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So far, the design is really slick. Too bad I feel slowdown in all actions due to lag caused by animation. But the upgrade is worthy.
Anyway... 'night!
inb4 meanie will avoid avoid trains due to @cVplZ's joke
Do you agree with the NAAs?
Moved all my routers and stuff into a closet. Drilled holes in wall, etc >:D
All of them will be declined by mods @bjb568, not even a single flag will be helpful
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: MPU6050 I2C PIC18F458 by Ahmad on electronics.stackexchange.com
That's nice, now your room is more organized. Good job.
@InfiniteRecursion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
@Undo A closet?
@Undo You did it exactly backwards:
Sidenote: totally need gigabit ethernet connecting the computers I have.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: REGARDING THE NEEDS OF OUR PROJECT by Kiran kumar on patents.stackexchange.com
Sidenote: totally need to clear the stuff so I actually have space on my bed to sleep in
@SmokeDetector Well then.
Those answers attempt to answer the question, and can be salvaged by copying stuff from those links. All of them are highly upvoted, and therefore NAA flags will be declined. Please don't flag them @bjb568.
@SmokeDetector Offensive
@Rafflesiaarnoldii if only I had a 3d shredder to shred the things I didn't need at the moment and a 3d printer to print things when I needed them
oh shit... I just gave you guys my 3d shredder idea that i just came up with..
Idea is not enough, please send us 3d shredders as gifts @cVplZ
@cVplZ don't worry, we are expecting first the thing that allows us to punch others face through the internet, yours can wait
Yes, a download link to 3d-printable 3d-shredder, please.
I still have three Inbox invites to give out. As always, email me if you want one.
Ok, I won't repeat my cv-request anymore :(
@InfiniteRecursion already voted..
Thanks @TGMCians
... wow
Also: CloudFlare's status page has an invalid SSL cert. Oops. cloudflarestatus.com
@hichris123 Hey, anything wrong with that?
More of a utility room, I guess
@Undo It's a closet. It feels less loved if you're stuffing it somewhere. And besides, what if stuff gets thrown in and it breaks the router?
It's on a shelf >:D
^ This used to be on my counter :(
@Undo Is that one of those MacPort or whatever things that Apple has?
Time Capsule, router with 3T disk in it that everything in the house backs up to. And it kinda just works, that's the best part.
@Undo Ah.
The white thing is the Apple thing, the squat silver box is a boring modem
On the other side of the wall is the counter. We had to run the phone line from the counter wall through the hole into the modem, then run a line out of the modem, back though the hole, to the phone. Yay for DSL :P
Also, we have an insane number of Ethernet cables. I thought we'd run out eventually, but there's always one more in the Big Cable Box :P
@Undo DSL? Ugh.
We have a separate cable for internet, and our home phone is VoIP.
Could be. Doesn't necessarily have to be a problem
Ewwwww; what is that smell? Do I smell.... humans?
Yes, suspicious sock profiles use glass avatars.
I'm a human-like 2d creature, so nope
@InfiniteRecursion then fix them
I will neither flag them, nor fix them @bjb568. I will opt for the third option - ignore them.
Don't judge profiles by their avatar @InfiniteRecursion. So glassist of you.
Then don't use your selfies for your sock accounts @Bart. So predictable of you.
Do they still count as selfies if they are taken by my imaginary friends @InfiniteRecursion?
Apart from a picture of a pretty girl, all other images count as selfies @Bart
If you disagree, please cv that post as POB :D
You can't tell me what to do. You're not my mom!
Hi :(
Well, that escalated quickly.
@hichris123 see now

Proposed Q&A site for people who are interested in the world wide web and the interweb, internet chronology, its aspects, the usage of search engines and everything of the internet.

Currently in definition.

@TGMCians Thanks. :)
@Bart Boo, I scared you.
I ran out of words again...so I left. Told you, I run out of words only in the tavern.
Tavern 1 - Duck 0
Tavern 1 - Duck 2
I get points for scaring you :P
I see ...
... without eyes
I see my Facebook privacy settings need to be more strict ...
Eeek, that's so ugly!
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: MPU6050 I2C PIC18F458 by Ahmad on electronics.stackexchange.com
Somehow, that pretty girl post is not getting cv's :/
Why does it need to be closed?
Because it's POB
Meh, bit of a stretch.
Disagreed with closure.
Also, it is on a topic likely to get more views and expire out cv's quickly
I know bjb, that's why I didn't poke you
Thanks, can still be closed from the post.
Ok, I give up...apparently all taverners disagree.
@hichris123 you can start posting cv requests...
still have 40+ votes left.
@Inf it starts a discussion... Isn't that what Meta was for?
@Uni Oh you are still around
@hichris123 webapps?
@hichris123 data.se?
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
Yeah pings still wake me up.
Yes uni, a discussion about if a pretty girls pic gets more answers...if backed up by any data is a constructive discussion. In it's present form, it can only be answered based on opinions
> deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted
why ?
> deleted by owner 10 mins ago
Because it's a discussion worthy of Meta. Let the guys on MSO discuss it without my rant.
That is what meta is for.
> it starts a discussion... Isn't that what Meta was for?
I guess you're right on that matter. Right now it's pretty unconstructive, but is it really unanswerable? The Meta OT reason is 'this question does not appear to seek discussion from the community ' - POB seems to be heavy on this question
But for the sake of gender neutrality...
Ok Bye. It's 2:15 am here and I think 4:00 am for you @Unihedron. sleep well
Yep 4.46
@InfiniteRecursion Closed.
Oh, nvm.
^ Another user suggesting irrelevant tags for a bunch of posts.
Please tell me [multi-device-hybrid-apps] isn't a real tag.
... oh goodness.
umm... why does this tag excerpt reeks of self promotion? stackoverflow.com/posts/26878331/revisions
He's a Microsoft dev.
@Braiam there is a meta post now meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276911/…
I invited that user to visit that question
The user is actively commenting now on the meta post @hichris123
> You want to get hit and go or just go?
@SmokeDetector delete
^ removed by the author who had an epiphany.
Is there an SO mod available for this meta post: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/276911/…
I'll need something either be synomized or renamed... :(
Not sure what is best....
This synonym should be approved I guess: stackoverflow.com/tags/visual-studio-cordova/synonyms
@animuson if you're around can you please have a look at that ^^^^^
You would expect @Bart should know better by now: stackoverflow.com/questions/26951283/dice-battle-game
Back from work...
What is this I don't even meta.stackexchange.com/a/243658
I decided it's a broken spambot, flagged as spam.
I agree
flagged, gone
Daily quote...
> Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
A cat stole bart's glasses?
@Sam that's not politics, but politicians
@Braiam No; politicians aren't an art...

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