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@M.A.R. A friendly reminder. Homer was right in that episode, the Rapture did come and the world was restored back to normal only because he annoyed God so much that he was sent back
@M.A.R. So, that picture may not be the best choice when you want to imply that others are just over-crying about things.
@M.A.R. just @Jeremy being back and some people are excited over this. ("some" people means me. ;)) (ah, and SE losing money.)
Unless you wanted to imply that the network will explode soon instead. In which case right now I mostly agree.
@Jeremy yup
Your cookies were poisoned with suspension.
@Jeremy or you just didn't try enough times. :D
I still think SE's death would be a wimper not a boom
@JourneymanGeek I am pretty fond of a scenario where the site basically rots like an abandoned pizzeria as the remaining decaying mods roams its halls at night
AI for you:
actual article
This was sent in by a friend.
They also pointed out that given this, I could start putting bulleted lists of wrong answers into my posts to "help" the LLM
@SPArcheon-onstrike basically /.
Shambling along, but irrelevant
"Before explaining what Discord actually is, let me walk you thru some common wrong theories"
what's this got to do with discord?
@JourneymanGeek nothing, I just saw your post and mistook it as a reply to the message just above instead of the older one
@WhatsThePoint let me guess... declined / disputed flag?
@SPArcheon-onstrike Declined - If there's a specific reason you believe this to be spam, please raise a moderator intervention flag with details
@WhatsThePoint there's a bit of nuance - why do you think its spam?
@WhatsThePoint it would be spam only if you can prove author is affiliated with the product. Otherwise it might be "link only" answer, think NAA might fit. Or just downvotes.
@ShadowWizard to an extent, I'd attribute the link onlyness to age + the software in question went from commercial to FOSS
@JourneymanGeek "Exists only to promote a product or service, does not disclose the author's affiliation."
@JourneymanGeek Yup, but still - not a great answer to begin with.
@WhatsThePoint why do you think the author wrote the application?
@WhatsThePoint the last part is what I asked before, and vital.
If you can show the answer author is related to the product, raise a custom flag and explain it. That's what the decline reason says....
The question itself is a library rec - and VERY early on product recommendations were allowed on the network
why does spam have to only be from the author?
Many times spammers have links in their profile, avatar, or something. This isn't the case here.
@WhatsThePoint generally you need an interest yes
@WhatsThePoint because otherwise every answer with a link to external source would be spam.
> Closed. This question is seeking recommendations for software libraries, tutorials, tools, books, or other off-site resources. It does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
How does one answer a question asking for a recommendation WITHOUT a recommendation?
@WhatsThePoint because when someone points out the idiocies of our moderation scheme, people resort to this to "I win" and get that nice "better than you" feeling, simple.
Well, guess the point is that only free stuff or open source would fit.
But still, even link to something not free might be legit if done just to help, not to advertise the product.
@ShadowWizard sometimes though, you can do free stuff or open source and still spam
@JourneymanGeek tru dat
@SPArcheon-onstrike well, the practical thing would be, you can't mention any software ever
@JourneymanGeek so, let me be blunt.
I guess its just different definitions of spam, to me, something only linking a paid product to me is spam, but if its not spam on SO, then fine
@WhatsThePoint believe me, there were many times where I considered something spam while others didn't. I know what you mean. But still, that specific one on SO isn't spam.
@WhatsThePoint Ah, so hypothetically - you do an 'acceptable' software rec type question, asking for a way to solve a problem
I look for signs in the user name, profile, etc.
and the solution given involved paid/commercial software or hardware - but either you're a happy user or are a regular user who dosn't just shrill their software
its fine
@JourneymanGeek when did i say that?
You didn't :D
BUT in a sense if that question was a good question - that's what it would have been
Everyone - or to be more precise, everyone moderating who actually cares for moderation and is not there just to feel the "ima powerful" adrenaline rush" would notice that the link is broken. On the new page there is nothing called "GroupBar" so the answer is already useless.
