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12:36 AM
Could I trouble someone with a quick SEDE query? (I'm fine with asking a meta question but I suspect there's close enough but not quite perfect ones...)
I basically need to dump out a list/link of all the answers a specific user has posted on a specific site
Have you tried searching? I bet there's one in there already.
I should ._.
Other than I apparently do not get how their search works 0_0
Looks good
ahh. not quite
but blah let me see if I can grok this.
1:04 AM
Also, a new SO job went up today.
"You have a track record of creating an inclusive and collaborative engineering culture. You help build understanding and empathy within your team, and actively work to bring people into the conversation and understand their viewpoint."
Seems they're taking a cue from someone I support
1:28 AM
I am exclusive ... weird special
I am on the edge of many groups, but in the centre of none.
1:50 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, link at end of answer: How to group data within a time span by aditya kin on dba.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body: Finger prints problem by Gaa on travel.SE
The problem with being on the edges of groups is that, if you don't pay attention and spend a bit too much time with them, then you tend to be dragged into middle. But if you stay away for too long, then you are re-newbified.
@Catija I wonder for what group
@JourneymanGeek I don't even know what the options are. :P Hopefully not replacing someone.
All the new hires in dev positions seems hopeful, though.
and SRE
(cause SRE's are my second favourite folk in SE. Only barely)
Other than the ones I interact which, who are super awesome ;p
2:25 AM
I guess I put the SRE team in the same boat.
They're in the same category on the Jobs page.
Well SRE hires are a certain sign things are growing.
Where do they even put CM spots? Do they have another category that's hidden because it's currently empty?
And you can read a few tea leaves - that they want someone in jerseyish means they want someone working on physical servers (so either more servers, or someone currently on site is going remote)
or.. very remote. but ugh
@Catija I think they advertise there too, but there's hints on TL sometimes
The last hires were ... 3-4 years ago?
Oh, really? They won't necessarily actually post anything on the work here page? Do they just have people in mind and poke them for resumes? All of that's long before my time here.
they might
before my time too
But its a bit mixed?
2:29 AM
Localized CMs?
@hey RU. spanish, and portugese had their own CMs
(or had CMs who spoke their language)
Didn't one of the CMs speak Japanese?
Jmac kinda handled JA
in a sense, for example the russian CM's not on our usual chain of contacts, but they can pop in and ask about things too.
23 hours ago, by Shog9
jmac was a legit salesman with professional experience and a pretty solid understanding of how to analyze a market and stuff. But, we lost jmac.
@hey I can't think of a bad CM.
There's a few forgettable ones
2:32 AM
I haven't really interacted with some of them... but the ones I have are really amazingly solid.
(for example, I can't remember who was the first batch other than rchernoff. ._.)
or most of chaos.
All of that was before I got here.
I think that's literally just past the single site days
I only turned up here post beta
I think Pops was the only one of the CMs who's not here any more who I had any significant interaction with. That hit hard.
and was SU only for quite a bit
Aarthi used to turn up on root access
and it was a riot cause we kind of have super vaguely similar cultural backgrounds.
(disapora tamil - and IIRC she's half bramin, though Iyangar/Vishanite... still some cultural references like the gloriousness of yogurt rice carries throug)
2:40 AM
Come to think of it... I haven't hunted "religious" comments on SO...
"racial" too...
The further I think, I guess raising auto-flag on certain keyword on comments could be implemented also...
I worry about the false positive rate there.
The amount of time spent on comment moderation can be huge on some sites... It seems odd to expend so much effort on something that's secondary but necessary to the goals of the network. If that's how it has to be in the end, OK... but meh.
well, obvious racial slur shouldn't be posted in the first place
Well, personally while its good that its gone, we need to deal with these things when they're still relevant
that is to say, fast
"Fast" in SE moderation is relative.
2:47 AM
Lets say someone calls someone a insert racist taunt there a quick handle, mod message or suspend sends a good message to the folks involved. After that we're just walking through cleaning up last year's broken windows
@Catija hours or days.
Not weeks or years
At least SObotics made Heat Detector bot to detect new offensive comments on SO.
At this point, we can't undelete comments that users flag delete, so there's an avenue for abuse if you're overly generous in your single-flag deletion settings...
