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4:00 PM
@InfiniteRecursion don't troll yourself... #justsaying..
I wrote it on my MSE profile, where I am free to write anything about myself, if you have a problem, please report my profile.
~hides again
@Unihedron am I the only one here who has not a stuff to do about SE stuffs?
@InfiniteRecursion GUESS! GUESS WHAT!
@Ahmad WHAT?
4:00 PM
/me hides
Thanks @Vogel612'sShadow, after 5 pings from the same person, I decided to respond. If he is soooooo interested...
How would I know? Do your own research. Though my best bet is that Gram doesn't. looks around
@Unihedron sorry I meant @Vogel612'sShadow you're stfw type, I forgot it
@Ahmad Why would you want to stay away from SE stuff if you're on META?
There's no escape!
@Ahmad no it's just that I am usually trying to teach people how to fish..
and not just give them a fish so they starve the next day.
4:02 PM
so long and thanks for all the fish
and if you got a problem with that...
If you give a man fire, you can keep him warm for a night, but if you set a man on fire, you can keep him warm for the rest of his life.
well I don't care, so get over with it or don't
and code.
4:02 PM
@Vogel612'sShadow Am I? you all are busy with SE stuffs right?
@Vogel612'sShadow I came here out of curious, and still I am figuring out what is it!
@Ahmad you know what? I don't understand what you're getting at..
Low Quality A (100%): Please guide me how to add jquery in Page Vi..., by Sunil Jain, on sharepoint.stackexchange.com.
@Ahmad Ok I have to ask, WHAT are you trying to figure out? The Tavern?
@Vogel612'sShadow I don;t understand what you mean by getting at? you don't understand what I mean? I mean I am here by mistake if I have nothing with SE stuff?
@Ahmad no you're fine here..
4:05 PM
we're not talking about SE stuff only here.
but SE stuff is the topic of this room
You know cause I feel maybe its a working place
so if you don't talk about SE stuff be prepared to get flagged or ignored (which is better for you)
@JasonC Yes, the Traven
@Ahmad IT'S JUST A FUCKING CHAT ROOM! And it's meta.se's main chat room, and so the topic is officially that. It's also people that like to come here and associate with others in a chat room. Just like any other chat room. There are tons of other chat rooms too if you find one you like better. There's also chat rooms on the other SE sites.
4:07 PM
@Vogel612'sShadow oooops! I've heared westerners are direct people, you just said you are fine here, now you say about flagging, which I should beleive?
Instead of banging your head on the wall trying to figure it out just observe for a while until you pick it up. This strategy works for everybody else.
@Ahmad you want me to be direct?? okay here's direct: YOU ARE ANNOYING ME
@Vogel612'sShadow thank you
Then please be direct, it waste less time
I really wondered what I have heared about Westerners
@Ahmad Also, for some background, meta.se didn't used to have this room. A while ago SO's meta was also kind of accidentally the main SE meta; then there was a big effort to split the two apart. So a lot of users here are SO-oriented because they came from when the Tavern was on SO, and stuck around after the split because it was familiar.
oh the wonderful silence of javascript magic
4:11 PM
@Vogel612'sShadow sharing is caring
@Unihedron click user profile and then "hide posts"
I remember why I originally came here, it was @InfiniteRecursion comment on my post, men you even dont accept your written rules
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HOW UPDATE GALAXY S3 by mahib on android.stackexchange.com
@Vogel612'sShadow oh.
You know I had some posted, I expected that I am in a fair and unbiased community when everything is reasonable, but really the votter manner is inconsistent, also it was about a similar reasoning with my post which had high up votes
I know I had mistakes and learnt much but it wasn't all
sometimes I see my efforts in vein, I don;t see consistent behaviour of voters
4:16 PM
@Ahmad Your complaints are received poorly because they are the same old complaints that have been discussed too many times in the past, and the resolution is for you to either stick around more to appreciate how this community works (you can only learn by observation) or to find a different community.
New complaints on that topic will never be well received and it would be a much better strategy for you to search around on the metas to find preexisting conversations and observe what has already been discussed. Either that or just chill out.
check the second post for this meta.stackexchange.com/questions/9508/…, it says the same I said but have up-votes why?
Second answer
@Ahmad second? which sorting mode? it looks sadistic to me
@Ahmad If you support that guys idea then upvote it and maybe leave a nice comment. Don't just keep posting the same stuff that has already been discussed; if you do this your posts will not be well received.
Also, that guy has a much more positive and objective tone in his post. Since English is not your first language you might not quite understand your tone. You may be misunderstood. This is understandable and there's not much that can be done about it, unfortunately.
