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6 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Sometimes Kali suc*s. Still it have plenty of helpful tools
Impressed with the new look of Gmail initially. Now used it for more than 5 days and... seriously I hate it
but they implemented some AI systems to show quick reply option
Bug with imgur is partially fixed. Still the profile pics aren't visible
@OptimusPrime is that related to this bug report:meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/372408/… ?
@OptimusPrime more that people are given the wrong idea about it, and often folks use it without the slightest idea of the fundamentals
16 messages moved to Chimney
2 hours later…
@rene I'm talking about the existing images
This is what I see in this room's right panel
@JourneymanGeek you're right. noobs believe Kali is the Hammer of Thor. Once installed, they can hack anything. It's just an OS with few helpful tools with worst performance I've ever seen. Still the tools and the available packages makes it helpful. I mainly use nmap, telnet, netcat, dirsearcher, aquatone, etc. (last 2 are external)
the first 3 are standard ;)
The main advantage of kali is its a toolkit.
You can open it up and you know what you have, and can document how you used it...
I'm thinking of replacing kali by parrot sec. But can't find a reason for doing that :-)
They didn't read it yet. Looks like they're busy with C ode lash of C onduct lans
> Starting March 30, 2018, we will be turning down support for goo.gl URL shortener. From April 13, 2018 only existing users will be able to create short links on the goo.gl console. You will be able to view your analytics data and download your short link information in csv format for up to one year, until March 30, 2019, when we will discontinue goo.gl. Previously created links will continue to redirect to their intended destination. Please see this blog post for more details.
That was a good service
Link shorteners have fallen to the people we can't have nice things because of...
also, probably dosen't make google any real money
ah, it's to get support their for new one
> To refocus our efforts, we're turning down support for goo.gl over the coming weeks and replacing it with Firebase Dynamic Links (FDL). FDLs are smart URLs that allow you to send existing and potential users to any location within an iOS, Android or web app. We're excited to grow and improve the product going forward. While most features of goo.gl will eventually sunset, all existing links will continue to redirect to the intended destination.
Any SEDE magicians around?
both floral SEDE magicians seem not around...
I can't make heads or tails of it
why isn't this query picking up this result?
no, wait
never mind
"why isn't 16737 showing up between 200079 and 152063?"
"because you're an idiot and you can't distinguish 10,000 from 100,000."
4 hours later…
a cup of wut?!
2 hours later…
Flag is in pending state about 2 weeks. Is it normal?
Yes. Meta.SE flags tend to take a bit, due to the fact that only CMs and the occasional dev can handle them.
and on vacation...
5 hours later…

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