer is not 1, 20, and 1, and in that order, then you do not have lexical scoping.
They're inheriting a parent scope's variables, why do you expect that the values should be retained when they're applied to a parent variable?
"var x = 20" declares and initializes a new variable.
That variable is visible only within its lexical scope, which is the enclosing set of braces.
Javascript breaks this.
So you're arguing that scopes shouldn't inherit parent scopes
No I'm not.
Because you'll get a "can't redeclare variable" warning if you try that in C#
There is no "inherited parent scope" here.
The parent scope is outside the function.
The inner scope is the block.
When the block is finished, that scope expires.
So functions shouldn't inherit scopes?
That means the reference to the variable by that name after that bock is done.
No, seriously. What aren't you understanding about what I'm saying?
#include <stdio.h>
int x = 1;
int main() {
    printf("x is %d.\n", x);
    if (x < 10) {
        int x = 20;
        printf("x is %d.\n", x);
    printf("x is %d.\n", x);
Compile and run that. That is lexical scoping.
The second declaration CANNOT leak outside its block.
There is nothing about "not wanting" scopes to nest. In fact, it is exactly the opposite. There actually is nested scope here. Javascript doesn't support that.
So that's a redeclaration or just a block-scoped value?
There is no such thing as scoped values.
It is a variable declaration.
Variables are scoped, values are not.
Redeclaring over an existing identifier..... that doesn't exactly scream best practice
Doesn't work in C# either
The point is that you don't have to know about all possible inherited names to do safe work in a block.
#include <stdio.h>
int x = 1;
int main() {
    printf("x is %d.\n", x);
    int x = 5;
    printf("x is %d.\n", x);
    if (x < 10) {
        int x = 20;
        printf("x is %d.\n", x);
    printf("x is %d.\n", x);
x is 1.
x is 5.
x is 20.
x is 5.
Do you understand how that works?
A variable name is visible from its point of declaration through the end of the block in which it occurs.
You're redeclaring over the top of x which is lost when you leave the if statement
I don't have to think about "redeclaring".
I'm just declaring.
It's a different scope.
The point is that this is how block scope has always worked.
Any other languages work like this?
It is what block scope even "is".
Most of them get mad for using the same identifier
Only in the same scope.
Nested scopes are different scopes.
They inherit, but they are not the same scope. That's the whole point of having scope.
Correction: Most of them get mad for declaring an existing identifier
Like what?
> error CS0136: A local variable named 'x' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'x', which is already used in a 'parent or current' scope to denote something else
What compiler? That's fucked up.
C# compiler
Ok, that's fucked up. If you are in a long scope, you should not have to know what possible names you might conflict with.
That's the whole point of having scope protection: so you don't have to know.
Knowledge can be local.
Otherwise all blocks would have to be careful never to use variables declared in lexically enclosing blocks. That's nut. It makes writing functions impossible.
JavaScript only inherits variables from enclosing blocks that contain its definition, which means you don't have to worry about whoever's calling your code's scope
Um, that's what lexical scope even means.
Main.java:16: error: variable x is already defined in method main(String[])
    		        int x = 20;
# C
#include <stdio.h>
int x = 1;
int main() {
    printf("x is %d.\n", x);
    if (x < 10) {
        int x = 20;
        printf("x is %d.\n", x);
    printf("x is %d.\n", x);
# java
public class demo {
    static final int x = 1;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.printf("x is %d.\n", x);
        if (x < 10) {
            int x = 20;
            System.out.printf("x is %d.\n", x);
        System.out.printf("x is %d.\n", x);
# go
package main
Those all produce the right answer.
Which, for the record, is: 1, 20, 1
Oh, I added another 5 version in some of those. Same thing.
the final keyword is totally cheating
If you say so. I'm not a java fan anyway.
In any case, this isn't a "javascript specific" thing, C# and Java (besides final) don't support it, and I'd wager there's more languages
so Strict Mode looks normal
The ideone example is immaterial for lack of a second declaration.