At that point a more constructive behavior would be to let the user know that they were better to use a different flag but still delete the rotten, useless answer. But that would take time, and if all you are doing as a content curator is felling good about your power, you won't have time to do much else than telling t
the links are not broken
@JourneymanGeek here we go again! Did you try to CLICK them?
and you feel like you can honestly say that is the same page the op linked to?
I did, I read through them, and saw that while the links were supposedly for a paid product, the developer open sourced them in 2014 cause they weren't making money
so its the same libraries
despite the redirect, the no longer existing anchor and the no longer existing CONTROL?
@SPArcheon-onstrike not relevant, the discussion is whether it's spam or not.
@ShadowWizard sorry, this is pathetic resorting now, but as you wish.
the other thing is shopping questions got banned in 2010 - the question ans answers are from 2009
It wasn't a call to help moderate, or make SO cleaner.
Before we start talking at each other
@JourneymanGeek no doubt the question and the answers are no longer fitting SO and better be deleted by now, yeah.
Are we talking about Erik J's post or Pavi's post?
If I were SO mod I might do just that, but... I'm not. :D
I will get this back as soon as someone deletes some meta post as spam and the user name won't disclose their "affiliation to the product"
@ShadowWizard technically you do have SO rep right?
@JourneymanGeek Pavi
@JourneymanGeek yes and most I can do is vote to delete.
Right. I clicked on that, link seemed to work, didn't dig further
I don't think there's undisclosed affliation tho, just an attempt to get some easy rep
Link works, but changed, making it clear NAA. Moderator who rejected the flag could also see that and delete. they didn't.
AH, that's not obvious IMO
5 years late to party, but the code written for accordion is one of most poorly written code I've ever seen. it has put my 10 year old code to shame in terms of "How bad you can code" — Bhanu Chhabra Feb 25, 2019 at 18:02
@JourneymanGeek nope, if rep was the goal the author would stick around and try some more, probably.
._. that's a pretty mean comment
@JourneymanGeek agree, and annoying enough to flag. Done.
Kind of silly to say "sorry I said that" yet leave it and not delete it.
@JourneymanGeek true, and while I would agree that some may prefer to decline a spam flag, I also expect the same person - a MOD since it was "Declined" should do the extra work and ask themselves "why did the user think this is bad? I am missing some details?"
@SPArcheon-onstrike perhaps mod on semi strike reviewed the flag.
@ShadowWizard Bold for you to assume people delete comments -_-'
@ShadowWizard oh, yes, the "semi strike".
@SPArcheon-onstrike well, they should...
@SPArcheon-onstrike On SU yes, on pets definately. SO's kinda... swamped most of the time
@JourneymanGeek you on semi strike too?
@ShadowWizard ... took some time to find that again
Revelations, chapter 3.
No? I do have the time in theory to dig in a little further into flags
@SPArcheon-onstrike find what again?
@SPArcheon-onstrike ah. What's that?
> I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. (Book of Revelation, chapter 3)
Stuck in my mind from school as a nice concept about "apathy"
the "semi strike" is the worst position ever.
If you don't feel like leaving a site without ANY mod, just don't join the strike
@SPArcheon-onstrike Looks like olden times were missing the word "lukewarm".
Alas leaving the site without moderation is precisely the intent of the strike
@ShadowWizard to be fair I doubt the original was written in English.
@SPArcheon-onstrike perhaps, and also I just assume so, as I do agree that any mod should check such answer and delete it, even if not actually spam. So the only thing that comes to mind to justify it, is semi strike. Still handling urgent flags and removing spam, but not bothering much beyond that. And no idea if there's actually any mod doing it.
@SPArcheon-onstrike Latin?
@ElementsInSpace Ret-2-Go?
> According to Dr. Little instructions, the Faz-Goo is to be poured into a petri dish. The user is to remove a tooth and place into the Faz-Goo, which makes the tooth "believe it is still a part of you." Then, the user places their finger into the dish, so that red blood cells are extracted from their body to "feed the Faz-Goo". Finally, the tooth will grow into a full mouth to tell the user something "they will never forget".
