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1:27 AM
@bjb568 you just flew over there to see MIT? :p
1:56 AM
I also toured Harvard, but of course MIT is much more impressive.
2 hours later…
3:37 AM
herding cats ... it's possible ...
9:14 AM
2:11 PM
Dearest Americans, I feel bad for us mocking your elections. While the rest of the world is watching your election like some reality show with clowns running around, we are merely there for entertainment value. While you are the ones stuck in the boat for better or worse and suffer the consequences of whatever when it eventuates. Again, sincere apologies. <3 always, Telxxxxx
Also technology 2016 - easier to hack than to make
You mean Samsung makes better bombs than ISIS?
2:35 PM
This is seriously a question on Monero? How many different developers have made contributions to Monero source code? With 18+ upvotes...
18... I downvoted it.
@Telkitty I have been doing it since I made this account >:D
3:19 PM
Why does this page always say "15 hours ago" even though it's not really 15 hours ago? @ShadowWizard travel.stackexchange.com/posts/80345/timeline
1 hour later…
4:34 PM
@hichris123 18 up, 1 down. One of these voters is not like the others... ♫
Well, considering that as of the latest SEDE update, there have only been 230 downvotes on the site...
And then stuff like Any plans of Monero based documentary? gets upvoted. :(
5:30 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Thunderbolt to VGA monitor blank in Boot Camp Windows 7 by Jessy Angel on apple.stackexchange.com
5:42 PM
@hichris123 They seem to enjoy what they do, so you could respond in kind by doing something you enjoy.
@Fiksdal I guess you mean the daily votes summary?
Q: Timeline vote summary shows votes for the 24 hours following the timestamp, which is confusing

Nathan TuggyThe new timeline is pretty snazzy. But there's one thing I've noticed that's a bit jarring; the timestamp for vote summaries is always 0:00:00 on a particular day, and the summary covers the rest of that day. So you end up with a summary that always shows up earlier than the events that presumabl...

That's just a design choice, to have the summary display as 12AM
@zaq I enjoy downvoting. ;)
6:00 PM
@ShadowWizard Exactly that. Again, you're the dupe-finding master.
6:33 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-Latin answer: Text messages appearing in foreign characters by Aaron Thomas on android.stackexchange.com (@qwer)
1 hour later…
7:41 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, email in answer: Sending bitcoin unconfirmed, now wallet balance is unconfirmed by Vous Trais on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
9:40 PM
@bjb568 I was going to ask if you had happened to go to the CMU admissions presentation today in Cincinnati, but I suspect that the answer was no since you were just in Boston.
But they'll be visiting my school on Monday.
10:01 PM
@bjb568 Oh, probably the same presenter then. His title was "assistant director of admissions" but I'm now finding out they have 16 people with that title.
CMU's website really sucks.
I have like 1fps scrolling and the words are so big it's like 1 word per page.
That all amounts to a second per word.
@bjb568 Not much content of interest although he did make a comment along the lines of "Programming your own games/apps/websites is great, but we are really looking for people have delved into 'how it all works underneath' and the math behind it". He compared the SCS to "programming for the future" and the somewhat similar "Information Systems" major (not in SCS) to "programming for the present" which I thought was interesting to hear.
@bjb568 sad website for a good CS school
@Fiksdal my pleasure! ;)
@bjb568 He made these sound alike but they really aren't alike at all: coursecatalog.web.cmu.edu/schoolofcomputerscience coursecatalog.web.cmu.edu/…
10:28 PM
Go for Computer Science major if you are addicted to coding. It tends to cure the addiction.
Go for Information Science major if you are addicted to PowerPoint. You might become a PM of some kind (most likely, a prime minister).
How about the other hundreds of majors? ;)
11:16 PM
The only solution is a combination major that isn't on there, like MIT's 6-7.
Actually, design, 4, isn't in the comic either.
Mechanical and Ocean Engineering, 2-OE also isn't really covered.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer: What or who is 'the god of the earth' Revelation 11:4? by Bart Velarde on hermeneutics.stackexchange.com

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