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12:28 AM
10 messages moved to Chimney
3 hours later…
3:46 AM
@starball to a certain extent, I suspect regular users won't be using those tags too much - on 'our' end, its more of understanding what they mean
2 hours later…
6:10 AM
@Spevacus Some post tagged correctly? Surely that's where the tags are attached to, not on V2Blast?
6:25 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact so THAT'S what we've been doing wrong.
@JourneymanGeek Stop nailing tags onto him!
nails? Noooo
nails are almost pointy sticks
Also we're not barbarians, they're self adhesive
No, you're barbarians.
As long as it isn't your barbarians
6:53 AM
What's wrong with them?
They're your barbarians
@ElementsInSpace hey, thanks! :)
7:27 AM
@JourneymanGeek And?
Your barbarians
That is all you need to know
Not knowing is ignorance
2 hours later…
9:39 AM
!!/watch globejewelry\.in
10:27 AM
5 messages moved to Chimney
6 messages moved to Chimney
3 hours later…
1:34 PM
did MSE go offline?
Not for me, currently.
came back up
was a blip
2:13 PM
@JourneymanGeek The spirit or the soul?
The body mainly
Then you better not touch.
7 hours later…
9:00 PM
9 messages moved to Chimney
2 hours later…
10:38 PM
hi sorry how can I access the Teacher's Lounge?
the link is broken on our site Economics.SE
If you don't have access as a mod, make sure your chat parent account is set to the site that you moderate
Requesting access…
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact I'd decline it, but, well.
10:57 PM
@Mithical thank you I have access just the link in mod message tab is broken, but I will save this link, in any case how could I let CMs know to fix the link?
@1muflon1 You can ping one in the TL, or raise a bug report on your meta site and tag it [status-review].

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