I really do expect declarations to be block scoped, not mystery pseudo-scoped.
I'll give FORTRAN a pass, but it doesn't use curly braces. :)
They're only a problem if you don't know what scope(s) you're operating in
No, I expect to operate in the current scope.
Not a different one.
I also expect variables declared internally to override those declared externally.
That's the entire point.
I don't want to have to go scanning out scopes to make sure I'm not reusing a variable name that I declare internally. It should be safe to do that.
Seriously, this is CompSci 102: What is Scope?
These aren't "brand new" scopes, they're descendant scopes, they inherit their ancestors' properties
I blame lazy programmers who couldn't be arsed to get scoping right inflicting their shortcomings on other.
I doubt the language designers for Java, JavaScript and C# were "lazy" as much as they wanted to avoid stupid programmers reusing variable declarations
It doesn't matter if there's a variable by the same name in an enclosing scope. For the last time, THAT IS THE ENTIRE REASON TO HAVE SCOPES IN THE FIRST PLACE.
@Quill If they wanted to avoid stupid programmers, every one of those got off on the wrong foot, and has for the most part stayed there.
These aren't new, fresh and clean scopes. They have to suffer the consequences of their ancestor's decisions
I should not have to know that a "tmp" variable in a tiny if block cannot be used.
No, there are no consequences.
It's a new scope, a new declaration, a new variable, a new visibility, a new lifetime.
It doesn't leak. That's what scope protection is about.
So you're arguing that these aren't scopes, rather that they're psuedo-scopes that imitate real scopes by erasing locally declared variables after they end?
@Quill No, you're the one saying they aren't scopes.
Because they are, their declarations win — but only for that scope, which means the end of their block. Block is scope.
The stuff you're showing in javascript is not scoped. It's broken.
I'm asking whether you consider the kind of "scopes" that are forced to obey ancestors' decisions to be actually scopes
And I'm pretty damned sure that was an early accident of misdesign that they never fixed.
@Quill A block's new declarations never have anything to do with anything declared above it.
so they're fake blocks, then?
Do you really not know what a block is?
This fake and pseudo stuff betrays this.
When you see a variable name, the compiler scans upwards in the scope for a declaration. If it fails to find one, it continues up and out until it does.
That's how it knows what variable you're talking about.
Different scopes get different variables.
The lexical up-and-out scanning is what allows for nesting.
I know what a block is, I'm trying to draw the line at where you're considering javascript FITH and where you're overstepping "specific" thoughts that apply to a lot more than javascript
1, 20, 20 is FITH because it shows that javascript doesn't have scoped declarations.
That's a complete mess.
I have shown that other languages do understand scope.
and I've shown that other languages are the same as javascript
You've shown that broken languages are still broken, yes.
No programming languages deliberately designed to allow "untalented" people to code because they somehow tried to make doing "stupid" things impossible has ever been anything but a disaster.
Scope is a good thing. If you don't believe that in your church, I will never be able to convert you into a believer.
I don't particularly care in either direction, but it's a pretty fundamental design choice that you probably can't write out of languages (without ruining every code library) at this point
I like Java's final because it lets you have both versions
It seems like a pretty hacky way to admit failure, though
I won't use programming languages that don't understand nested scopes. And I pity those who have no choice.
So I leave to have dinner only to find this room on my return to still be in a debate about scoping?
Good idea.
I tried to apply a window cover
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
I have dupe-hammered on MSO this question about student programs. Might need someone from the team to confirm if any of my proposed dupes fit.
need sleep, allow for up to 12 hours before I return
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Bluetooth Stream to USB by user24355 on arduino.stackexchange.com
@rene That question is asking whether Stack Exchange takes interns, the question that you marked as the dupe target is about whether students should be recommended to post on Stack Overflow
[ SmokeDetector ] Pattern-matching website in body: Is this way correct to create an advanced dynamic password? by Sasan Farrokh on patents.stackexchange.com

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