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I wonder if spiders have a little newspaper called the Bug Report.
!xkcd alive?
@AstroCB Why, of course; SmokeDetector hasn't gotten to me yet.
@xkcdBot delete
Good enough.
.comment:not(:hover) .sctrls svg:not(.clkd)
aww yaaaaaaaas
lol this is sooo html here
cv-plz stackoverflow.com/q/30281831/3622940 makes no sense whatsoever
cv-plz stackoverflow.com/q/30283628/3622940 makes no sense either
there should be a no-nonsense clause in the help center...
sounds flawless
@Braiam inb4 equality for all
When you go to `data:text/html,<!DOCTYPE%20html><html><head><title>Output%20frame</title><style>body{background:#000}*{margin:0;max-width:100%;box-sizing:border-box}#canvas{-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;cursor:default}#console{height:100px;background:#111;color:#fff;overflow:auto;margin-top:8px}#console:empty{display:none}button{display:block}</style></head><body><canvas%20id="canvas"></canvas><div%20id="console"></div><script%20src="http://devdoodle.net/dev/canvas.js"></script><script>'use%20strict';try{this.eval("bg(255,%200,%200)")}catch(e){error(e)}</script></body></htm
(url is without the backpacks and I believe only works on webkit)
Oh, it's one of those weird inline things. Setting the canvas to display: block fixes it.
Morning all
Anyone happen to know if this would be a duplicate here?
Q: duplicate question review management

AlvarWhen you click on the close button on a question and select duplicate you can then search for a question and get a result list. If you select a question that is on hold/closed for being a duplicate you can then click that linked question (the question it was a duplicate of) and it opens. The pr...