Morning folks - want to let you know that this morning, we released the new data dumps download page to 2% of the userbase. We're going to monitor it for stability and usage before further releasing to incrementally larger and larger buckets of users over the next few days. This is about a week earlier than I had initially thought it would be.
As a reminder, the new page is on the profile screen under settings and then on the left sidebar in the access section
If you run into problems (other than not having access yet, which will resolve itself over time) you can report them to any member of my team here, or through the contact form.
Or using the typical system for reporting bugs.
@Philippe member of your team here.... ?
Who would that be?
@ShadowWizard I mean, hypothetically, barring the random wild CM, I'm pretty sure someone in the mod community can do the requisite "EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE"
or just ping @Philippe. He'll be pingable for 2-3 weeks :D
@JourneymanGeek how 2-3 weeks? It works for 7 days.
coulda sworn it was longer
And only one CM here.
Used to be more, in.... the past.
When we actually had more CMs. You know.
So.... it's annoying.
@JourneymanGeek it is in case one actually sticks around in the chat, sure.
7 days since last visit.
Also, to me it's very clear: "any member of my team" - not Philippe himself, which make sense, as he's management.
I shall be magnanimous and grant you 1 ping to notify me personally (and I'll pass it on) if you can't find anyone else to ping :P
I'm generally happy enough to bother people when things are broken and can be fixed :D
@Tinkeringbell I'll... pass. :D
Also, not going to use that, even if I'm somehow in the lucky 2% who won the A/B/C testing.
Also wonder how those 2% are selected. Rep? Edits? Random? Hand picked?
!!/blame selection
@ShadowWizard It's Shadow Wizard's fault.
See? That is random.
@JourneymanGeek so 99% that 100% of those 2% are totally inactive.
Great for monitoring. LOL
> Hey, nobody is downloading the data dump. Awesome! So, no bugs. We can keep going.
@ShadowWizard Heh, well, it would require people knowing they have the option, and so far out of all the people I've read, no-one has yet XD
@Tinkeringbell yip
All in all... goal is unclear. But meh... good to assume everything is as usual.
!!/coffee as usual
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of mocha for @as
ah good.
Ugh, now I want coffee too, but ... it's already afternoon and I know that if I get some, I won't sleep well tonight XD
I'll get some tea.
@Tinkeringbell brews a cup of green tea for @Tinkeringbell
Stupid bots and their commands.
And for that there's also the alias
sd coffee Tink
Or not lol
Noooooo no coffee :P
sdc coffee Tink
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of espresso for @Tinl
It'd only get cold and thrown out
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of cappuccino for @Tink
ah Smoke Detector Command
@Tinkeringbell good, I love cold coffee.
It's already barely tolerable when hot XD
May 19, 2014 at 14:03, by Shadow Wizard
@rene it's the coffee, I sometimes make myself cold coffee so it's not fully dissolving
May 19, 2014 at 13:55, by Shadow Wizard
user image
Now I try to remember where it was taken.
Ah, previous office of my workplace. We moved two years ago.
Tables here are different.
That does not look tasty at all...
Then again, I drink milk with a bit of coffee, not coffee XD
@Tinkeringbell well I make it about 80% water and 20% milk, but lots of coffee, 1.5 spoons.
Yeah, you see... you don't spoon coffee into water here and call it coffee :p
(only bit of boiling water to dissolve the coffee, the rest cold water)
@Tinkeringbell I don't either, I pour the water over the coffee. ;)
Same thing XD
It was coffee before it was freezedried. Rehydrated, it's just coffee-flavored water :P
@ShadowWizard lemme guess, wakes you up like a kick to the crotch, only worse?
@JourneymanGeek no effect actually. Got too used to coffee over the years.
Oh Its not the caffeine
its how bad it tasted
Or more accurate, same effect as drinking water, or juice. :)
@JourneymanGeek ah, LOL
Anyway, look what I made for y'all!
Shadow's 10 Steps Cold Coffee
1. Put 1.5 spoons of coffee into a cup.
2. Pour small amount of boiling water into the cup.
3. Stir until coffee dissolves.
4. Pour cold milk, about 10% of the cup.
5. Stir well.
6. Pour cold water, about 60% of the cup.
7. Stir well.
8. Pour more milk, about 10% of the cup.
9. Stir well.
10. Drink!
You are welcome.
hmm I have a wild idea.
