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The new Lost sequence?
No LaTeX? :P
OK, I'm making simple math errors again. Time to take the night off and get burgers and beer at a real tavern :-)
Catch you guys later!
I got copy editor and fanatic like two days apart; they're still my only gold badges
2 hours later…
You've got 30 votes a day; so this can be done in 20 days (unless you have many, many answer votes)
i'm horrible at using up my votes
I've never used any of my votes.
it is different trying to use up your votes on a beta site
@TheUnhandledException No. It's 2400 votes, of which at least 600 must be on questions.
@MichaelMrozek "only"
Um. Previous statement retracted.
@rchern Thank you for reserving your laugh at my expense until after I figured out my error for myself.
Have a star.
YES! my smiley is starred!
I am watching my cat hunting a fly. This is incredibly entertaining and will never get old.
@rchern - Your smileys are backwards for some reason.
hmm, nope.
I think it has to do with keyboard layout or something.
you must be turned around.
Is this a smiley or a frown on your end?
it's a ):
ok whatever
So, I posted a question on SO about VOIP apps
got an interesting lead
Question about GPL code.
When can I or can I not use it?
Howdy partners
I'd ask this in one of the other chats but they won't load for me for some reason
My router's ethernet ports stopped working. Wifi still works and the internet port works on it but that's it
I wanted to get a switch but I'm not sure it will work properly as a NAT setup
will that setup work?
or is it important that the router comes before the switch?
I would have the router before the switch (the router would be on the internet side).
@LanceRoberts I'd like to set it up like that but my router's ports are broken so I don't think I can do it. I'd have to buy a new router
Right now isn't a great time in my life to go shopping... new car just got hit while sitting in my gated parking lot waiting to be insured. Laptop died from lightning. Router died from lightning. DVD player died from lightning. Might take a while to replace it all
then again... I just remembered I might have an old netgear 802.11b router laying around. That would only need to pass through a small number of mbps because its just going to the internet right?
the rest of the network traffic would go through the switch
@JoePhilllips Are all the ports on the router broken? If that's the case then you need a new one anyway.
@LanceRoberts all the ports besides the 1 special internet port
so I still have wireless
Ok, is it a router that only routes or will it do DHCP for you?
If it will do DHCP then you don't need the switch, you can just get wireless net cards for the computers. So you either buy them or you buy a new router.
Gotto go, good luck.
it will do dhcp
oh thanks
I think I'm better off just using an old computer and getting a second ethernet port for it
let that do all the routing
I could just install IPCop and call it good
2 hours later…
Cool, Atlassaian acquired Bitbucket :)
1 hour later…
The only thing I know Atlassian for his from that Motivation thing Jeff linked to
4 hours later…
Where's the manual for this thing?
bottom right hand side of this page where it says 'help' and 'faq'
What about legal?
Can we use that, too?
Oh, that's just the 53 page terms of service that I am compelled to comply with
Good Morning
Why yes, it is
Argh. I hate these mailing lists I got stuck on that I can't opt-out of, eventhough there's a link to do so.
pentontech.com being the biggest offender.
there's always the email blacklist and/or mailbox forwarding rules..
What a morning... rudely awoken from sleep due to a datacenter power failure. UG
morning TUH.. that blows!
Yeah, and I am not sure WHY, or HOW this could have happened
I thought that's why I have a dedicated server, to be protected against such things. UG
>I love you, Marc. – OTZ 5 hours ago
>@OTZ - I will feed that back to the team. – Marc Gravell♦ 5 hours ago
That is all.
@TheUnhandledException Your datacenter or hosted datacenter?
@spoulson hosted
> A subset of customers were affected by an apparent power surge which took a UPS system offline and tripped the breaker protecting that system.
bit of a crap datacentre - you should sue them :)
@PiersMyers LOL
I think suing is a bit much, but, I am a bit concerned
Their service has been fantastic but incidents like this scare me
do they guarantee their service or do they just promise to do the best they can and if something goes wrong there's nothing you can do about it?
stuff happens... i remember when The Planet had an explosion in one of their data centers.
usually they have an uptime SLA like 99.999% uptime.
but even with '5 nines' they can still have downtime.
