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5:01 PM
@bob spammers normally don't respond to comments, accept answers, state something was useful. You have blacklisted a normal user IMHO.
3 mins ago, by bob
@MiceElf look at their other question also. seems that they're trying to get help with creating scam websites, while spamming said website
Maybe they must be linked to self-promotion in the help but that is about it
@rene question should still be deleted regardless, and even if it's not spam it's off-topic
@bob I'm capable of reading the transcript and judge the posts in that profile. I inform that I come to a different conclusion.
@bob But flagging as spam and trying to get more users to do so is evil.
Not entirely sure that's spam. Think it is indeed a user pointing to their site, saying "what's wrong with this"?
5:04 PM
A spam flag has severe consquences
@BradLarson um @rene @Undo what were you thinking?
just did a Google search, apparently they do spam but they do it discretely
@bluefeet about approving that edit?
5:07 PM
@rene yes
That is an helpful tag? It is the root cause of the issue
And as that posts now gets attention from users who think it is spam which I think it isn't I want to get that post in such a state that it will survive and the OP will not get spam flags on that post
@bluefeet is the issue settled or did I made a wrong turn somewhere?
Oh, for Pete's sake, he was spamming in comments, too?
5:23 PM
@BradLarson clever ....
@SmokeDetector ignore-
5:37 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, phone number detected in title: Microsoft Outlook 1800-213-2171 Tech Support Help Desk Number by J cort on askubuntu.com
I guess wrinkles
sd why?
@rene [:4061124] Title - Position 52-60: wrinkles
I win
5:44 PM
@SmokeDetector fpu-
6:12 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: How can bulletproof hosting be feasible? by Manumit on security.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector ignore-
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: VideoJS not working on mobile by muaz on stackoverflow.com
@bluefeet Seems like a helpful edit, relevant tag, on a probably-not-spam post.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Why can iron and dryer both make clothes with less wrinkles? by Tim on physics.stackexchange.com
6:35 PM
sd ignore-
Ah. My custom flag on that abusive user has been deemed helpful.
@bob both answers are
(Our rules-violating friend who was suspended earlier today. My custom flag was only about the edits, had not seen the other rules violations at the time I raised the flag).
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Why do the names of most chemical elements end with -um or -ium? by lof dira on chemistry.stackexchange.com
6:41 PM
actually, that whole question can be closed
@inɒzɘmɒЯ.A.M no strong correlation
....just hope those edit approvers are also looked at. Found 3 who approved, and all three have a long, long list of "Approve" in their reviews...
@SmokeDetector sd tpu-
That's spam
sd tpu-
7:00 PM
on Meta SO:
Q: What do we do with NAA answers which are accepted?

bobI was attempting to find an answer to another user's question when I came across this answer: I asked on the SOCVR chat whether it is considered NAA as it is the accepted answer, so it obviously helped the OP. The answer I got back was that it is indeed NAA, but: Doubt you would get a mod ...