I've got a way easier recipe:
1. Turn on automatic machine
2. Get cup of coffee
3. Wait until cold.

If you want slightly more complicated:
3. Put in fridge or freezer.
4. Don't forget it.
5. Drink!
also we do filter coffee - so its about 3 tablespoons of coffee per cup of water (I think) half coffee, half double boiled milk
@Tinkeringbell :-D
yay! I got approval for my coffee!
"good attempt". I'll take that! :P
Wait, the AI overlord doesn't even sneakily add in a step to add poison anymore?
Problem is, it might and we'll never notice. :P
But yeah, looks like they managed to reduce hallucinations greatly.
@Tinkeringbell it is a recipe for coffee. Drinking coffee is a sign you are masochist, so you may like the poison.
Eh, I know worse things to poison myself with than coffee :P
Unless the poison cause the one who drink it to become a pony.
@Tinkeringbell the toppings don't fall off coffee
oh, now I get it....
how nice of you folks
you just wanted to go back to yesterday topic
Adorable melusine figures
online gaming site that won't be named to protect the identity of the silly one who wrote this idiocy.
in Sugarcube Corner on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 2 hours ago, by SPArcheon - on strike
> Game Science tweeted this morning that it’ll drop a new trailer for Black Myth: Wukong on August 8 to celebrate the game going gold. The developer also requested players to avoid spreading spoilers in the lead up to the game’s release, perhaps anticipating retailers breaking street dates in some regions.
"anticipating retailers breaking street dates"... game is digital only.
you know when the retailer breaks the date for a Steam/PSStore only game...
More likely reviewers :D
@JourneymanGeek then the quote should read "The developer also made reviewers sign NDA to avoid posting details before the intended date"
which is not what they said at all.
Simple enough, tho one who wrote that piece of junk could not be bothered to check the game they were writing about, so they didn't know it was a digital only release
(studio is new and doesn't have the resources to publish a disc version for now)
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek are we sure we should delete this as spam? Link in the user profile and in the message do not match... maybe they are not promoting a service they are affiliated to...
@SPArcheon-onstrike I got a 404
bad link?
Its not at all related to the site, and they're both the same
so ehh, you know its spam
@JourneymanGeek weren't we playing devil advocate before?
There's a big difference between that and a low effort, late answer to a previously on topic post
> Exists only to promote a product or service, does not disclose the author's affiliation.
Well it obviously is
but I can't know if this poor innocent soul is indeed affiliated. Maybe they are just advertising an unrelated service out of charity
its not the same, and it muddles things when you're pulling up an obviously spam example to defend not deleting something that could be interpreted to be a good faith answer in context
@JourneymanGeek no, it not muddles things. It muddles maybe how you presented the issue. But what I clearly said from the start was another thing.
Are we discussing that spam post as an exercise in rule-interpretation or are we actually considering whether that's spam or not
I think its the former
@Spevacus we are discussing that a mod once again refused to delete a post that clearly had to go on the basis of a wording technicism. "you flagged this as spam, I can say it is not thanks to the wording, the fact it is outdated, broken link only answer does not matter. NEXT"
You probably lack context. An user before pointed out they got a declined flag on an low quality link only answer that referenced a (now dead) third party component. They flagged the post as spam, the mod declined based on the tecnicism that you can't be sure that the user was affiliated to the product. Fine with me, but the mod also couldn't be bothered to delete the post either and basically took the spam excuse to "move next".
The post was blatantly bad and a correct option would have been telling the user to use a low quality or even better custom flag but still delete the post.
you know, that "better user onboarding" we keep asking tools for.
31 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek Cheater, that’s no reply!
@SPArcheon-onstrike So when do I get to order my own humanoid robot with artificial intelligence?
3 hours later…
Not 100% it's a seed but I def think it could be.
Gonna give it the benefit of the doubt for now.

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