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3:51 AM
@SPArcheon-onstrike you're so hung up on what people are implying you miss what they're saying
Which is a more snarky ass way of saying I wasn't implying anything.
4 hours later…
7:26 AM
@M.A.R. but what are you implying by this?
7:54 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact would you be fine with an unsettling anime waifu that will probably go "I am sorry Andreas. I'm afraid I can't do that" on you at the worst time instead?
you could still buy that
8:08 AM
@SPArcheon-onstrike Already had real intelligence do that, so yes. :)
@SPArcheon-onstrike Maybe I'll one day come in one of those boxes.
8:21 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Pretty sure no one would buy that :P
8:35 AM
@SPArcheon-onstrike Whaaaaaaat???
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I mean, I can see a small advantage over a real Andreas in the fact that... you could turn the volume down on a bot....
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact how will you do that?
@SPArcheon-onstrike I ain’t noisy, only nosy.
@ShadowWizard Shrinkinator.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact but... miniature banana is less tasty, how did you solve that problem?
oh, I may have stumbled upon another beehive.
Leaving the link here if someone is interested.
I will read this later.
8:49 AM
@ShadowWizard That’s premium content.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact how much it costs?
@SPArcheon-onstrike does it produce sweet honey, at least?
@ShadowWizard 500 EUR.
@SPA pretty sure you meant "hornets nest"... ;)
@SPArcheon-onstrike Maybe if it was a link to Codidact, I’d be interested…
> a situation fraught with difficulties or complications.
"the move has stirred up a hornets' nest of academic fear and loathing"
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact doesn't it also have policies?
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact ah, cheap!
8:54 AM
@ShadowWizard Not terribly long and complicated ones that exist purely to confuse you.
Q: Meaning of "Don't kick over the beehive"

joker13I was wondering what does it mean to kick over a beehive. Sample: If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive.

@AndreasmovedtoCodidact ah, good.
@SPArcheon-onstrike it's more about "kick over" though and you didn't mention we should kick over that link.
Maybe light your flamethrower.
I have thrower with a different ammo.
Kinky, throw some at the others in this room.
8:57 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact we can trade then, in exchange for your premium content. :D
@ShadowWizard Do you want banana split or hot banana?
@ShadowWizard oh, you have plenty of beehives to kick.
> Ethics, Laws and Regulations (https://policies.stackoverflow.co/company/supplier-code-of-conduct/)
Stack expects all Suppliers to comply fully with the laws and regulations applicable to their activities in each jurisdiction in which they operate. The applicable areas of law include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Antitrust and fair competition;
and who we choose?
Google tracking cinnamon & butterscotch cookies
@SPArcheon-onstrike I don't have my kicking boots on me today, though. :(
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact ah, tough decision to make. Split sounds more yummy, I'll go for it.
Stop kicking beehives, bees are going extinct.
@ShadowWizard There’s no return after that.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact pretty sure it's our fault. Or the cows who release too much gas to the atmosphere.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact fine by me. ;)
9:09 AM
@ShadowWizard The cows are your fault, too. No more burgers.
@ShadowWizard It’s a radical experience.
10:05 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact but there's no gas in the burgers.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I'm a free radical so it's fine.
10:30 AM
@ShadowWizard I think even this may be fun beyond your definition of fun.
@ShadowWizard There's gas on the other end.
10:54 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact can't know until I try.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact but I'm not a cow.
11:12 AM
@ShadowWizard What's wrong with being a cow?
@ShadowWizard Your imagination has failed you.
11:25 AM
18 messages moved to Chimney
@ShadowWizard this is exactly what a cow pretending not to be a cow would say
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact wrong colors
No yellow.
@JourneymanGeek of course! You're too smart. :D
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact or the other way around!
@ShadowWizard Dirty cows are yellow.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact brown.
Yellow and black is brown.
11:43 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact black stays black.
See for yourself. ^
@ShadowWizard Tasty
No slaughtering? :(
Not even milking?!
11:46 AM
the cow die We were all very moo-ved by his fate
You wouldn't want to milk that cow
@JourneymanGeek good! I don't like being milked, it tingles too much.
So the yellow color is actually a protection.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Cow-nana.
12:08 PM
Banana milk cow :D
No more milking, I have a stomach ache.