@PiersMyers They have a guarantee, but I haven't been able to determine yet how long we were down for
@Fosco Yes, I'm thankful it wasn't an explosion :-)
Downtime is like ipecac. A spoonful of downtime leads to bowlfuls of uptime.
probably one of the cleaners plugging in their vacuum
a little downtime never killed anyone (other than on wall st)
@Fosco True, true. But when you run a SaaS company, try explaining that to your customers ;-)
I suppose that is the upside of it happening around 8am, better than in the middle of the day, maybe less people noticed... then again everyone was probably checking their email. I'm surprised I only got as many calls as I did, actually
yeah, customers suck... :)
>A typical SLA might state something like "99.99% uptime." When you do the math ... that allows them 52.59 minutes of downtime per year. ...given how low the penalties are, a lot of network providers just started advertising 100% uptime.
That's crap. Any IT guy with a pulse knows that's bull and should probably avoid that company.
Like, what else are they rounding up on? The bill?
They don't actually believe that they can provide 100% uptime, but they're only paying a few pennies for every minute of downtime. It's just marketing.
Well, that and you can't rely solely on your host for uptime\
Outages aren't always in the form of infrastructure failures.
yeah that's always the thing, they just have to pay for downtime (what else can they guarantee?).. it is unfortunate to not be in control of the issue..
1 hour later…
tacos are exciting!
"It needs to be edgier!"
"Is this edgy enough boss?"
GiantBatFart used to be so funny. :( Now it seems he just relies on the "random" factor a bit too much.
"lol how to give your t rex a bath and zombie bears fighting space tanks lol i love invader zim"
it's dead in here today!
@SergioTapia double-you tee eff?
whiskey tango foxtrot?
if anyone is bored.. take a look at an application (work in progress):: whosill.com
@Fosco, I still can't see why your GM script doesn't work for the StackExchange sites. Any ideas yet?
@Fosco or take a look at this q:
@LanceRoberts can you send me the modified version you're using? [email protected]
@Lance: be aware that GM tends to not update the include/exclude list when you update the script. So if it didn't allow SE sites when first installed, you may have to uninstall+reinstall (or manually edit the include list) to get it to fire.
@LanceRoberts are you using Chrome or FF?
@rchern wish I could help..
@Fosco FF
@Shog9 OK, I'll try that.
I love that our two more starred items are both negative...
@LanceRoberts ok I installed ff and GM, just waiting for your email..
@Chacha102, huh? An item can't have negative stars?
negative tone
how is (; negative tone? |:
@LanceRoberts I used GM to make a new script, changed that one include a bit, and made it work on Programmers.SE
@LanceRoberts emailed you the new script content
really just added *. to the front of stackexchange
. . . .
@rchern that's not one of the most starred items.. the one with 11 and the one with 5 are kinda negative
Perhaps I misunderstood. Are we not talking about show 2 more link in the starred section?
@rchern He meant "most-starred."
@rchern I just wanted to get rid of my like * notification in the title
@Chacha102, hit esc.
@Chacha102 ...
What's with the pinned item?
There's a FAQ?
Someone should put that in the FAQ!
I'd like to note that my school robotic's team's website is blocked by the school...
@Chacha102 obviously, they don't want you wasting study time on frivolity. Go back to browsing the unblocked porn and gore sites.
Or I could just play around with that
oooh, fun...
needs more danger though - images should crush the little triangle / ship
that's awesome!
I just blew up my inbox
You sunk my battleship!
It doesn't work well in the chat, but it's fun on the rooms index
@Shog9, question edited. These aren't favicons I'm creating, they're SE favicons, even Google's favicon.
I sure wish they'd fix the favorite editing bug with the notification envelope.
Doesn't work on IE8. Seems to be unable to load external js URIs.
@rchern i see...
I hope someone does, because I sure as heck don't. Heh.
@rchern: just for the heck of it, try a non-favicon icon file - pull something out of the VS resource pack & try loading it
alternately, download the google favicon and try loading it as a local (to your server) file
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Windows 2k3 GDI+ had issues loading icons from streams, but would be good to verify
@rchern Ever figure out the ico problem on your host?
@spoulson, that's what we're talking about. I haven't ):
Related to the icon loading vulnerability patch?
No. Still broken with that not installed / installed.
@rchern have you tried turning it off and on again?
Turning what off and on?
Try jiggling the plug. Sometimes that works
Try rebooting. If it is still not working, call back and wait in queue for the next support representative to assist you. click
ug, today's not going well
Servers been rebooted several times q:
@rchern sounds like your day is about as good as mine, huh? )-:
Whoa, the acid face girl was a hoax. I must be living under a rock. abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/…
Oh well, time for me to take my lunch.
@TheUnhandledException, I'm to the point where I'm pissed off about it. ): Code should have been running on this server a week ago about.
