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@ShadowWizard VLQ is very much a mod problem
I'll deal with it :D
2 hours later…
Hey, we have 99,999 non-deleted questions. What will be the 100,000th?
2 mins ago, by Spevacus
Hey, we have 99,999 non-deleted questions. What will be the 100,000th?
catlike typing detected
99,999 questions on a site, 99,999 questions on a site, ask one off topic question...
… 99,998 questions on a site.
7 hours later…
@ꓢPArcheon Why is she holding the clarinet upside down?
@ElementsInSpace appears to be correct, why upside down?
1 hour later…
@Spevacus probably "trouble parsing node.js"
@ElementsInSpace it doubles as a vacuum cleaner
@Spevacus Chances are high it'd be spam. But if you mean a question that won't be nuked almost immediately - do off-topic questions count? If so, I'd cote for an off-topic one. If we only count on-topic questions (that don't get closed and/or deleted) - I'd guess a report of some bug.
@Spevacus 10 hours later, still only 99,999
Also since questions keep getting deleted, the 100,000th won't be the 100,000 for long. :D
We did get 100k questions few months ago. But deletions have kept the number to just below 100k since.
Dunno, maybe 100k questions has been reached more than once. I remember the one.
Jun 11 at 8:13, by Shadow Wizard
@Slate still 100,000 now but without off topics so it might actually stick. ;)
also removed?
Well what can I tell? I'm a prophet. :D
(this isn’t the link I meant to find, but it’ll do):
May 3 at 20:26, by Elements In Space
One-hundred-thousand. And some wizard coins from earlier.
coins? looking for my purse
ah they're all in the cup.
2 hours later…
@ShadowWizard keep looking for a deeper meaning. If you spend 100-200 hours on it I'm sure you'll find something; if you haven't, you may simply need to spend more time thinking about it
@Slate sounds like a trap! doing it anyway
@ShadowWizard I'll just start throwing random bits of essays and short stories out there, to throw people off the trail
For example, how about this? Try Landau's Lectures on Nuclear Theory
How is that 'a bit of essay' or 'a short story'... do I want to know what you do for fun? XD
@Tinkeringbell This is a question only you can answer
1 hour later…
@Slate fair enough. I'll think about it someday!
2 hours later…
@Slate sounds like a plan! This way those people won't make trouble here in chat or worse, in MSE. ;-)
It's like that black square in Xonix, wonder if anyone remembers it? :D
Quick poll: who played Xonix?
@ShadowWizard nope.
@Shadow And as the firefly swept through the wind, the sun looked down with a smile around its neck.
Don't think you offset enough time to think.

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