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Happiness is enjoying the summer without worrying about close votes or town halls.
What are you talking about, town halls are the peak of happiness
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How to remove hidden Google contacts by David Smith on webapps.stackexchange.com
@bwDraco good luck using those keyboards
2 messages moved to Sandbox
@Quill Happiness Peak can be reached via Oh Be Joyful Pass.
single day track
unless we are talking about return :p
How fat are your tires?
why, is there a service trail nearby the end point?
I went into the city for the day... There's people everywhere on their phones playing Pokemon Go
Oh god.
Q: Why would a new product like Pokemon Go not go with AWS for hosting their servers?

Mark KeaneFor those who haven't heard, a new game called Pokemon Go has gone viral. The game is oriented around augmented reality, enabling users to walk around the real world, find pokemon, and catch them. Apparently the creators of the game didn't anticipate how popular it was going to be, and thus the g...

I just hate having to type "......." to extend a comment or answer to the minimum length. Every time I do it, I think that whoever imposed that rule was a total moron. — Michael Kay 4 hours ago
Side note: I believe all comments like this are one-flag deletable.
Now I can't use latest node :(
The airport Wi-Fi here is interesting. First, when trying to log in one is given a phone number to call, different from user to user. The call has to be made within one minute, doesn't matter from what phone. Once the call goes through, you're logged in.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: system may just aid aid growth and hair well by senblvaxer on askubuntu.com (@kos)
Secondly, the access seems to have expired for http, but I can connect via https just fine.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Muscle Building Diet Tips by bryanspierson on askubuntu.com (@kos)
@Bookend apparently some of them have a vulnerability where you can append URLs with a query string ending in .png or .jpg
@Bookend you are not on a flight? gasp
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Natural Hair Styles For Women by rosweralie on superuser.com
@Bookend Interesting.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Building Chest Muscle To Eliminate Man-Boobs Now by ramjanfd on gaming.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Building Massive Leg Muscles Without The Squat by Conniebarger on drupal.stackexchange.com
Hey SD
How's it shakin
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: pointers and recommendations to support you take presents daily by senblvaxer on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Eard is a important distributor of a tremendous by senbl vaxer on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: advancedtrimsite.com/beard-czar/ by jorgemicke on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: forums.technicpack.net/topic/301966-httpmegacleanseradvicecomxalpha-muscle/ by manglomcha on security.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Every time your body undergoes a strenuous activity by user63331 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body: Why Do I recommend for utilising this detail? by sinhajii bond on drupal.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
Yay! The :matches() selector works and is totally awesome!
[ SmokeDetector ] Chinese character in title, messaging number in body, messaging number in title, mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: 办澳洲UWS大学毕业证成绩单Q微627212264办理西悉尼大学UWS毕业证成绩单学历认证使馆认证学历学位认证假文凭学生卡 University of Western Sydney by 何灵何灵 on patents.stackexchange.com
Six boobs and two dude buttcheeks later (not pictured), I finally saw Tame Impala live! Yo… http://ift.tt/29nnZH3 https://t.co/ECXkaWsITk
Tame Impala are great, they played a local show at the start of the year that I nearly went to
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: www.supplements4us.com/ by SylviaRCole on security.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: finding men much attractive with beard. by rasco juri on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, pattern-matching website in body: Best Bodybuilding Workout Routines For Skinny People by user63339 on drupal.stackexchange.com
@bjb568 Turns out, when using https one doesn't need to log in at all.
See if you can crash all flight computers in a 100 mile radius now.
I'd rather not try that before my ICN-JFK flight. It's delayed as is.
spammy morning ...
Spammers work 6 days a week; most users work 5 days. Saturday is spamurday.
week of vacation in review: - painting - cleaning - returned to find society in shambles, because of something called "Pokemon Go"
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Cold Hard Male Enhancement Facts by Roberte Holmes on drupal.stackexchange.com
Somehow I feel happy seeing Kasra became more active again on MSE... though I can't see there will be update to Android app... soon... enough...
We're always happy when a dev feels like going through some FR's.
[ SmokeDetector ] Manually reported answer: Getting into grad school with low gpa by user57778 on academia.stackexchange.com
@Bookend good luck with your jet lag
@SmokeDetector why
@meatball Post manually reported by user Wrzlprmft in room Charcoal HQ.
darn.. I misread it! I flagged the question -_-
That, kids, is why you should always brush your teeth at night.
Erm, I mean, check the metasmoke link of the reports.
I got tripped by the question's wall of text :(
Already downclosed.
reject that edit on it, please
needs one more delete vote
I downloaded the Windows version of Pokemon Go. Gotta Batch Em All
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Extend your execution in the midst of workouts by reducing recovery time by user63343 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Celexas Male Enhancement Some moves are simply incompatible by KinshuGoley on superuser.com
sd k
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: X Alpha Muscle Many people will over-exercise by AngelaHeinz on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: Sending anonymous email by Helen on tor.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Hacked Gmail-reset pass-fowarding to Icloud by benny on apple.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] URL in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, pattern-matching website in title: supplementscloud.com/male-perf/ by Pulejil on arduino.stackexchange.com
Q: What is the Super User community for?

Rishabh AgrahariI have accounts on Stack Overflow and Ask Ubuntu and they cover almost all my queries. I just joined Super User, and I want to know which topics are supported and which types of questions are asked in this community.