@Unihedron soriting on populirity it has 104... After tinkering way too much, I've come to the opinion that there's no great reason for down-voting a question.
@Ahmad what's popularity? you mean active? I'm sorting by votes.
4:22 PM
@Unihedron are you kidding? sftw and also be a bit smart
@Unihedron sorry I really I am not that stuff
@Unihedron votes, thank you for the lesson
@Ahmad I do realize. You're also attempting to insult me without a particular good cause. Now please find out which sorting mode you're on so I can realize which answer you're looking at. THANK YOU.
@Unihedron votes, votes, isn't it default sorting?
@Unihedron I call upon javascript magic
4:24 PM
Low Quality A (100%): Thank you for the answer. Regards, DC..., by DCr1s2n, on unix.stackexchange.com.
@Ahmad NO
@Ahmad Let me ask you a question that may shed some light on why you are getting poor responses to your complaints: Why, in your honest opinion, are we still having this discussion with you?
Sorry, perm-ignored. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I'm ever ignoring a user.
@JasonC My problem is that actually
[ SmokeDetector ] Phone number detected: +91-9950211818 job problem solution by tulsimata68 on english.stackexchange.com
4:26 PM
@JasonC yes I am not native and also new to the site, I don't know I face people who don't care these and are objective or subjective
@SmokeDetector -7 and still no boom?
@Unihedron I can't believe it took you this long. Was on ignore since Day 1.
@justabrickinthewall I guess I'm not really a wizard, then.
72 seconds
@JasonC you see, That post had high up-voted, isn't it inconsistent?
It seems I just must learn how to predict people and how say something they understand, right?
4:28 PM
he reminds me of zigi...
@Ahmad the first is wrong, the second is correct
What? I kind of miss zigi. At least they would mourn for their own loss.
@Ahmad Then keep those both in mind. You are not a native English speaker, and you are new to the site. These are (temporary) weaknesses that you have, which is OK. This means that posting complaints to the site is not the best strategy for you. Your feelings about it are valid, but you will need to find a strategy that takes advantage of your strengths. For now, that strategy might simply be to observe and read existing commentary, rather than attempting to start new conversations.
4:30 PM
@Ahmad Learning to say things that people understand, and trying to judge reactions ahead of time, are both useful general skills in my opinion, yes. It's not the only strategy, but it does make for good communication.
@JasonC all things you said are right, but you didn't explicity described the different votes for mine and that post, also there are other examples, I said something from the site but yet get down-voted, if it continues gradually I may loose my faith, however I admit I must learn yet
@JasonC I can do it, but really it wasn't what I expected form SE
@Ahmad I don't feel the need to explicitly describe why the votes are different. My own feelings are that it does not matter. Please recognize that you are the one that feels the need to have those reasons defined. I can't define them. I don't know. For all I know they were random. Also, whether or not you lose your faith is not my concern and is none of my business. These are all things that are only up to you.
Low Quality A (100%): YOUR MUM YOUR MUM YOUR MOTHER mumumumumumumu..., by YOU MUM, on english.stackexchange.com.
4:34 PM
Sorry @Pham, forgot to include you into pinging regex...
@Ahmad If what you see is not what you expected, then that's all there is to it. It wasn't what you expected - oh well! If you still like it, stick around. If you don't like it, either leave or try to make a change. BUT, "trying to make a change" will only be effective if you're willing to do the things we are talking about (communication, research prior conversations, stay open minded), otherwise it's just complaining. Get it? Those are your three options, really.
@JasonC You are a more expereinced one, what is your advice, to wait more and finally get understood and understand or Its just the SE, and you admit that is not that ideal I may imagine?
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(C++) by Sai Sankalp on codereview.stackexchange.com
@Ahmad Inf already told you. Stick around and use the software. Get experienced.
@Ahmad My advice is to wait more and gain more experience. Then make your own decision about whether you like it or not. You're allowed to feel however you want about it.
4:37 PM
@JasonC I have good faith, cause its a respected and famous site, with millions of people and probability says they are not biased, hope to keep that faith
@SmokeDetector I consider this spam...
@JasonC Howerver I already learnt there are tricks on asking questions, however I don;t like but I also have learned to used them
It affacts highly how to approach the same problem
@SmokeDetector true
@Unihedron Registered as true positive: added title to Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@Vogel612'sShadow I don't. Looks like the guy honestly wanted to share his code, and did this in a wrong place.
4:40 PM
@justabrickinthewall nope.. honest code-sharers don't link to youtube
@justabrickinthewall The video has been spammed on various places on the internet.
OK Thank you all, CYA I hope
has been tpa'd by mod... down at -4
@Vogel612'sShadow deleted
Ah, so Youtube is not a code sharing service? My bad.