@rchern I feel your pain
@spoulson I would have been a lot more entertained if the acid had been a hoax
anyone want to explain to me why Visual Studio creates a "code behind" file for ashx pages now?
Is code - markup separation really that important when there's one line of fake markup?
Trying to understand the thought process behind Microsoft products is a rookie mistake
I hate it when coding new features takes me 2x or 3x as long as I originally estimate
Happens to me all too often
Just start estimating 6x longer than you would've and you'll be thrilled
Unless it still takes 2-3x as long. Then something is very wrong
What's worst is that it's like 95% working, just has some small glitch and I can waste hours looking for it
It took me the last two days to discover a missing ampersand, so you're doing ok compared to that
@TheUnhandledException That's not unusual, even outside of programming.
@PopularDemand ~95% working, just has some small glitch, or wasting hours looking for sed glitch?
or both? ;-)
@TheUnhandledException All of it. Of course you got most of the easy bugs first and just have that one hard one last; that's what makes them easy and hard, respectively.
@PopularDemand Yeah, I see what you're saying. Doesn't make it less frustrating when the client's breathing down my boss' neck, who returns the favor to me :-)
By the way, you finally pulled ahead of me in all-time message count in The Tavern. Sucker.
@Fosco, The new script tested out well, thanks.
@PopularDemand I've been working hard to do so ;-)
@radp, hahaha, just saw your MWA mod flag.
@TheUnhandledException I repeat: sucker.
@PopularDemand LOL. Only a bit longer and I pass Arda Xi, since he's now only in gaming chat :-)
@TheUnhandledException I don't think you're hearing what I'm saying.
@PopularDemand Eh? What? Maybe I misunderstand!
@rchern I wish we could put that tick in our own meta :)
@PopularDemand Better now? ;-)
well, @rchern, I've failed to reproduce your icon problem on Windows 2003 R2 SP2. C'est la vie
did you do a console app or website?
@LanceRoberts cool! welcome
@rchern a little ASHX handler
needs to be inverted
@Shog, thanks for taking the time.
I'm so clueless as to what to try
@TheUnhandledException I marked the project as published on Codeplex.. public url: skeletoncbp.codeplex.com
Hopefully I'll be working on it soon.
@rchern i hesitate to suggest, but... ImageMagick?
SE favicons aren't going to change often. I should be able to store those in the database dammit >_<
@rchern why not just store them as files? (with a reference in the db)
@radp Not sure what I'm looking at.
@Fosco, because I don't want to go through and download each one >_<
could probably make a quick utility for that :)
yeah, i'm getting to that point
but it is the principle of the thing, ya know?
yep, i know.. sucks!
@rchern "evaluation" dates for the first area51 proposals to go live
not sure i'll have time to look at it tonight. apparently my brother's computer has crashed and the repair function from the windows disc doesn't fix it
@radp, did you mean @PopularDemand
@radp, I just think the list should be inverted
@rchern thanks; @radp ah, interesting, thanks
@rchern You have an inverted perspective. }-;
what happened to badp?
@Fosco 10101
@Fosco he was a bad p and had to be eradicated
@radp 21?
@Fosco no, 10101.
That's what the avatar says.
@Shog9, what do you mean? Why should something in November be shown to me before something in September?
@Shog9 @rchern is right, it's very silly that the schedule is listed with the most future dates first.
yesterday, by radp
robot lords of tokyo, smile taste kittens
how does one go about posting a previous chat line like that?
@Fosco Ah, I see what you're talking about
Missed that link
@Fosco Find message in transcript, open message menu, right click on permalink, copy link address, paste here, ???, profit.
@radp thanks
@radp "10101"? Isn't that just the old avatar, desaturated and set to b&w mode?
@PopularDemand sssh, you're busting my ninja face
see, it's totally 10101
more like |O|o1 but still
eh, it's Sagara!
Shog9! What's up?
@Shog9 Whatever that may be, he's not quite as free hand circled
If Java and C++ were locked in a caged-knife-fight-battle-royale, which would be the last standing?
Q: If Java and C++ fight, who wins?

hakkiwho is the winner. What do you think about that?

C++ would kill Java before Java got it's knife out of it's bean jar
I'm not schizophrenic. You're all just backwards.
@Shog9 What idiot asked that and forgot to tag it [c++]?
I know, right? Obviously he thought this would give Java the upper hand
@rchern Last sane human on Earth, huh?
nah. i am not alone!
@rchern I'm counting all of your personalities as one for the purpose of this discussion.

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