Also, I have a slightly controversial opinion that we can't tool/code/bot our way out of human problems ;p
(but I'm not a dev soooo |o|)
I think that it requires a combination of tools and human effort.
Anyway, your question yesterday seems like a tool solution?
I can see that it's weird to moderate heavily what we called "2nd-class citizen" ._.
2:56 AM
@JourneymanGeek So... my personal biggest beef with your suggestion is that curating comments is like dealing with limited memory on your hard drive... I used to have a 16GB iPad and it was so frustrating dealing with the fact that I was constantly running out of space on it and having to pick and choose what I kept... The higher that comment limit is, the more difficult curation becomes and it becomes a chore and the site stops being interesting.
@Catija oh with my question?
@Catija Its a motivation solution
Yeah. I just saw your comment on Tim's answer.
Yeah... you're just going to end up with a bunch of really useful commenters who won't comment any more because they can't/won't take the time to go and look for delete-worthy comments... and you risk losing quality for that.
(I never accused myself of being perfect)
@Catija on the other hand, even having a perception that its finite encourages folks to consider it a bit
and ya, its unlikely to happen, and has a super odd, mixed voting score
Yeah... you're asking people to change behaviors that some of them have had for nearly a decade.
Myself included!
3:00 AM
How would you even address users who were way past the limit already?
That's why I was writing that question over maybe 10 minutes spread out over a day ;p
I'd actually think starting with a very high limit, and tweaking, and having the R/A penalties a high number too might work.
or maybe having a sliding comments per week, like someone q banned has a occational reprieve.
(I think its actually potentially not brilliant suggestion but its something worth throwing out to get chewed on - and I can afford a few downvotes if it gets folk thinking about their own commenting habits ;) )
Don't we get an automated reply from SE team if we send a mail?
Meanwhile, I have a mixed feeling reading this comment on Meta Salesforce... while it might be true in nuance... somewhat I feel offended (heh), but I'm not a regular there and doubt if flagging it as NLN is a good idea...
I think in theory
@Catija > The intersection of these problems leads me to think we do need to limit comments and have them cost something, but that something doesn't necessarily have to be visible, or even perceived to be a commodity at all.
From tim's post
and well, that's the actual idea I feel is useful ;)
.... no horrible pun intended.
3:07 AM
@hey Meta Stack Exchange is a good place. I feel offended too.
@hey @NogShine I'm mixed on the politics
On one hand, in terms of a broader community of people, its useful to examine how we interact with folks without the same experiences on SE.
I don't hate Shog's idea about a daily limit to comments.
anagram of Meat Stack Exchange can never be a bad place, just think of all the meat ... and millions of potential preys
@Catija I have two issues there.
It dosen't encourage comment hygene
and sometimes you actually need lots of comments, and sometimes you don't
and for foks who are unable to engage productively in comments, they have a soft, slowly reducing ability to interact through comments without affecting other site functions
Loss aversion is the relevant motivator whenever you talk about discouraging behavior by making it cost something
The thing to remember about loss aversion is... it isn't mitigated by an accompanying mechanic for offsetting the losses
So if it costs you 8 shiny pebbles to post a comment, and you can also earn 8 shiny pebbles in some useful way...
...you're still going to think twice before posting that comment
In fact, you may just give up on commenting entirely and spend your days hoarding pebbles
3:16 AM
Which.. People ought to anyway? Or am I expecting people to actually be altruistic and rational, a little too irrationally?
The relevant model on Stack Exchange is downvotes. They cost a trivial amount of reputation (and only for downvotes on answers)... But it has a massive effect in terms of how folks use (or don't use) their votes (and in turn, removing the cost for questions resulted in a huge increase in downvoted questions).
What can I do if I see a breach of Be Nice policy given that I have tried everything given in the help center?
you offered a bounty?!
scientifically, we need to analyse big data to work out the correlation between those who post useful comments and those who are hoarder/cheapskates
Haha. bounty for a breach of Be Nice?
3:19 AM
I mean... that would be included in everything
But normally a mod flag would suffice, and /contact if it didn't.
heck... Normally rude/abusive would be enough.
There are no bounties on meta.
aww, that reminds me of my brother's pet rat
built a nest behind the couch
easily 6' around
contained an entire bathroom's worth of toiletries
@Shog9 Check check and check.
out of your hands then
3:20 AM
It is still there.
