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@Doorknob game link?
oh, there
I'm gonna have to run shortly, fyi
as in like right now. Cya!
awwww. But the game was so close to ending! :P
Meanwhile, I shall deliberate my next move... hmm. Debating between Bf7 and Nf7.
I hate boards with no numbers/letters on the side >.>
Use the bishop @Doorknob.
But don't take my word for it.
Yeah, that's what I was going to do. The knight isn't currently in any danger, and it'd be better to save it if possible
Is it fair if I give advice >:D
(bad or otherwise.. ;)
@Frank Nice, you're the first!
@Frank woot woot!
@Frank I hope drinking hemlock poison is optional.
I don't understand those badges.
you do realize you have the advantage right @Doorknob?
well, sorta.
I've asked 142 Questions, all of which have been upvoted
I just got "Curious" on SO an hour or two ago but I haven't asked a question there in over a week.
@ɥʇǝS Uhh... what?
if I can get some coordinates on the board..
@JasonC I haven't asked a q on GL in over a month (last one was Feb. 5 iirc)
I technically have a material advantage, but all my pieces are scrunched up in a corner, which is far worse.
so don't know why it was suddenly awarded.
Why is not capitalizing "I" so common in SE posts?
Is it that difficult to reach Shift?
Q: Should we change the positive asking record criteria for the Curious badge set?

Jon EricsonPoking around the people's profiles to see how the new activity page looks I keep seeing things like this: It looks strange to have a 25/5 progress on a badge, but the dialog explains that what this user is missing is a positive record of asking. The formula is: (total questions - negative qu...

@AstroCB i see that everywhere
people stupid n lazy
@AstroCB s/in SE posts/everywhere
I think that just happened
Oh maybe that's it.
@JasonC I know, but you'd think if you're trying to get some attention for your question, you'd at least put a little bit of effort to make it presentable.
@Doorknob BAH. Is there no way to get the coordinates to show up?
You'd think that, but keep dreaming.
oh I found it
beat 142 questions, all upvoted. None 0 voted. I didn't realize that til just now...
> I think that using a capital "i" in the middle of a sentence is obsolete. Please don't remove it from my posts. Or whatever, it's too hard to keep up with all you old-style-grammar people. :( -- scimonster
Fortunately it's one of the easier things to autofix when editing.
I like the honesty of his opinion, though, lol.
@Doorknob oh, your last move kind of messed it up.
err, move two moves ago.
<p>your browsers don't support this shit</p>
@SmokeDetector fp
@SmokeDetector fp fp fp
@SmokeDetector fp fp fp fp fp fp fp fp fp
ok I'll start digging the grave...
@SmokeDetector falsetrue
@JasonC Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
Lol wat
@JasonC hahaha
@Doorknob Move your king and you can do Rxg1#
@Frank You doubt me?
^ Yeah
> What is the difference between these math courses?... MAT120, MAT121, and MAT122. [school unknown]
I know
the last digit!
okay back
@Doorknob still around?
@Undo Smokey doesn't like it when you go away
poor thing
@Undo Kinda sorta
@Undo see above, he was falling asleep
Wanna be a dev at the CERN Accelerator Complex in Genève (think: Large Hadron Collider)? We've got you covered. https://careers.stackoverflow.com/jobs/83497/software-engineer-cern-european-organization
Hmm, does @Bart need a job?
yay inverted colors
that looks terrible
also, your move @Doorknob
Lets see if he does what I would >:)
Man, I'd forgotten how much I love this!
@hichris123 I want to hate the careers site but that looks like kind of a cool job.
Chess is great fun :D
@ɥʇǝS now I'm curious, what'd you do?
@JasonC Hey, relocation is offered. ;)
I see that...
@Woodface Yes, because you can declare an 800 year-old core language feature obsolete singlehandedly.
@Undo You mean what move I would make?
@ɥʇǝS yeah
It's a secret until after he moves :P
Oh :P
Dang, every point in that job is right up my alley, and I have every requirement, except I don't have a degree.