4:41 PM
It also includes the posters' email on the video, obvious phishing.
@justabrickinthewall Huh?
@Pham SmokeDetector posts ping me automatically, but yours don't (yet); working to add them.
@justabrickinthewall You have a userscript?
Bye !
@Ahmad bye
4:42 PM
Spam Q (100%): 1-855-205-0915 Norton Antivirus Tech Support Toll Free Number USA, by john brown, on travel.stackexchange.com.
@Unihedron a simple bookmarklet, for now. I'll see how it works before making it a full-fledged script.
@justabrickinthewall Thanks :)
@justabrickinthewall Oh, kk.
I'm outta here for today ;)
@Unihedron We need more questions. When we get good ones and it hits the hot questions list, we get good answers. The problem seems ot be the lack of questions
4:45 PM
I gotta go sleep as well :)
::poof:: / Toodles!
@Andy I gotta ask something then :P
Later! (procrastination ftw)
@ProgramFOX thanks, see you later!
Spam gone.
@Ahmad everybody is free to vote as they wish too, I am really not answerable on behalf of the community
4:47 PM
@Unihedron huh? I said "cya" to Vogel612's Shadow...
@ProgramFOX Whatever.
@Vogel612'sShadow, you shouted too? O_o
@Ahmad Later!
@SterlingArcher The cup trick is not as easy as it looks.
oh guys i think you did not see web version of inbox
missing something
it is looking awesome
It will take practice. The cup doesn't naturally separate the skin from the fruit, it's still a cut, so you have to balance between wasting fruit and cutting through the skin.
4:50 PM
Oh, the starboard's been wiped, again...
anyone want to see how it looks ?
@Unihedron UR @Inf
@TGMCians I clicked the "email for invite link", which opened GMail (my email), in Chrome (my browser), and somehow managed to not fill in the "To" address. Yay Google quality.
Same here. Ugh.
4:53 PM
I'm not going to try Inbox until it exists for longer than Google Wave did.
@JasonC it will work when you get invitation from google
I'm not going to bother. I'm using mailbox for mac.
wait sharing one more screen
I'm still pissed at Google about the crappy gmail compose interface, and features slowly being sucked out of Android Maps with every update.
@TGMCians Blech, what a terrible waste of screen real estate. So much whitespace.
4:56 PM
@JasonC And. Youtube. For. iPad. What horrors.
@JasonC Yup. And that's not a very big screen…
The icons look awful too.
@bjb568 Oh I know. I don't even use the mobile app on the iPad, I just go for the web site. I think they just forgot the app existed.
I don't know what they're trying to do with color, its all inconsistent.
@JasonC no. there is nothing spam there
in Low Quality Posts HQ, 26 secs ago, by Pham
Low Quality Q (29.2%): Help!! Me!! I hate the new Gmail System!, by Anonymous, on webapps.stackexchange.com.
@JasonC But they updated it… 4 times… worse each time…
4:57 PM
^ lol
@Sam "+1. This question appears to be a sign from the universe."
@TGMCians That red plus sign doesn't tell me what it does either.
@bjb568 It means "add spam".
@bjb568 compose mail
they are making same as like android app
nice ^
@TGMCians Is that… G+?
4:59 PM
they updated it
@TGMCians No, the android app has an envelope with a plus sign next to it, which makes at least somewhat more sense.
@TGMCians Yes, but those things, are they from G+? They look like G+.
@TGMCians My Gmail inbox looks the same as before.
5:00 PM
Unholy marriage of G+, Gmail web interface, with subtle notes of Google homepage and maybe Wave.
@InfiniteRecursion Nothing.
@TGMCians Ah yes, a plus sign, the universal symbol for "show popup menu".
@TGMCians Ew. Circles.
when you hover on add then it shows this
list of users email which you used recently to send email
5:02 PM
I'll stick to notgoogle, thankyouverymuchnt.
There was a distinct point in time, a few years ago, where it genuinely seems like some GUI master at Google got hit by a bus and was replaced by an autistic monkey with ADD.
They were on a roll for years then BOOM.
@ProgramFOX ok google didn't send invitation to me after request but i requested from friend from there i got then i was able to use inbox
Ah, I see, so it's currently invite-only.
@bjb568 yes looks like that. everything is in card layout now
yes ProgramFox
5:05 PM
@ProgramFOX Just like the new gmaps.
Any idea why Android.SE traffic doubled in late September? That was a month before 5.0 developer release.
Low Quality A (100%): You people are big fat nerds and spend your ..., by not a nerd, on scifi.stackexchange.com.
If you come into a chatroom, don't be surprised when people chat with you, @InfiniteRecursion. I'll leave you alone, though. I certainly don't want to continue to bother you / hurt your feelings. I was just trying to bring some levity to the situation.