OP requested migration, but I'm sure it has been brought up already.
When you try to close a question as a dupe and the proposed master is also a dupe clicking on the duplicate link within the close dialogue opens a new window/tab instead of updating the dialogue.
Trying to comprehend, but humidity has turned brain to mush.
Ahh I think I understand
@ɥʇǝS Yes, that's correct
@Braiam I was just summarizing the post so people didn't have to read the entire thing..
@JasonC I hate humidity.. it does that to you.
yeah, my comment is accurate, is a intended behavior, it should be a FR
I can't find anything and I don't know of any off the top of my head. In the worst case if it's migrated at least it sticks around on MSE until somebody does come up with a dupe (if one exists).
@JasonC if @Sha or @Astro want to spend their time reporting bugs that no one really cares about, that's their call. They should keep in mind two things however:
@Braiam true enough.
But isn't it too old to migrate?
1. No one cares very much about providing a good UX for suspended users. They're suspended.
@JasonC good point.
2. The rules for bots are the same as for people: if they make a nuisance of themselves, they lose privileges. And the rules for socks then apply to their owners...
@JasonC true enough. If you don't know off the top of your head that is usually a good thing. I gave up a long time ago trying to search meta by titles though..
@Astro @Shadow ^^^
sorry to interrupt Shog..
@ɥʇǝS Maybe see if the OP wants to just repost it on MSE, and they can make a note that they also posted it in the past on AU. It's been a long enough time that it doesn't really count as a cross post.
@Shog9 For some definitions of no one.
@Unihedron no one who matters
Well there goes the theory of the sunglasses protecting you from Shog's soul piercing stare..
@Shog9 All right then. It's the principle of it, to me. Nicael's suspension is effectively a joke, at least that's what we're teaching him. But if you see no issue then I will unhappily back down.
@Shog9 I turned it off; the backlash is too strong and it's not worth the effort.
@JasonC I agree.
@JasonC Also, since it's my weekend and you bothered me with this, you now have to deal with it yourself.
Oh, so making yourself an absolute pain in the butt and getting suspended for it is a joke? Interesting..
@Shog9 I didn't force you to reply during the weekend :P
And I'm not forcing you to kick @Astro if he turns his bot back on... Although I might badger you about it from my phone.
@JasonC, you can now remove Inf as a room owner, if you choose to do so.
Besides you know this is how you like to spend your weekends.
I can't kick anybody. I'm powerless.
strictly speaking, I made @Shog9 deal with this since I pinged him internally, but you know. not my fault.
Oh huh.
@Shog9 Or you could just poke people to make mobile chat less... mobile chat-y.
@AnnaLear so... who needs to code PHP for a whole week?
@hichris123 I like my way better.
@hichris123 ^ this is a thing that needs to happen
@AnnaLear Can we please have that bot?
@AnnaLear Thanks, you're awesome!
@hichris123 No, he should use a bot. You know, for the irony.
@Shog9 Out of curiosity, was nicael banned for abusing this one exploit, or has it been the string of borderline useless bugs and annoying exploits that led up to this?
Well now I have responsibility so I need to actually think about things.
@AstroCB that'd be something to have a conversation with him about in slightly less than a month.
@JasonC hey, you wanted to be an SO moderator.. ;P
@Shog9 Of course, you chocolate egg you.
@JasonC You actually don't have any responsibility because room owners are volunteers and volunteers aren't representatives, only stewards.
And no one really cares if stewards screw up.
I care!
Your caring is futile.
With great, narrowly scoped power comes moderate responsibility. To your comfort level.
Room ownership is a responsibility and people not caring about it has caused huge issues in chat before. Don't want that responsibility? remove yourself as room owner.
So, we now have two ROs who are anti-bot. I think I see where this is going...
I'm not anti-bot.
Nah, anti-useless-annoyances.
Unless it's xkcdBot.
I'm sick of people not taking responsibility seriously.. Both on the internet and in real life.
@ɥʇǝS You have no idea.
@ɥʇǝS we should make you responsible that they are responsible about their reponsibility
IRL I run a camp of 300 people at burning man every year. Oh the horrors. I can't even begin to explain.
Burning man? I can see where that might be... painful.
@ɥʇǝS Welcome to this world. :P
continues reading lintian changelog...
@JasonC #supportjasoncforxkcdbot
@Braiam but who would be responsible for me being responsible for their responsibility to their responsibility?
@ɥʇǝS Delegating responsibility in this case would be irresponsible.
^^^ lol
@Unihedron And such a better place it would be for some more responsibility..
Hey, no recursing.
Just when I recovered from the humidity you guys made my brain run out my ears again.
Get a better air conditioner.
@AnnaLear indeed. This is a dilemma.
or like me: get no air con
I live in an apartment with windows closed 24/7, no humidity problem \o/
@Unihedron ewww
Keep windows shut to prevent ventilation causing issues #LifeHack!!!
I have 4 air conditioners. Just put one back in the window today. It's cranking hard as of 5 minutes ago. Still waiting on its blessings.
I prefer to acclimate over relying on A/C but I had to make an exception. I couldn't take it.
It's so much more humid here than in CA
Plus $300+/mo electric bills suck.
@JasonC You don't have central A/C?
@JasonC Is this from moving to Caly from Ontario (I believe)?
@ɥʇǝS This is NYC. :P
Jason's in NYC?
Oh, huh. For some reason I thought he worked for Google in Mountain View.
My bad.
And I also thought he moved from Canada o_O
@ɥʇǝS Where's Caly? Cali?
Where did I get these ideas..
That's Jeremy.
I haven't seen an apartment with central A/C in 8 years.
Close, but not quite.
Yeah, NYC's humidity was nasty today.
@bjb568 South of Oregon. North of Baja Caly.
I don't have A/Cs yet (just moved into a new place) and it's rough.
Yeah I'm in NYC. It was just super hot this week and it rained the other day.
@ɥʇǝS Cow life or nye uh
@SmokeDetector fpu
y'all should just move to the Caribbean...
@hichris123 Registered question as false positive, whitelisted user and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
I don't work for Google, I'm freelance.
@Braiam Thanks.. but no thanks.
Honestly, I love the general area where I live but it's still hard because it can get too hot in the summer.. I hate heat.
@JasonC s/freelance/freelancing|a $1r/
I'm still giggling at "central A/C". This apartment is the first place I've lived in almost 10 years that I didn't have to build my own bathroom.
It's actually zoned residential. Score.
@JasonC Oooh! Does that mean you'll write my website for free? :D
@ɥʇǝS actually is hot all the time...
@Braiam I'd probably melt in a day or two..
@ɥʇǝS I don't do web stuff. What kind of barbarian do you think I am?
Should have checked your SO profile first ;)
anyway, I should probably try to get some things done.
I need a web site for myself badly, it's one of those things I've been thinking about every day for like 5 years.
Just make the Tavern do it.
yeah, we are a bunch of bored guys anyways...
Well I have to gather a lot of images if I'm going to go the portfolio route. That's the part I'm stumbling on.
And I have to actually remember what I've worked on.
@JasonC lol so true
@JasonC You could always model it off of this. (warning: contains copious amounts of profanity)
Predator-prey dynamics come to mind... if B(t) is the number of bots at time t, and O(t) is the number of room owners, then O'(t) = k B(t), and B'(t) = - r O(t), where both k and r are positive constants.
I didn't even build this website I'm using, I made my friend (no one was harmed) do it for me
@Doorknob Haha that's awesome.
@Unihedron I won't feel satisfied with my web site unless somebody is harmed in the process of making it.
Is your friend Stack Overflow?
@Doorknob I giggled
@JasonC Thinking is too hard. I don't do it and look where it's gotten me!
Unemployed, broke, and spending my Sunday talking to people in the Tavern.
It's pretty great.
Let's get you hired.
^ My maid quit last week.
BAM! You got a "job"
Hint hint.
@JasonC Your current SO profile is 50% like Careers.SO profile already.
Unemployed? Get a job! Boom, lifehack!
W: libvpx-doc: embedded-javascript-library usr/share/doc/libvpx-doc/html/jquery.js please use libjs-jquery
W: vpx-tools: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/vpxdec
W: vpx-tools: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/vpxenc
but, but... was lintian clean just now!
@JasonC "For your health." – Dr. Steve Brule
@AlexisKing Lol!
@Doorknob I opened that in IE5 because I can, and it didn't break
@JasonC I'm hoping that's sarcasm.
@hichris123 She really did quit though.
Got a real job.
Unlike some people. cough @AlexisKing cough
@JasonC You... had a maid. For a <1000sqft apartment.
In my defense she was like $7/hr.
@JasonC Do you mean to tell me I can't get a job in close-voting? D:
That's barely above minimum wage.
At least you could've had the kindness to make it more!
I gave her $12/hr usually. The 7 is what she asked for and I mostly quoted it for humor value.
Wait wait wait. So why did you have a maid in the first place?
It's a tiny apartment!
@JasonC parties hard.
Because I am all about paying $80/mo to have somebody clean my double-catted apartment for me.
All I need to do is round up an hour or two on an invoice and I'm covered. Not that I would do that.
That's the definition of laziness, @JasonC.
@JasonC After you finish your Lifehacks crusade, have you considered taking up the tag on Philosophy?
@AlexisKing No; you know, it's weird, but something about Philosophy makes total crap there seem completely called for and reasonable to me. As if it's where it naturally belongs.
Whoa Peter Hollens lives in Eugene?
@hichris123 In my defense the place is 1200 sq ft.
Why is it I find all the cool things about places after I was there..
I... actually just took the time to measure it. Sigh.
@JasonC Wow, somebody doesn't live in Los Altos.

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