Stay in school, kids.
But not for too long. Ph.D may be overdoing it.
(he didn't see the clumsy open queen at the beginning)
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Problem in adding Lightning app to Salesforce 1 by Vandana on salesforce.stackexchange.com
Ha, I've never actually felt bad about dropping out of school until this very moment. I'll bbl, I'm going to go binge eat steak and bacon, chain smoke, then cry into my pillow for a while.
Really what it feels like is every hiring manager just stamping "must have piece of paper" on every job.
@Undo Sorry, at a restaurant with friends. I'll play you back later
@Doorknob ah okay, np :)
@Doorknob Are you playing online chess while you're out eating with friends?
More like DORKnob! HA HA HA!
I'm just kidding, that was mean.
It's been estimated that over 100K people die every day. You're lucky you only lost 25K views... — Shog9 ♦ 4 mins ago
More adventures with the idiotic piece of stats.
I brought mine down by ~20K by deleting one of my answers.
there should be some way to "fork" a chess game on these sites
@Woodface, you deleted a an answer that was worth 20K?
Reaching so many people is dangerous during the flu season.
@Woodface latest epidemic at skewl is coming to an end
Still waiting for the new design of Server Fault to show up.
4th one this winter…
hey, went over 900 with this game live.chess.com/live?v=2015022001#g=1094141098
login wall
bjb568@yrrl-5vnx:/root/DevDoodle$ mail bjb568
Subject: hi
bjb568@yrrl-5vnx:/root/DevDoodle$ mail
No mail for bjb568
Mail is impossible.
I will never be able to validate my SSL cert.
I can send mail to the outside world, but not receive it.
@JasonC Doorknob is an acronym of DorkNoob :P
@bjb568 You have all your ports open? 587?
Food still isn't here. I'm going to try figuring out my move now
@JasonC Looking… yas, open
MX records set correctly?
trying to get teh bullet chess rating up
Is it correct that list-type questions are generally frowned upon in SE?
Or does it depend upon context
@GregRos generally, yeah
cuz there is no best answer
it brings up a bunch of opinions.
> upon context
@bjb568 What's your email address? I'll send a test mail and check my server logs.
@JasonC probably ^
@JasonC bjb568@!awsomecatz.kewl
@JasonC bjb568 @ mewabsite . com
where me wabsite is DD and .com is not .com
@Doorknob You mean anagram, not acronym.
Entering "anagram" into Google brings up an Easter egg, btw.
> .com is not .com
@Doorknob u suffar much
@AndrewT. Whaddya mean, 'wut'? Humans...
@AndrewT. yes, .net
> No mail for bjb568
furevar alooooooone :(
There was also "picklish" in the first version of the username. An anagram of... "Lick Hips"??
a kewl kitteh!
@bjb568 Connection refused to port 25 when submitting mail.
DNS looks fine, btw.
maybe other firewall? i dunno
@bjb568 Nope, can't connect. Ask your ISP if they block it.
I really doubt it, I got it working on another service.
@Shog9 may i know the reason for deletion of this question?
Well I definitely can't connect to your port 25, but you are reachable, I can connect to your SSH port. You can also test at canyouseeme.org if you don't want to believe me.
Maybe like Andrew says; do you have another firewall interfering?
@AvinashRaj extremely poor quality
Given they have this article, probably not mediatemple
@JasonC I can't connect either.
@JasonC IDK… :P
I don't recall anything like that.
Oh wait, maybe I borked something like iptables or whatever it was.
I was screwing with it before.
@bjb568 That article is odd; the way I read it they're describing the opposite and saying that they don't block outgoing connections from you to SMTP servers elsewhere (which seems like a misguided attempt at keeping their customers from sending spam).
But I'm also hungry.
that's relevant.
I essentially copy pasted unix.stackexchange.com/q/13755/77768 so now iptables isn't a problem
"I know, I'll copy-paste from Stack Exchange..."
Can you telnet to your port 25 locally, from behind your firewall?
