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2:09 AM
3 messages moved to Chimney
2 hours later…
3:51 AM
3 hours later…
7:10 AM
@Mithical How could you?!
1 hour later…
8:10 AM
4 messages moved to Chimney
1 hour later…
9:23 AM
Should we flag this as spam even though the answer as such isn't really spam? electronics.stackexchange.com/a/722439/6102 The account is an obvious spam account.
(The whole Q&A is arguably off-topic on the site but anyway...)
9:57 AM
@Lundin yes, thanks for sharing. See the above reason why.
If a "user" posts a nonsense or useless answer, or ChatGPT answer, and having spam profile it's clearly just a spammer.
yay! Kaboom.
@JourneymanGeek yup, happens when they deploy a build, or sometimes without a reason. ;)
ah, looks like it was a deploy.
> rev 2024.8.14.13983
Pity no exact timestamp, but meh, good enough.
So, expect 6-8 new bugs now. ;-)
These days every build, or every bug fix, results in another bug.
But hey, this gives us what to do, and rep keeps flowing. :D
10:15 AM
hmm how come the bad keyword wasn't reported in the question?
Checked only in answers?
10:56 AM
@ShadowWizard Ok thanks, I'll just flag such the next time.
11:35 AM
@Lundin better also report here, to gather enough flags. :)
11:53 AM
The EE mods are actually pretty active but there's no "close vote review" or similar chat there.
They do have a general room, though.
@Lundin ah, so custom flag can fit, as you're correct, and some people won't consider it spam as it has no direct link in it.
In the flag explain it's just nonsense post, and profile is very spammy.
So just by posting, they gain linking their profile when the post is indexed by search engines. (Or they think they get, as there's nofollow for links. ;))
12:11 PM
Spam flag + comment explaining why it's spam suffices?
12:36 PM
I'd go with a custom flag first, Can't remember if you can dual flag
5 hours later…
5:09 PM
in Wizards Den, 48 secs ago, by Shadow Wizard
@All I'm going tomorrow to vacation (in Prague), will be back in August 27. Hopefully. Since mobile chat is... not ideal... I won't be checking the chat very often. Play nicely, don't break the bots, and I'll see y'all when getting back. Or during the vacation if I'll really get bored. :-P
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact yeah that can also work. Spammers don't read comments anyway. :D
@JourneymanGeek one flag, until it's handled. Once handled you can cast another one, if you cast custom flag first, if it's accepted then it means the mod deleted the spam, if rejected it means the mod didn't find it to be spam. Either way, no point flagging again.
@Sha is away! Everyone go wild!
5:31 PM
@ShadowWizard Enjoy Prague. I heard it's a good tourist trap ;)
6:21 PM
@JourneymanGeek Only if you have two hands.
Or two flag poles, but that's a bit excess.
@M.A.R. Sure, I'll start by charging at you with my mouth first. A few bites, and I can leave you for the birds.
7:14 PM
@ShadowWizard any stop over planned?
Maybe he'll go via Nordkapp.
7:30 PM
@ShadowWizard Watch out for pickpockets. I lost my wallet there (from my jacket hanging on the back of my chair in a restaurant). Have fun.
2 hours later…
9:13 PM
@M.A.R. yes!
@Tinkeringbell will gladly fall into it. :D
@rene send address and I'll consider. ;)
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Bolt. I think?
@DavidPostill ah, well sounds like leaving a wallet like that would invite pickpocketing anywhere. ;) (but yeah, will watch out for this, thanks. :))
9:50 PM
@ShadowWizard .If you transfer on Schiphol I'm happy to buy a ticket for a cheap flight and buy you a coffee in the transfer zone ....
10:43 PM
@Slate Haha, I'm honored

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