But I don't know if staff has read the contact us mail.
hoarders need secure storage
I recommend patience then
@NogShine heh. I think more or less "everything" means flags, mods, and CMs...
If the CMs can't sort it out
no no no. That never works.
3:23 AM
Eh, Yanno?
Too damned soon
lol. I don't want suspension for some one's activity.
First, get several thousand followers. Then tweet angrily.
@Shog9 not even sure that's needed
Just need to tweet at the right person. And maybe use the right words.
and use wrong hashtags. It gets many views.
More seriously?
3:24 AM
Twitter has the attention span of a newborn puppy. You can't just get it angry, you have to keep it angry.
Contact us takes a bit of time. but someone will look at it
Local mods really should be the ones handling it if you need any degree of speed.
Do hashtags even do anything useful on Twitter? At least when I use them on Instagram, I get some extra traffic but on Twitter they do nothing... and I rarely see people using them.
@Shog9 Are you calling Jon Skeet a rep hoarder?? For not putting out enough bounties!!!
for not downvoting enough
Lippert is the role model here
How else was he ever going to get to 1M... though... if you can earn 200 a day and only spend 30 in downvotes...
3:25 AM
ANything I downvote. Dies. or at least goes away.
there's still a lot of room there for increases.
@Catija but if you time those DVs you hit 200 anyway
@Catija I doubt he even throws away that much reps everyday on downvoting
they're essentially free
all you need to do is repcap every day.
Which I'm sure he does... at least mostly.
3:26 AM
If you time your votes properly, you can downvote constantly and never run out of votes or rep
Downvotes aren't limited to 30/40 a day?
Not if what you downvote gets deleted.
Hoarding or caching in animal behavior is the storage of food in locations hidden from the sight of both conspecifics (animals of the same or closely related species) and members of other species. Most commonly, the function of hoarding or caching is to store food in times of surplus for times when food is less plentiful. However, there is evidence that some amount of caching or hoarding is done in order to ripen the food, called ripening caching. The term hoarding is most typically used for rodents, whereas caching is more commonly used in reference to birds, but the behaviors in both animal groups...
That's a big if...
Confit (, French pronunciation: ​[kɔ̃fi]) comes from the French word confire which means literally "to preserve," a confit being any type of food that is cooked slowly over a long period of time as a method of preservation. Confit as a cooking term describes when food is cooked in grease, oil or sugar water (syrup), at a lower temperature, as opposed to deep frying. While deep frying typically takes place at temperatures of 160–230 °C (325–450 °F), confit preparations are done at a much lower temperature, such as an oil temperature of around 90 °C (200 °F), sometimes even cooler. The term is usually...
the best way to hoard animals
3:29 AM
@Catija They give more views to your tweet.
I'm pretty obsessive about viewing my twitter stats and... I've never noticed an impact.
apparently caching is hoarding too
my chickens/roosters don't hoard ... I end up with a bunch of fattened neighbourhood pigeons
@JourneymanGeek Same with bounties
@Shog9 About the 50-question-per-month limit on Trilogy sites, does this mean you can't ask more than 50 questions in the last 30 UTC days, or ask more than 50 questions in the prior 720 hours?
3:45 AM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I... kinda actually would give more bounties if I wasn't so lazy
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog 30 days
I experimented with monthly bounty givaways, and have an alt account with more rep than I'm happy with
@Shog9 So if, on Day 1 4:00Z, I ask a question, then over the course of Days 2-29 I ask a total of 49 questions, can I ask a question on Day 30 15:00Z? The 30 UTC days rule says no, but the 720-hour rule says yes.
@JourneymanGeek Aibobot?
at this point, I literally don't really care about that number on my reputation board. Chasing reputation league, and posting answers is more fun
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog yes
I use aibobot when my work computer is totally so horrible I don't trust my main account it.
I noticed you didn't really become active on MSE until after I left SE back in 2014. What made you start participating here?
3:47 AM
I got a HNQ on a 30 second answer.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog great question
Probably being a mod
I wonder why I still get the occasional drive-by upvote on my answer to Suggested edit by Anonymous
What are you referring to?
> I noticed you didn't really become active on MSE until after I left SE back in 2014. What made you start participating here?
