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3:47 AM
@Tinkeringbell I bit the nuts again, does drinking frying oil help?
2 hours later…
5:36 AM
anyone else able to repro meta.stackexchange.com/q/402036/997587 ?
@starball Yeah.
5:53 AM
ok cool not just me
“Island voting”. It sounds like one of those Survivor game shows.
1 hour later…
7:35 AM
19 messages moved to Chimney
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact it could
basically capsasin is fat soluble, milk's generally fat, natural emulsifiers, water and other stuff
so it'll bind with the capasin
7:57 AM
Talking about milk... I was so proud of my latte this morning, I'd never made one with a foam this 'sturdy'.
As in, the foam rose over the top of the cup XD
Except... turns out this was because the milk curdled XD
Which is weird because it's still perfectly drinkable and within the 'best before' date, no sour smell or whatever, but when it comes in contact with heat/steam, it curdles XD
fresh, homogenised and/or UHT?
8:19 AM
random check...
^ @ElementsInSpace just wondering, do you get the reference?
I don’t get it.
@ElementsInSpace Thanks, This proves it is pretty obscure even to people who saw the show.
@JourneymanGeek so. Perhaps this is just overthinking stuff....
I haven’t finished season 7 yet. Have I seen the right episode?
@SPArcheon-onstrike could be that the milk seperated and the cream + heat is reacting differently from whole milk
@JourneymanGeek But what are exactly the chances that a 2% userbase set includes basically every actor in the recent data dump arguments on Meta?
8:30 AM
@JourneymanGeek Just milk?
The general supermarket kind.
@SPArcheon-onstrike lemme think of a 'nice' way to say this
the roll out has been messy, and there's been enough strange bugs that I don't think I can say that's plausible
@JourneymanGeek I know... but you have to give me that on the surface it looks like they did cherry pick most active users on the dump posts
ah no
It literally was such a random 2% quite a few mods didn't have access :D
Also, you di realise that if every actor in the data dump arguments, and disagreed with the current policy got access it kinda... means people are going to pick apart the new system more enthusiastically, right?
9:18 AM
Also I feel like calling out potential malicious compliance is both not the best stratergy and entirely on brand for us :D
9:50 AM
@SPArcheon-onstrike Did she pour her milk over them or something?
Milk is healthy. Milk helps you grow.
@JourneymanGeek So your conclusion is that I should drink cooking oil?
@ElementsInSpace Oh, no. Have you been ponified?
@ElementsInSpace but you should also consider that I have been called creepy for my memory about specific episodes scenes.
in Wizards Den, Dec 3, 2014 at 12:10, by Vogel612's Shadow
@SPArchaeologist this is ... maybe slightly creepy. I couldn't do that with about anything I've seen..
Makes you natural inventory in the den.
10:10 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact + water and maybe some soap. Clearly
I just realized something about Copilot.
@JourneymanGeek Good idea.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact smacks @AndreasmovedtoCodidact on the nose with a rolled up newspaper
... history is really just a repeated samsara cycle.
@JourneymanGeek Smash, next?
10:12 AM
@SPArcheon-onstrike I’ll have to rewatch it. I’m still trying to keep up with Faz-week ATM.
Copilot... is just Clippy repeating.
@SPArcheon-onstrike The cloud is just mainframe computing again too :D
Now let me get back to suggest a small upgrade to the tag wiki page on Codidact...
in a few years someone will invent decent search and ads that are not obtrusive...
10:15 AM
The interacting novel is somewhat challenging to map out, and the Google Books version is slightly scrambled.
1 hour later…
11:25 AM
@JourneymanGeek ❌️ Do not do anything. The cow is looking for an excuse to become aggressive.
11:35 AM
Some say there are no cow attacks. Other say no one who was attacked by the cow lived to tell the tale.
@M.A.R. Moo
@JourneymanGeek You've clearly never watched bullfighting.
(singaporean park signs are a ... whole thing)
@Tinkeringbell Ahh see
But this is THE cow
(who happens to be male)
See, so it's a bull, not a cow :P
it is not a cow
it is the cow
What makes it the cow?
11:43 AM
@Tinkeringbell he used to be the only feral cow in singapore, on a small island that later was turned into a public park
Poor bull.
No wonder he turned feral.
Basically singaporeans who arn't very old are ... not really in touch with nature and are clueless
Oh that sounds familiar :D
We got dumb young tourists like that here too. With the highlander cattle, or even worse, hogs. They do all the dumb things all the time.
highlander cattle?
