@MarcGravell 10.10 will be formally released in October, you can install it now by using sudo update-manager -d
-d, --devel-release
Check if upgrading to the latest devel release is possible
* eventually reinstall the package ubuntu-desktop
* switch to an updated sources.list entries
* adds the default user to new groups if needed
I've been waiting for the "don't strip empty whitespace lines" option for so long that by now, it's probably stripped all my whitespace only lines and I no longer need the option, HA!
Well, my area of expertise is JavaScript. Most of my blog posts will probably be inspired by Stack Overflow questions, because it's usually when I see certain questions that I want to go into a big ramble about the subject
... If there are any ASP.Net people here, I don't suppose anyone can explain the new vulnerability a bit more? Been reading loads over the weekend, but I just don't understand it - Seen the video and I can't recreate that tiny encryption info in the title, just not sure how it works!
from what I understand, part of a key is in the address bar, they go to the same page enough time and decrypt that key, then take advantage of a feature in asp.net that using a key (which they now now) they can download any file...
i just don't understand the first bit, how they get enough keys and how they are generated - I can't see any keys when I go to error pages
@Fosco it is a huge bug, nothing to do with authentication, by going to enough error pages, they can steal a key to get total access to a server - anyone who runs asp.net without custom errors are affected.
www.alphaot.com bottom right of the blog, I'm using the Text widget for wordpress - do i have to surround the html in something for it to display the content?
There have been several requests on MSO for a way to get a combined flair similar to what is shown on Area51. I took a "I want it, I'll make it" approach. Thus became StackFlair.
StackFlair generates a combined flair representing all of your associated StackExchange acc...
I have a glitter theme that will be there when i do the next publish. as for serious themes...I guess I was leaning towards having a theme selection rather than individual detail selection.
Hmm. Border color, Background color, username font/color/size, rep font/color/size, mod font/color/size, gold/silver/bronze font/color/size...that's a lot of options to have to select...and then to include those in a pretty url?
@Fosco So you would do something like /generate/{guid}/323 which would look up in the database the options under primary key 323?
@badp would be easy enough, the html option right now uses css for everything. even right now you could use regex to parse the <style> part and manipulate though it wouldn't be fun
not all options are style related though, and options should be optional i think. there's an option to exclude beta sites that i've implemented. i also want to allow an option for just a single site
@Sergio, There were 40 flairs created before I had to truncate the table. There are 39 now. Though not all of theme are being actively used. I have a free super basic hosting plan, and I don't have any monitoring tools. ):
I mean, the biggest reason I support Popular Demand's idea is actually because I think it would be more useful for them to be able to go back and look at the discussions they had without all the other Tavern jumble
My outlook is that I hope I end up needing better hosting because it means people are actively using StackFlair and it is popular. Windows shared hosting is generally not as fun though.