@JasonC no sharing screenshot of it
5:07 PM
What's the situation with @inf anyway?
@JasonC ^^
now gmail is looking like so in their inbox app
@TGMCians Oh you mean the inbox app.
@TGMCians Which really just means that, eventually, when they phase out the standard GMail app, I'll use K-9 instead.
Christ no wonder phones have to have 8" screens.
@JasonC No. they released new app of it, not stopping gmail app
5:11 PM
@TGMCians They will phase out GMail if Inbox is successful, I guarantee it.
No less than a year or two away though.
let's see .
"Delete is buried in the extended menu of a message". Why do they do things like that?
Have you ever tried to sign out of your Google Chat account in the new Hangouts app?
doesn't it work ?
5:13 PM
The original Google chat, you just click sign out. Hangouts, you go to the home page, go to the settings menu, go to accounts, click the account to sign out of, scroll to the bottom, and click sign out.
Autistic monkey strikes again.
oh ok
I gotta run. Peace! \o
ok see ya!
I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with infinite recursion. I see message deletions.
5:15 PM
@JasonC maybe a spoon would be better?
Spam gone.
5:31 PM
@jadarnel27 Thanks, now that you said it without mockery, I understand your pov and appreciate it. I do know that users can ping me from the tavern, but I don't appreciate if someone is chatting with Bart and ping me mockingly when I am neither present in the room or the conversation, and never chat with you in general. In this room, simultaneous conversations go on, same was the case yesterday...pinging about content deletion while I was not even talking to you.
Any content I write, delete whatever is liscenced under an agreement between SE and myself, telling someone that it belongs in their profile is rude, just to bring some levity to the situation.
Can somebody just tell me what this is about?
I spent the "whole day" chatting in this public chatroom, and I repeated kept saying I will "never chat" - that's what's going on with me @bjb568
2 hours ago, by jadarnel27
You didn't really expect that, after repeatedly talking about never chatting again, then chatting all day, that everyone would ignore it.
So why don't you want to chat?
Participation is optional, if I don't want to, I don't want to...simple.
I chatted whole day long, so no issues :)
@InfiniteRecursion I know. But I'm curious. You were happily chatting away, then you changed your name and profile pic and stopped chatting (sorta)…
5:40 PM
Why are you curious? I am chatting whole day long, what changed?
The picture, for one thing.
I believe bjb is referring to yesterday (or the day before).
Meh, maybe all of you missed it, I was chatting whole day long everyday
The general atmosphere surrounding you changed too, @Inf.
5:42 PM
Spam Q (100%): AVG Tech Support Toll Free Number 1-855-205-0915 USA, by Jessica Florence, on travel.stackexchange.com.
Which empire? The star wars empire? Boardwalk empire?
@Pham SPAM.
@LynnCrumbling Btw, everything Pham posts in here is first checked by someone with priv command access. So replying isn't necessary (feel free to carry on, just sayin') ;)
@InfiniteRecursion Is this in the transcript somewhere?
in the sandbox
@Sam That's great to know - wasn't aware of that.
5:48 PM
Low Quality Q (33.3%): How can I write a sql query LIST ALL ROWS OF THE TABLE EMP, by AbdurRahman, on stackoverflow.com.
and in this transcript, search "do you like me", pretty much went downhill from there, the tavern changed after that :)
@LynnCrumbling In addition, Pham also listens for commands in here too.
@SterlingArcher I've tried spoons; the angle isn't quite right, but I've heard good things about melon ballers. Or BAWLAZ. I've been toying with designs for a lego robot to do it for me.
Because this is serious business.
I'm trying to watch a training video on "test first development," and I am endlessly distracted by the presenter putting his class variables at the bottom of the class (rather than at the top).
I know that none of the users, including Jan, mean anything bad, but this isn't what I come to SE for..to give clarifications to users about likes....I come here to cv and flag spam, I thought I would continue doing that without engaging in chatting with anyone, like Mark Booth, but that upsets others if they see me in the room here
5:53 PM
I wonder if that's a common convention in other languages (Java, perhaps).
I hope you got your answers @bjb568??
@InfiniteRecursion GUESS. WHAT.
(You still haven't guessed, and this is important.)
@InfiniteRecursion Sorta
Ok, lemme guess...it must be YELLOW @JasonC
@InfiniteRecursion Actually, it might be yellow. But I'll wait until you're idle to tell you the answer so I can hit you with a ping out of nowhere.
5:57 PM
/me is idle
You can't fool me. You just wait. It's coming when you least expect it.
Ok :)
I like surprises. Just don't ask me self-evaluation questions!!

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