[ SmokeDetector ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: where to Buy Hyper Tone Force? by Nortontalon on askubuntu.com (@kos)
@Quill looks like he's having fun..... :D
1 hour later…
Dammit. github.com/stylelint/stylelint/issues/1620 This just makes me want to not use other peoples' code.
I'm now using an old dirty version of stylelint just to make it work.
@bjb568 Now it's debugging time to find out what broke it! ... it is open source after all.
Anyone around?
lol. Can you help me real quick? I was directed here via: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/271935/4875631
What post do you want rolled back?
Someone changed their title to add "[Solved]", and they mentioned someone with 2k rep can revert back a suggestion
Q: How to test if a string is a not number --- SOLVED --- thank you pawel

addmeI'm trying to verify if a string is text or number. Could not find a proper way to verify. Could you please advice? Here is my problem: var myNumber = "006"; var myText = "1. This is not a number"; isNaN(myNumber); // false isNaN(myText); // false I tried also: isNaN(myNumber.split('.')[1]); ...

@bjb568 "edited just now"
He's quick :P
Let's just hope he's not that quick in bed too ;)
I'm in bed :(
He's quick to JavaScript. Not to jQuery though...
It's funny. I was actually a big mooTools fan for a while. Then when everyone adopted jQuery as pretty much the standard, I had to switch
I'm quick to replace React from the (protected) master branch using git hackery.
o_0 why do web page speed tools want me to gzip my dynamic XHTML?
@bjb568 because less bytes over the network stack is better performance?
specially when not all requests can be made async?
@rene Have you got any comment notification?
@Nic is doing something evil again. ^
Nothing evil!
Then what is this change in your facial mood? </detective>
Java has encoding issues with non-latin characters
@rene It'a a dynamic page. I'd have to first render the whole page, compress it, then serve it. Sure it'd go across the wabz faster, but TTFB would be astronomical.
@nicael I got that one, yes
@bjb568 I know. I'm pretty sure that page speed criteria was invented when the full benefit of dynamic pages had to be invented. That metric made sense when you got served 1MB on a 14K4 modem.
@TIPS O.- What do you mean?
@rene Could you reply, please? :D
@nicael I just did? I mean, I only got the notification from your chat message
Nothing else
Oh what?..
Sorry then. That's weird.
OK, you tell me what you're trying ....
On MSE or SO?
On SO, I commented.
Nothing serious, just posted a comment.
Yep, I see it in my profile, not in the top bar
In the responses, you mean?
@nicael here you go i.sstatic.net/Cnh1M.png
Haha, that's cute. Why don't you check your achievements?
Why should I?
Could you reply to that comment?
let me try
Nope, brings me here
Sure it is, use post request. Or submit from another question, having changed the comments id before submitting.
I've also tried to upvote, but apparently didn't succeed :(
@rene javascript:$.post("/posts/33615810/comments",{comment:"Insert your comment here",fkey:StackExchange.options.user.fkey}) is good for such purposes.
I get a server error
With that code snippet?
Haha, you actually posted them.
Oh :)
that sort of works then
The server errors are expected, since the comments themselves cannot be loaded.
Ok, so a team has a post id, which can have comments, that are not shown anywhere on the team page. This hardly is a bug, right? More a useless hack?
:) Yes.
Ah wait, I could click "request to join", right.
You could, yes ...
So I did, won't you add me? Please.
OK, done
Oh, thanks :)
Uh, why those green buttons? They should be blue...
I'm not a UX guy, despite other popular believes
Huh, why can't I edit from there?..
I assume because bits and pieces got reused without the intention to be available in the UI...
@nicael You're supposed to steer the car with the steering wheel, not by opening the hood and fiddling there ...
Haha, lol.
What if I flag it as spam, gets nuked?
Oh what?! I thought I could retract this flag.
Hail, @nicael! Have you been using your new superpowers for good — or for evil?
What superpowers?..
I don't know any superpowers.
Q: change active into passive voice

kidatell me the answer of this question. i cannot understand this sentence. i tried very much i want this answer for the school because this is my homework. please help me to covert active to passive voice. i am totally confuse. please help me i cannot understand this sentence i cannot understand ...

More covert actions.
Technically, it's a tweet.
No it isn’t, because gulls don’t tweet: they either mew, keow, or kuoh.
Ashes tweet tho'.
@tchrist Northern Parent Issues?
It sounds more . . . military.
2 messages moved to Sandbox
1 hour later…
@nicael you did close the team???
@rene Yes, what's wrong with it?
(not reported in here because of the reason but it still needs abusive flags)
Happened to me too; very discouraging :( — Will 2 hours ago
I thought this was the other Will and wondered why he was so... tame...
(I suppose it would've been Won't here on Meta though)
@nicael uh .. nothing ;)
Are you two breaking Teams or something?
Nope :D
That's @rene being tricked into believing I've closed the team.
And I can start a bounty with no notice at all.
So basically there's little server-side validation for parameters. Huh.
But it's not really an issue.
So minor.
But I can't add a notice without a bounty :D
You're not going to report minor bugs? Who are you and what have you done with nicael? ;)
Yeah, what's up with you, @nic?
2 hours later…
What if the image is "Russia"? — uoɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC yesterday
"I accidentally uploaded Russia to Imgur, oops"?
I did a site design that's supposed to load new items every time you scroll past 70% of the page length
I messed up my event listeners and any small scroll that happened while the server was handling the request would ask for the next page after that, meaning I could accidentally be loading 26 pages or some crazy number like that <_<
not a smart idea....

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