So - there's nothing magical over the quantity of my answers.
3:52 AM
But there's a huge upswing in reputation early last year
@Shog9 Are you going to respond to my reply, or should I stop waiting? :)
So I guess the answer is "I figured out the community better?"
By the way, I still have quite a bit of pending flags that I've waited a long time for to be handled, so @Shog9 can you please dismiss those?
It can wait?
(a little longer)
@JourneymanGeek What's your opinion on my recent downvoted FR? (FYI I purged the Chaos Emeralds.)
3:57 AM
Its unlikely to happen?
I dislike the inability to not hammer things
And dupes are one of those things I feel need nuance
But there's also the option of waiting for a few non hammer votes and finishing it off
You could use a sock to cast RC flags (but it could be illegitimate, since you can give it helpful flags easily)
I think it comes down to "How much do we focus on curation and how much on the business of answering questions and building knowledge"
If we're constantly focused on making things orderly and neat, sometimes we lose sight of the important stuff
Which is why, for example on MSE, I hardly if ever do dupe hammers, cause I think the folks asking the question would appreciate the help first,
@Shog9 reminded me of "Happy Hour"...
Or perhaps, "Roomba Hour"?
4:14 AM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog depends on how you measure 30 days
@Shog9 I'm asking how does the system measure 30 days.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog probably 2592000000 milliseconds
@Shog9 So the 720-hour rule applies? So the answer to my yes-or-no question that you replied to is yes?
If you're measuring the number of day or hour boundaries crossed, as sql server's datediff function does, then this is a relevant question. If you're just counting time measured in units, it is the same either way.
@Shog9 What does the system that rate-limits users to 50 questions per 30 days measure?
4:23 AM
@Shog9 Just saying, It has been 2 days since that post is written. That is why I am a bit impatient.
@rene I asked a question based on your SEDE query (cc @JoeFriend):
Q: Why does Joe Friend (and a few others) have two Stack Overflow accounts, each tied to the same Stack Exchange profile?

Sonic the Inclusive Hedgehog(Please read carefully. This isn't about sock puppets.) I just noticed that our friendly Joe Friend has two Stack Overflow accounts, only one of which has moderator privileges. He seems to have another account, which is listed as having the same network account as the former account, and the sam...

@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog you forgot to ALL-CAPS
@hey I hate shouting. Bold-italic is not shouting.
Okay. Well. You emphasized the whole sentence which made the emphasize lost its meaning.
4:29 AM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Very strange. Not sure how this happened. Maybe @AdamLear can shine a light on it when he's around.
In my case it looks like it is a result of my testing activities. At some point I created a new account with a email/pw. Then later, and possibly accidentally, I connected that account to my google account that is also used for my main account. Adam or someone will have to confirm how exactly these got connected to the same network account.
BTW, love your new moniker @SonictheInclusiveHedgehog
@JoeFriend If you wouldn't mind, would you please close the above question as unclear?
@JoeFriend Thanks :)
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Done
@JoeFriend Not my question! The one I linked under .
So should I become "Joe the inclusive Friend"? It's kinda just rolls off the tongue
4:32 AM
4 mins ago, by Sonic the Inclusive Hedgehog
unclear: https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/310020/query-for-display-name-and-no-of‌​-posts-created-by-the-user-who-has-got-maximum-r
You gotta be clear about these things.
@JoeFriend Yeah, I admit I was "unclear what I'm asking" you to do.
But seriously, not sure off the top of my head. There's been a number of account creation issues recently (to be fair, more recently than those turned up by the query) that are making me a little nervous. I'll have to set some time aside to dig through logs and whatnot to see what's what.
4:34 AM
they are features
@AdamLear Could you slap a on my question, please?
"I created another account on purpose and it probably got accidentally linked to the wrong place" sounds plausible. ;)
Somewhere out there in a different universe, I changed my username to "Hey the Exclusive Salutation"...
4:37 AM
@Catija Your Friend, Joe, is here
"Friend, Joe"
As much as I'd hate to miss the chance to say hi to Joe (or Adam)... Dude... it's almost midnight and I get up at 6... At least Joe's in Seattle. Poor Adam's dealing with 1 AM...
@Catija Sorry for making you rise up out of bed because of my ping.
@Catija It's all good, I normally crash around 2-3 am.