7:18 PM
Good catch, Smokey.
@SmokeDetector Profile says "~6 people reached"....
I always thought that the "people reached" statistic was inflated, but this proves it.
Remember Google Sites?
@MiceElf Not really, actually.
8:33 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer, blacklisted user: Paragon NTFS for Mac 14 doesn't see NTFS disk (OS X 10.11 El Capitan) by Paragon Software Support on apple.stackexchange.com
sd ignore-
It's not the best answer, but as long as people self-disclose them selves, it isn't spam unless there's a pattern of solely linking / supporting. +1 since the answer here is specific as well as pointing out legitimate support options. — bmike ♦ 5 hours ago
@MiceElf User removed from blacklist (151013 on apple.stackexchange.com).
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in title: Why does YaST now show lines as lqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq? by tmsimont on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector fp-
8:42 PM
@DragonLordtheFiery [:4062175] Registered question as false positive, whitelisted user and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@SmokeDetector lq :p
9:00 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: Magma Cube Spawners in the Overworld? by Double D on gaming.stackexchange.com
9:51 PM
Anyone willing to undelete this positively scored question that was auto-deleted for unclear reasons? meta.stackexchange.com/q/256534/245360
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body: Delete this post irrelivant by Basic on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Few unique characters in body: How to modify string returned from super function by Basic on stackoverflow.com
Flagged that user
@PatrickHofman Voted to undelete. I guess the user was destroyed by an employee... no idea why. The post, though deleted two days ago, does not show up in recently deleted, meta.stackexchange.com/…
10:06 PM
Maybe someone was clicking too fast destroying a wave of spammers, and... you know...
In the not too distance past, SE's stance towards spammers have changed. Promotional posts became acceptable if the spammer discloses his interest.
Why did the attitude "I'm a proud spammer, chek out my stuff" suddenyl became acceptable?
Is SE planning to do *sponsored posts* and use that as a revenue vehicle?
Speaking of the devil,
@NickAlexeev Spam flags are handled by mods, not by SE employees. Unless we assume that mods are mind-controlled by employees, I imagine the perceived change is site-specific.
The article meta.stackexchange.com/help/promotion describes the SE position.
10:11 PM
@MiceElf [reading that ... ]
@mice thanks
11:02 PM
By Mikelo ([1]) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)], via Wikimedia Commons
I think that's my cousin.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: What answer for this qustion ?? by user278031 on math.stackexchange.com
11:17 PM
@SmokeDetector fp-
The link is to a logfile on pastebin.
Looks like someone fell asleep,
Q: What answer for this qustion ??

user278031a/a+b = 0.5 Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz more information for this answer for this questions

^ a = b, a != 0 -- boom algebra.
Nice, tagged calculus
@SmokeDetector anyone with edit privileges want to make that title more descriptive so that it doesn't read as an all-caps title? cc @DragonLordtheFiery
11:27 PM
@Cupcake Done.
Q: Windows 10 does not boot, fails with BSOD 0x7E SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED in ntfs.sys

Stephen CioffiI have been using Windows 10 for about three months now on my Lenovo T450s and all of a sudden out of nowhere I cannot boot my PC anymore. I recieve the following BSOD message: SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED (ntfs.sys) I have looked around the internet for any solutions to this problem...

@DragonLordtheFiery many thanks.
11:39 PM
@NickAlexeev there's actually a very long story about that, at least in regards to SO and classic MSO (before it was split into MSO vs MSE). cc @MiceElf
A: Limits for self promotion, round II

casperOneNo, I didn't decide to start deleting your answers out of nowhere. You had at least ten spam flags across those answers and I was processing those flags. Looking at them, yes, you did disclose that they were your product, but the links didn't seem integral to the answer provided; the answers lo...

The most recent entry to the saga,
Q: Is promoting one's own product always spam?

HappyCoderConsider this answer. The user seems to promote his/her own toolkit as a response to the question. Even the profile description of the user says that moderators have flagged/deleted posts in the past. How should one deal with such posts? Flag? If yes, then what? If not, what then? EDIT: Even ...

This is the oldest official response, I think,
A: Limits for self-promotion in answers

Jeff AtwoodThanks to everyone who participated in this dicussion, particularly Ira. Based on what we've decided in this question, I have updated the /faq on all sites to make it policy: May I promote products I am affiliated with here? The community generally frowns on overt self-promotion and ten...

11:43 PM
A rather dubious honor, having the FAQ updated in this way in response to your actions :P
Having chatrooms is probably SE's best strategy at fighting spams :p
Yeah, I guess so, lol
@SmokeDetector case in point.
sd tpu-
11:52 PM
sd why
@Cupcake [:4063015] Body - Position 370-377: adf.ly/
@SmokeDetector fp-
Considered as spam when used as a shortener, but API questions are okay.
Yeah, makes sense.
I figured that it was blacklisted because it was a shortener.
11:54 PM
Speaking of which...
Can goo.gl be added to the blacklist?
Interesting question.
The reason adf.ly and sh.st are blacklisted is not because they are shorteners, but because they pay users to plant links and display interstitial ads to those following them.
goo.gl bit.ly etc don't do that
11:56 PM
Might be worth adding those services to SD's blacklist though.
Depends on how many false positives we'll get.
If it's too many, then probably not such a good idea.
Perhaps, but we should research the usage first.
To SEDE it is then!
11:56 PM

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