No sure, just walk between mother and calf, right ahead. I'm suuuuure it'll be fine.
11:45 AM
those ones that run around with swords beheading each other? the dangerously fluffy ones?
Sorry, 'highland', not highlander :P Yeah, those.
The Highland (Scottish Gaelic: Bò Ghàidhealach; Scots: Heilan coo) is a Scottish breed of rustic cattle. It originated in the Scottish Highlands and the Western Islands of Scotland and has long horns and a long shaggy coat. It is a hardy breed, able to withstand the intemperate conditions in the region. The first herd-book dates from 1885; two types – a smaller island type, usually black, and a larger mainland type, usually dun – were registered as a single breed. It is reared primarily for beef, and has been exported to several other countries. == History == The Highland is a traditional breed...
I tend to follow dog rules there - if there's a human around, ask if they're friendly and if I can approach
there used to be a giant retired cart-bull near my gran's. Used to go on rounds with his owner, and stop by for a snack. He was friendly but I still asked :D
They're wild, free-roaming animals, not babysat by any human.
ah yeah, that's a no
I'd love a friendly neighborhood cow.
or bull
11:47 AM
I don't know cattle enough to know their body language
Well lets just say it's wild animals, so it's always dumb to walk straight between a mother and child.
Oh generally that's true :D
We have had a few otter attacks due to that
But yeah, this is why we have signs
that's in the training data page franck linked :D
And its an additional restriction, though a hilariously broad one
@JourneymanGeek And?
11:53 AM
CC licence says no additional restrictions does it not? :D
@JourneymanGeek If you say that then you are also saying that AMTwo is right
That's not what I said
THere's a reason that post has 2 parts, and is so long. There's a distinct nuance here
@JourneymanGeek I don't think we are thinking about the same thing.
I don't entirely agree with AMTwo's read on the situation
I was just pointing out that you implied to agree that adding additional restrictions on a CC license is a violation, while some other users don't seem to agree
Coincidentally, that is (part) of what AMTwo claims in the last post he made.
12:04 PM
I had a conversation about this specifically with phillpe somewhere
A: Announcing a change to the data-dump process

Journeyman GeekSo there's a few 'transformative' versions of the datadump that respect the CC licence, and exist specifically due to the open nature of the network - Brent Ozar's MSSQL conversion comes to mind. There's an older dump on bigquery by google (who is a SE partner) which appears to have been last upd...

The restrictions are on getting the files from SE
@JourneymanGeek the restriction are on the usage and the effects are about getting the file from SE
The obligation to provide dumps is very much a social contract
@JourneymanGeek true, they don't have to but if they do imho they have to accept that they can't change how the CC work, nor vexate the users into being unable to use the data to the full extend of the rights given them by the CC.
But the real issue isn't the manner of access. Its that there's no external/independant repository of these things
We have a low bus factor, and the bus factor is the company
@Tinkeringbell Mother community, child data dump, stupid tourist SE.
12:12 PM
@JourneymanGeek You may have a wrong idea about why people are so "attached" to the idea of using the dump to train LLM
@SPArcheon-onstrike cause they're told they can't
as I said, its a distraction
Having an independant, sustainable place for the dumps to be accessible is the 'real' issue
@JourneymanGeek no, it is you being blind and wanting to be blind imho. Sorry to have to say this.
> Honestly, I think most of the handwringing about LLM training misses the forests for the tree.
you claim they miss the point, but I say you miss THEIR.
If they hadn't stopped uploading to internet archive there wouldn't be an issue
In their eyes, bruteforcing SE into a "your action are illegal" scenario is the only option left to force them to go back.
So their goal is exactly the same.
And it clearly works so well
12:15 PM
They simply don't think the company is open to reason.
@JourneymanGeek Give them some time...
I have the felling someone is going to bring their DPA into the dance.
As I said, this will be a "fun" month.
If you like drama I guess
@JourneymanGeek sorry, my bad. For disclosure, whenever is say "fun" wrapped in quotes, that is the Dwarf Fortress definition of FUN
I was gonna ask about if there was a mutually acceptable possibility of an external datadump host, and what might work
The moment you start throwing things like ethics and lawsuits, it becomes a lot harder to have a reasoned conversation. AMTwo has inside information, and probably knows things better than we do - the pressure might be useful but I don't agree with his read on it
@JourneymanGeek AMTwo basically confirmed as an insider that despite the claim this isn't in any way about "ethical usage". This is just a way to protect a product they are currently working to monetize.