@AdamLear You work in Pacific Time?
@AdamLear cause these things happen. And are less of a pain in the arse than cough accidental mergers? ;p
4:43 AM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Nah, I just take advantage of flex time to match my natural rhythm
@AdamLear I wish... That's my old schedule and the one I so desperately want back.
@JoeFriend Depends. Is Friend a Role or a Lastname? or are you Joe I friend?
I treat my day as being 24 hours. I just go to sleep whenever there's a break in my schedule and I'm tired. Why do I do this? Because I know I won't be able to later on in life.
Then again, my wife's starting a new job this week, with more traditional hours, so I might have to shift my schedule for the sake of not waking her up in the middle of the night.
Toddlers, people... Toddlers make it impossible to sleep when you want to. Don't give in to the cuteness... get a cat.
4:45 AM
@JourneymanGeek I like to think that Friend is both my last name and my role. But I don't always live up to that.
And, F is my middle initial.
@Catija I'm so done with toddlers unless they belong to my kids.
@JoeFriend I'm in the process of starting over... :/
@Catija Been there done that.
@JoeFriend How old are yours?
Too old. 54, but I started kids young and the age span is 15 - 32.
I'm pretty much out of the dating and relationships scene...not because I don't feel like it, but because I don't have the... drive that others seem to possess a lot of.
Hmmm...*italics* after a dot seems to render correctly initially, but then change back to markup in a second.
4:50 AM
@Catija We have four grandkids with another on the way, so still get lots of toddler action, just don't have to keep them overnight very often.
Wow, you're not kidding about starting over. I'm not even two years in yet on the first one and I'm already 36. Started late. Married at 32 after 8 years of dating the same guy.
@Catija Started at 24, the same year you entered UT?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I was only at UT for three years. I met Andy before I started there.
You mean, just before? (Sorry, just the pedantic me again.)
No. I met him in November and started in September... nearly a year.
4:54 AM
Speaking of UT, I have just two more full days remaining in Austin
...before I fly home on Friday
Later everyone.
@JoeFriend Good night :)
Anyway, @Catija go to sleep
@AdamLear Never mind, it seems OP edited within grace period, and I didn't see it due to caching. Please reopen.
There is a clear question.
Eh... it still doesn't make any sense
It just needs some editing.
Ah, I see why it is in fact unclear. Your best judgment.
5:06 AM
Is it about the data dumps? But those aren't CSVs. Is it about some other non-SE database? But the "column" names sound real damn familiar. And there's something about "hive query" in the comments on the first question? I literally cannot tell if this is a meta question or a mis-posted SO thing.
Gonna head out for the night here as well. Catch y'all tomorrow :)
5:26 AM
@Catija or a dog.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username: Is Ganesh a human being or an animal? by Rayaz on hinduism.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Is there a Google Calendar app for Mac desktop? by Matt on apple.SE
6:12 AM
@Catija Cats can have that effect too when they're hungry & making biscuits on you to get you to feed them :p
6:35 AM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog good.
7:06 AM
Guys, let's try not to give Catija too many pings to look at when she wakes up.
One is Inclusive, another is Exclusive, but only one Dora the Exploder
Exclusively inclusive to exclude the inclusively exclusive
7:21 AM
<- on the edge, always, one and only -Telkitty <3 XXX
7:32 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad NS for domain in answer: Video converter for Linux by Duane Brown on softwarerecs.SE
7:46 AM
@hey Don't you mean, Dora the Internet Explorer?
@rene SE staff replied that there was only one change of my password that day. So, the logout was probably due to random tubes getting clogged and had nothing to do with my account. Then, it is most likely that I indeed managed to store my password wrong again. So, it is unlikely I have a serious security problem.
that's one scene that I hope will be somehow remade into Kingdom Hearts 3...

When it will finally come out, that's it.
Maybe you should go with a more memorable password.
Have you tried hunter13?
Have you tried memorable_password?
It's always "battery staple correct horse". Wait... perhaps it's "correct battery staple horse"?
7:54 AM
Gotta get that entropy in
ironically every single possible combination of that word is now in a rainbow table somewhere
forget it... my next password is "i cannot remember long password"
I always add 4 to my password, as a random number.
I just look at how long the domain name is and type the letter a that many times.