12:38 PM
That's so aggressive, do it again.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact k ChatGPT crap, custom flagged
@ShadowWizard needs more drywall punching
1:02 PM
@ShadowWizard I know it is summer and the high temperatures may produce mirages, but just you know this is the tavern, not the Den...
... did they release the full version of the data dump page?
@SPArcheon-onstrike To a subset of users, it's a staged rollout
@SPArcheon-onstrike see the star wall.
@SPArcheon-onstrike it's all mixed up in the haze.
@ShadowWizard I know, but yesterday I didn't had the button enabled.
So either the "test" lasted a few hours and now they rolled the change to prod, or they added more people afterward.
either way, would they take offense if I tried to see what happens if I force enable the download without checking the checkbox?
@SPArcheon-onstrike star wall button?
1:13 PM
Let's try again.
Yesterday when Philippe posted that message I checked my setting and I didn't had the data dump option enabled. Today I have
so, there are only three possible explanations.
- the test already concluded and I now see the data dump button because they released the update globally
- when Philippe posted his message the test wasn't live yet despite him claiming otherwise. I already was in the 2%, just at the time the test wasn't live
- they realized the 2% didn't touch the button at all so they increased the test population later
or you're in a newer bucket
@SPArcheon-onstrike are you on windows?
@SPArcheon-onstrike ah, so you meant to ask if they released it for everyone.
@SPArcheon-onstrike its the latter and in stages
@JourneymanGeek why you ask?
@SPArcheon-onstrike no way
1:18 PM
@SPArcheon-onstrike Oh, I wanted to ask if you could try to download the meta.su file and see if it makes your antivirus freak out, especially if its windows defender :D
@JourneymanGeek yeah, makes some sense.
@JourneymanGeek defender never blocked any file for me.
@ShadowWizard ah so - its totally freaking out over the .7z, but thinks the files inside are clean
@JourneymanGeek very odd....
I've downloaded plain .exe files without a blip from defender. And it's active. Windows itself block the .exe though.
Well its interesting because its odd
@Journeyman I have added virus to your question.
(wanted to say such sentence for a long while)
1:29 PM
@JourneymanGeek ..I find more interesting the fact that the download looks like a simple FETCH to a specific url.
is visiting the page even necessary?
@SPArcheon-onstrike as far as I remember they said it's being prepared "on the fly", so each user will have a different, unique, URL. If you can guess it, then yeah no need to visit any page.
@SPArcheon-onstrike the link expires and is regenerated
1:50 PM
One of the community goals is to get hashes on available dumps to check if they're individual/identical
@ShadowWizard I'm implying I'm saying things that I'm implying
@M.A.R. beep boop: too complex, aborting request
2:13 PM
@JourneymanGeek what you didn't realize yet is that the "warning" you got from Defender wasn't a false positive.
That is part of the new "annoying users disposal protocol".
@SPArcheon-onstrike that crossed my mind :D
Specially selected users get an infected dump instead of the regular one.
Hence checking it on virus total and checking the individual files
2:32 PM
@JourneymanGeek I was just checking if the actual code contains any logic to verify that you come from the right page and that you checked the evil checkbox.
Because if it doesn't check the checkbox then it means you don't have to check the checkbox to be checked to download the file and check it contents and if they check that you used the file for the checked use then you can surely check back that you didn't check the check in the first place when prompted for checking.
the link button is greyed out unless you check the box :D
hopefully it is not just that.
nah... probably it is just that.
I'm more and more convinced its basically that
> the forced dev may complete the task, but the road taken may be the poorest one.
@SPArcheon-onstrike it's actually being done my music companies, which upload infected songs to pirated sites.
2:42 PM
1 hour ago, by SPArcheon - on strike
either way, would they take offense if I tried to see what happens if I force enable the download without checking the checkbox?
So, lets for a moment, forget the community exists, or why the dumps exist the way they should.
If you get the dumps without clicking on the tickbox, arguably its unauthorised access and its hacking
The problem is, of course, the existance of the dumps is mostly there as a insurance and without open access that use gets weaker
@JourneymanGeek and might lead to account suspension, duh.
@ShadowWizard or some local varient of the compuer misuse act
They tie the data dump with account, hence it becomes a privilege. As such, if abused, it's no different (for SE) from breaking any other rule e.g. voting for yourself.
@JourneymanGeek eeeh, depends. If I do that on purpose maybe... but one could use a browser that doesn't correctly implement html
2:45 PM
@SPArcheon-onstrike On the other hand, you can't do the whole "its its on the internet, I can use it with fair use"
@JourneymanGeek yeah... I think we have different things in mind.
