The [div] tag currently has 1,356 questions.
It is, in my opinion, absolutely useless. When you search using this tag, 99% of the time what you get is questions like
Why isn't my Javascipt/CSS working on this div
The problem is adding a tag like this does nothing to enhance the question....
@mootinator Yeah, I meant the question guy. I actually linked to a comment on the question, but the anchor puts the comment right at the top of your browser.
I didn't think about the fact that it would look like I was linking to the answer haha.
changeset: 4593:5eeace32124d
tag: tip
user: balpha
date: Mon Jul 09 20:48:06 2012 +0200
summary: somewhat disappointing that it took our users two years to find out
that we don't do server-side length validation on edits
@jamesson Sure. You can improve your existing contributions so that folks dislike them less, or, if you hit a rare edge-case where you were banned for no good reason, you can use the "contact us" link to let us know about it.