@rene I am pretty sure most Japanese people wouldn't be very fond of that idea.
7:57 AM
and Chinese too!
@rene switch to "NARPASSWORD"?
I'm happy to offend complete countries.
What about incomplete ones though?
Note the store. The whole reason I use a password manager is that I can get by with remembering about 4 passwords.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user: Interested to get better trading and investment ideas on US Equities? by Joheb Abedin on money.SE
8:02 AM
@Derpy that was an interesting read. I liked that even in the elevator there was no 4th floor.
Similar to in the US with the 13th floor?
Personally, I prefer triskaidekaphobia over tetraphobia.
@TravisJ yeah
At least 13 can't be literally translated into the word for death.
> "Traditionally, 4 is unlucky because it is sometimes pronounced shi, which is the word for death." says Wikipedia
Between the US and the Japanese, some elevators lost 4th, 13th, 14th, 24th, 34th, 40-49th, 54th, etc. floors
8:06 AM
@rene fun trivia: In one of the many Doraeomon episodes, Nobita tries to find an apartment to live in (all started because of a discussion with his mother) . Since obviously he can't pay for it, Doraemon gives him a magical door that he can put on any wall in the building and will create a pocket-dimension like space.
Where does he put it?
Between room 3 and room 5.
So, yep.... Nobita had the brilliant idea of making his room "room 4". At least it has no number on the door.
Fortunately, most of Doraemon episodes ends happily
@hey yep, but some of them are pretty dark if you really think about it.
And some even if you don't.
@Derpy The only time I get to watch that is in Hindi when I travel to India
8:49 AM
@rene FYI user had already posted on Stack Overflow, but were directed to Code Review. However, they posted on Meta instead: stackoverflow.com/questions/50248041/…
@rene 's unblurry side of the family
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog ugh. Is it even a codereview question? I didn't get that from it ...
@user5389107 you take unauthorized photo's of my family?
@user5389107 already told you, I am pretty sure rene must be somehow related to a certain "goat" lady that lives in some ruins under Mt. Ebott...
@rene It's from the yearbook :D
8:53 AM
@rene don't try to mix that up. We all know you are Flowey lost brother
young man = Sonic, woman = Catija or Shog9, older man = Shadow or someone else
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I left a second comment
did you just assume shog's gender @SonictheInclusiveHedgehog ?
@user5389107 No, I was referring to specific characters in the above link
Please remove the stars. It will be taken way out of context.
Or at least star the video link as well.
@JourneymanGeek Please clear the stars on my above message. It will be taken out of context without the video link above it.
Are you just littering stars all over the place?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I somehow think that Aggretsuko is a more realistic description of the felling @Catija must have for this room... ^_^'
8:59 AM
2 hours ago, by Sonic the Inclusive Hedgehog
Guys, let's try not to give Catija too many pings to look at when she wakes up.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Good one.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer, blacklisted user: Осветлить фон яндекс карты by exe.c00ller on ru.stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
9:33 AM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog And somehow I think she will forgive me on this one. Or be mad and go singing some Death Metal about it.
She has expressed a preference to not be pinged. (I, on the other hand, have more lenient standards, but they don't include frivolous pings.)
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog I think that the "CheckValidPing(....)" method should include the number of times you already pinged her for frivolous matters in the last six month (which I think in my case is about... 0?). Anyway, if that is really what she wants easy-peasy, I'll just remove her from the "send them a joke every now and them to give them a smile" list.
Unless a light sleeper, not sure if will wake up due to ping while in REM sleep
@Derpy And if you could please remove Journeyman Geek from that list, that would be very nice.
@hey She's pregnant. She has to wake up every now and then for...things.
Oh, "to look at", not "afraid of waking up". Okay, that makes sense.
9:52 AM
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Again, I think there should be a line somewhere in between "random ping you will receive once in a month" and "Den like ping bomb". That said, I'll think I will switch to genie mode them.
I'll leave this ring on the cupboard there. Rub it if you need me.
@Derpy rub
oh wait, I rubbed the wrong one?
I had to walk my dog
What's up?
1 hour ago, by Sonic the Inclusive Hedgehog
@rene @Derpy @user5389107 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMZhKYriIok
@JourneymanGeek Does the younger male puppet represent me?

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