"For inquiries about using the data for large language model (LLM) training, please contact us." means "you must pay us, then do what you want with the data"
So, personally, I don't think your conversations would have got us anywhere.
That's in my answer actually
12:32 PM
@JourneymanGeek then how could you hope to have an external host if all they want is to have an in house repo they can police to protect their monetized assets?
Well, to an extent, trying to convince people its in their best interests really
@JourneymanGeek out of curiosity, why do you think so? Why do you think it is in their interest too, given the blatantly opposite purpose the site serves for them (a factory that produces sell-able content) and we simple users (knowledge repository)
Well - cause they're worried about site numbers and I think there's at least a dim realisation that the 'core' contributory communities are small
@JourneymanGeek again, and please just consider this as no more than a coffee break chat... do you ever considered that they may very well be in a "till it dies out" scenario already? Reduce investment and try to minimize losses / maximize gain as long as the site survives?
Well - my dystopean scenario is they decide teams can survive independantly of public Q&A and cut it off
Teams isn't doing that hot
I see, perhaps a little optimistically - that if they're going to sell an API, fresh data is the product, and we might see some re-investment
12:40 PM
Because the perpetuated employees firing and projects launched just do die the day afterward doesn't give the idea they are working to make the site rise up.
and historically they don't react too well to getting yelled at
In my eyes we are in an extreme "power saving mode"
@SPArcheon-onstrike that assumes a greater level of long term planning than we've seen
@SPArcheon-onstrike I mean, company culture has been pretty broken in the last decade
And the people making the worst decisions are probably not going to hear is, and I'd like to be a bit more productive with the ones who do
@JourneymanGeek au contraire, that assume no plan past "reduce cost and keep the site going on life support as much as possible while trying to make as much money as possible. As soon as it dies, enter plan C - fire everyone and run with the money.
@SPArcheon-onstrike assuming there's money to run with
We're not yet in the butcher for parts part of the VC lifecycle and if we are, what's the point at being angry?
12:44 PM
@JourneymanGeek I mean, I saw companies going bankrupt and higher ups still running with the money.
@JourneymanGeek Teams has some baffling implementation decisions that really make it annoying to use.
@Mithical yeah :D
THe onebox
The inbox, "content health" reviews flooding the active page, the lack of reliable keyboard shortcuts, the "home page"... the decoupling from the network, entirely killing its original main selling point...
.... I mentally tune out content health
@Mithical I think there's a cycle of SE badly wanting to be a SAAS company, then loosing focus - I think in a sense careers has the same problem
It makes no sense outside the context of the public Q&A but ends up being the tail wagging the dog
Let us now go find more dog proverbs.
12:54 PM
@M.A.R. I'm contractually obligated to make dog metaphors.
@JourneymanGeek sometimes, you can't teach an old trick new dogs.
Or something to that effect.
@JourneymanGeek you are like a dog with a bone about these dog sayings.
@Mithical maybe we should let sleeping dogs lie
Lie down, @M.A.R. You’ve stood up enough today.
1:12 PM
@M.A.R. No. Dogs, even when asleep, are still bound to the truth.
Pffff, dogs… You all need cats.
@JourneymanGeek Cat with a dog’s face.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact there you are, wish granted.
hah, he was quite doggy
1:16 PM
@SPArcheon-onstrike Impostors. Eject!
1:36 PM
Wonder what his special talent is...
stealing diamonds
cooking diamonds.
of the Lucy in the Sky variety.
I thought that was Dr. Caballeron (in disguise)
Oh right, that’s a Heisenberg hat.
The blue chips.
1:55 PM
@rene can you please bring Kenny back to Den? Looks like he decided to take a vacation. D:
1 hour later…
3:01 PM
@JourneymanGeek I see you deleted your answer. I don't know if this is a consequence of my edit to the question title
and the question as a whole
it didn't feel like it really answered the question in its current form
I don't see how the revision changes "changed the question as a whole" but I do see how the original title may have looked like the "ethical" call was a judgment to their action while all I always meant was asking how they can make any violation claim NOT look like a made up "trust me bro" campaign since I don't see any reasonable way to prove them right.
Sorry about that
3:16 PM
I mean, I'm not fussing about it
It didn't answer the question in its current state, I wasn't happy with it
8 hours later…
10:55 PM
23 messages moved to Chimney

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