Try both from the server itself and from another machine on your lan.
bjb568@yrrl-5vnx:/root/DevDoodle$ telnet localhost 25
Trying ::1...
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.devdoodle.net ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
On server seems to work.
Don't have another server on lan.
@bjb568 sudo lsof -i :25?
What about the firewall in your router?
@bjb568 it's hearing the localhost, it doesn't mean that is hearing the ethernet interface
port forwarding?
@AndrewT. I prefer testing a layer at time
from inside out
@bjb568 If you can find another machine on your lan to test with that's the next best step to narrowing it down. How about your phone, on wifi, with a telnet app?
@Braiam point taken, since I never handle network administration actually :)
bjb568@yrrl-5vnx:/root/DevDoodle$ telnet devdoodle.net 25
telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
@Braiam yer rit
is that your real ip?
bjb568@yrrl-5vnx:/root/DevDoodle$ sudo lsof -i :25
master   3633    root   12u  IPv4 3532693945      0t0  TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN)
master   3633    root   13u  IPv6 3532693946      0t0  TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN)
smtpd   20730 postfix    6u  IPv4 3532693945      0t0  TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN)
smtpd   20730 postfix    7u  IPv6 3532693946      0t0  TCP localhost:smtp (LISTEN)
@Braiam ^
@Braiam DD's
@bjb568 That doesn't add info, we already knew it couldn't happen from the outside, and unless your router has hairpin routing, it went out then back in.
@JasonC IDK, it's not user configurable
@AndrewT. I don't think I'm doing that
@JasonC How would that help?
@bjb568 is only listening on localhost....
@bjb568 They're all bound to localhost, not to * or any specific interface.
Check your mail server configuration.
@JasonC looks like words and colors
@bjb568 what are you using?
@bjb568 Because that will tell you if it's listening on that interface, without any added possibility of problems from routers, ISPs, or anything outside. But, given your lsof output, not necessary now.
@Braiam teh postfix
upload a sanitized copy of your /etc/postfix/master.cf
@bjb568 In your config file what is inet_interfaces and smtp_bind_address (if specified) set to?
Oh, there's a master thing too?
much complicate!
@bjb568 inet_interfaces = localhost set it to all for now.
Line 42 in the pastebin.
> inet_interfaces = localhost
then systemctl postfix restart or however is supposed to restart
postfix is quite powerful but dainty
@Undo Sorry, the food arrived literally just as I sent that message :P
bjb568@yrrl-5vnx:/root/DevDoodle$ telnet devdoodle.net 25
Connected to devdoodle.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 mail.devdoodle.net ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
yay better
It works now; mail sent.
Appears to be telnet-able on 587, but not 25 from my laptop
mail retrieved...?
No mail for bjb568
Your turn. My friend tried to help but the only advice he had was "move the pawn" which would achieve... absolutely nothing
My server was happy sending it; did you get it?
And I can telnet no problem.
Didn't get anything.
Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-03-19 21:27 AST
Nmap scan report for devdoodle.net (
Host is up (0.14s latency).
25/tcp filtered smtp
my email didn't get bounced
@bjb568 We're a step farther. This time it got bounced by your server with unknown recipient. bjb568@, correct?
3 relevant xkcds for this, must be hard for everyone.
@JasonC yah
you can try admin or support or root too
<[email protected]>: host mail.removed.net[removed] said: 550 5.1.1 <[email protected]>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table (in reply to RCPT TO command)
welp, bounced, in the end
translation: when I asked postfix for bjb, he said such person doesn't exist
Sort of... I think there's more to that error than the standard unknown recipient.
Does your server actually have a login account named bjb568?
Does there need to be anything in /etc/postfix/virtual? It's empty now.
> This happens if you've set up some email addresses for a domain in the control panel, but the domain itself isn't actually using our mail servers.
@AndrewT. quotesource?