Right now, I am not even sure this thing couldn't be made work for anon users.
I don't think it would but in theory the bar to creating an account on SE is low
@SPArcheon-onstrike Well basically everyone is horrible :D
In my book being horrible would be to coordinate so that every 3 months each user requests their personal dumb, and the requests are offsetted so that each day they get at least 1k data requests.
Practically I don't think that'll happen
And it starts.
War has officially begun apparently.
2:56 PM
amtwo's post?
yes, and he is going for termination.
3:28 PM
That said, I may have a simpler way to resolve the issue.
Just tell them that SE supports Scaramouche. Datadump and CC will be the last of our problems then.
(trad, if you think we have issues, you saw nothing yet. I know far more deranged communities)
Its not 'really' about the data dumps :D
Its very much about trust
oh, I know.
And I also know that there are two views right now.
"Company should work to regain our trust" and "Company must burn"
Let's, maybe, not use quite so inflammatory language
Or that what we've built is too important (to us?) to let it burn
@Spevacus you think that is inflammatory and not just a pretty objective description of many users sentiment?
3:36 PM
Let's see how they respond to AMtwo's post. Hopefully it's in the near term, but given it has legal implications, that's unlikely.
@Spevacus yeah... I don't expect a reply before September AT BEST.
It is HolidayMonth.
Also, honestly, if you want to see things burn, ehh maybe suggest pyromania.se
I think in general people want SE to do better not collapse in a corporate manner
And to understand there's a cost - both to people and the org to the choices they've made
@JourneymanGeek I think you underestimate the amount of users that would want to see SE fall just to take Prosus down in the fire.
again, don't just wait here... go around on twitter/reddit.
I don't care about Prosus
3:40 PM
@SPArcheon-onstrike twitter is basically a superfund site. Reddit kinda is... reddit
@JourneymanGeek too late, already a fan of the chibi arsonist ^
So with the dumps - its less about the minituae and fine print of the CC licences
than well, there's somewhere that hosts it that's not SE, or some silly person with hard disk space to spare
4:10 PM
@JourneymanGeek Yeah... but you add an issue.
Before, you had to trust SE to not tamper the file and add some free virus gift.
Now it is random Mr. Internet Guy
See, I literally only want the dumps cause SE won't put them somewhere safe from them
@JourneymanGeek Yes, my point is that I would feel safeish to download a file Journeyman put on the Archive.
I would not consider downloading a file [redacted] put on the Archive.
Ah, I'm not. I feel like the 'best' option for me is 1) maintain checksums on a github repo 2) give access, ad hoc, on request if I know you
Not after the "big email data leak prank"
IA is semi reliable :D
not counting the whole accidentally nuking a bunch of accounts bit
that was an honest mistake
also they killed off swag totally so no chance of that happening
@JourneymanGeek I am not sure you got the message, you know.
What I said is that I would not trust a dump that has been stored somewhere by the same person who sent those mails...
I mean, that's not the worst mistake an employee has made, and it seems unfair to conflate the two
@JourneymanGeek are we reading the same messages?
4:19 PM
6 mins ago, by SPArcheon - on strike
I would not consider downloading a file [redacted] put on the Archive.
1 min ago, by SPArcheon - on strike
What I said is that I would not trust a dump that has been stored somewhere by the same person who sent those mails...
And I think that's deeply unfair to them in context
@JourneymanGeek exactly, what part of this makes this about the SE employee who leaked the mails and not about the smart guy that used the mails for a "funny joke"?
Ah, that wasn't clear
Imho, that was clear quite :P
also this is why checksums are good
4 hours later…
8:20 PM
@JourneymanGeek Spyware to make sure you don’t use it for any purposes SE don’t like? :P
2 hours later…
9:54 PM
Is anyone with a mobile Apple device able to reproduce this chat bug in Safari, or was it exclusively an app artifact?
@Mithical Regularly have issues with parts of the page being covered, for instance the input box being stuck below the address bar, or a keyboard that never goes away.
Anyway, can't reproduce anything right now. It comes and goes.
Haven't noticed anything recently, though.
2 hours later…
11:37 PM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I literally am just going to get my dumps and bury them in my metaphorical backyard for later :D
@JourneymanGeek mhmhm, compost. I’ve heard you can grow new things in that.

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