Same deal with admin, server, root.
it's from here, maybe not related
No, the domain mail servers are correct.
searching for "virtual alias table [RCPT_TO]"
@AndrewT. probably not, esp because SE clone
with worse design than SE
haha, look how far I played this before he resigned... live.chess.com/live?v=2015022001#g=1094172245
@Frank login wall
@bjb568 Try adding a line [email protected] bjb568 to your virtual file.
> 550 5.1.1 Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table;
This is the bounce back message that is received by the sender from our server if the destination email address does not exist.
The same error message is received if the recipient has a mail loop. That is, if the recipient has set a forward to another email address and that email address is forwarded back to the original one. In this case, you need to remove the loop in order to receive the emails.
If there is a forward set for an account, and an email is sent to that account, if for some reason the forwarded email
Then restart. Let me know when you did that and I'll test again.
@JasonC like, replacing removed?
time to install postfix.... no
Yeah with your real domain.
I'm trying to save you some spam here, lol.
@JasonC ok
!se User unknown in virtual alias table
@SmokeDetector fp lol
@Woodface Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@bjb568 Hm, same problem. That was my best guess, from postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html#virtual_alias. You should read the postfix manual. Sounds like you have some sort of virtual host thing set up or something that you aren't aware of.
Especially if you copied the config file from somebody else's setup.
@JasonC oh noes
maybe http://superuser.com/questions/743769/recipient-address-rejected-user-unknown-in-virtual-mailbox-table-when-sending
related http://serverfault.com/questions/179419/postfix-recipient-address-rejected-user-unknown-in-local-recipient-table
@bjb568 Do you have a file named /etc/aliases?
# See man 5 aliases for format
postmaster:    root
@JasonC yas ^
@JasonC send the mail to [email protected]
In your master.cf file set myhostname to devdoodle.net, not mail.devdoodle.net.
Then restart and I'll test again.
> The solution, as explained b techieb0y, is to remove $mydomain from the line:

mydestination = $mydomain, localhost.$mydomain, localhost
you need the opposite
Nevermind follow Braiam's suggestion, I may have misinterpreted myhostname, I'm just guessing at this point. I'll try Braiam's test right now.
> This line tells postfix that any messages sent to $mydomain are to be received and stored on this server. That's not what I want (what you want), I want those messages to be sent to the actual mailserver for example.com.
sounds complifusing
@Braiam that won't work, there's no dns entry for devdoodle.
@bjb568 did you just copy your postfix config file from somewhere? Why not start from scratch and follow e.g. linux.com/learn/tutorials/… or similar.
@JasonC I followed a tutorial
@bjb568 change myorigin = devdoodle.net to myorigin = $mydomain
echo "bjb568: bjb568" >> /etc/aliases
postalias /etc/aliases
Oh yeah wait I'm going to try sending to postmaster, see if it arrives at the root@ address.
@Braiam huh… permission denied
@SmokeDetector fp
@Braiam I think he's got "virtual aliases" configured, based on what I'm reading, but I'm not sure. Meaning it'd go in virtual.
@Woodface Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
well, at least postfix is responding.. so we have progressed
@JasonC he has alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
and alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
@bjb568 what postfix logs say about the mails it tries to deliver?
@Braiam does that mean override file with or something?
@bjb568 Try commenting out those virtual_alias_* lines at the end of your config file, restarting, and then modifying /etc/aliases and running postalias as Braiam suggests, and possibly restarting again.
@Braiam Yeah but he also has virtual_alias_maps.
ok... lets see where I saw that postfix configurator...
@Braiam can't find logs, not in places wabernat says is default
haha @Doorknob did what I was going to!
In any case try without the virtual_alias lines, even if you can't modify /etc/aliases for whatever reason.
Then we can at least try postmaster@ and root@
@JasonC he can't because he isn't root
I haz may root
@JasonC k
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: I Dont Know The Title Of This Cases . . by Pratomo Asta Nugraha on superuser.com
@JasonC can modify /etc/aliases with vim
@SmokeDetector i detected ur moms offensive body
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "questions"
@SmokeDetector fp
@JasonC Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.

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