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2:00 AM
@bjb568 Wait, what is it that I should know about Los Altos that I don't?
It's expensive.
The cheapest house in the city is like 3 million dollars.
In basically the whole bay area, you pay 10x national average for 1/3 the space.
A: "Are you" or "you are"

Dory Because there is a question before already. Look at the following question and answer: “Do you know what IS IT?” vs “Do you know what IT IS?”

Oh. NYC isn't exactly cheap either.
Can't tell whether "Because there is a question before already." is answer or not ^^
@JasonC Oh, you live in NYC.
The shitty brownstone I live in is probably a $2-$3 million dollar purchase.
I pay $2200/mo for this place.
That's the cheapest studio apartment in MV without rats.
2:03 AM
or squirrels or whatever else might fall down your smokestack…
Wait, what do you call the thing over the stove where the smoke from burnt food steam goes?
smokestack is for trains
Well, there's certain neighborhoods here I don't understand. Like Williamsburg, crappy studios are in the $3000 range, and then you see these out of work hipsters with crappy bands living there. It's... irritating.
I hope they appreciate their parents.
@bjb568 Vent?
yes, vent sounds right
@JasonC For 1 person?
Why does the starring operation encounter unexpected errors 2% of the time?
2:06 AM
Because of you.
@hichris123 I'm by myself yeah but it's a 2 bedroom. It's actually a pretty good deal.
It sounds expensive but it's on the lower middle range of rent really. Also I lucked out and my landlords are awesome.
Aw crap I have more homework to do.
I'm a little out from the city in Brooklyn though. As you move closer to Manhattan prices go up fast and spaces get smaller. When I lived in Manhattan, we were paying $2500/mo for an 800 sq ft space split between 3 people, six floor walk up, moldy kitchen, roaches the size of your fist. It's weird.
That was a bit of a shock, because I moved there from Pittsburgh, which is one of the cheapest places in the country to live, where I was paying $550/mo for an entire half of a town house by myself.
@JasonC I gotta ask: why 2 bedroom?
2:10 AM
Office, with possibility to rent it out if money gets tight. I like my space.
I work from home, it's all tax deductible rent and utilities.
[All inspired-kitteh-like, chin raised] I wanna be like you when I grow up!
@bjb568 A college dropout, you mean?
Single and generally depressed?
2:20 AM
Meh, IDK about college.
I'm single now, so I don't have to do anything.
Depressed sounds like fun!
Congrats @JasonC. Have fun kicking bots of mod candidates ;)
@bjb568 But... about Piper...
I do want to have more cats.
… that's what happens when I leak PII. People try to reason with me.
@InfiniteRecursion noooo Jason C is not against bots
2:21 AM
If my landlord didn't care I'd have like 9 cats now.
Yeah fine scratch the single part.
> when I leak PII
musicfans.stackexchange.com/users/26/unihedron?tab=reputation ... where's my reputation event for +2 - accept?
2:22 AM
When don't you leak PII, exactly?
@AstroCB never, people are always reasoning with me
so awful, it's like then I have to use logics and stuff
Excellent, now Piper is on the starwall and I'll be forever reminded (distracted) of her.
@Braiam meh not my loss
> For questions about particular terms used in a subject of study, theory, profession, etc.
@InfiniteRecursion Lol thanks. I kind of feel obligated to become passionately anti-bot now for no reason other than humor value.
I meant this rep event from accepting an answer, @Braiam
@JasonC :o
It showed +2 in achievements pane but not in reputation tab
2:25 AM
gah, howtokeyboard
@AstroCB How do you pronounce "PII"? Your answer will determine how amusing it is to "leak PII".
@bjb568 yes
@JasonC Clever.
@JasonC leak pee iy iy
2:26 AM
> You seem to be under the impression that there is a special breed of bad humans. There is no such thing as a stereotype bad man in this world. Under normal conditions, everybody is more or less good, or, at least, ordinary. But tempt them, and they may suddenly change. That is what is so frightening about men.
Aye aye, leaking pee now, cap'n.
@Unihedron you got it...
@JasonC pew pew!
@Braiam Sexist!
@Braiam And also, might want to see a doctor about that.
2:28 AM
@JasonC ¬_¬
whee! workspaces!
okay, dizzy now.
!xkcd find mu
... @xkcdBot?
!find xkcd mu
3 hours ago, by AstroCB
Oh – updating that computer.
Forgot to turn the bot back on.
!xkcd alive?
@Unihedron @bjb568 well, this chair doesn't spin well but.. close enough?
2:32 AM
> On the whole, all people are good, or at least they're normal. The frightening thing is that they can suddenly turn bad when it comes to the crunch.
!xkcd status
@xkcdBot delete
!xkcd find mu
I think bot writers should think a bit along the lines of YAGNI @uni. If it helps, @nicael pinged me via his sock some time after his suspension and told me bugs which I could report. I didn't. The reasons were the same as the ones JasonC told Astro. I was down to 1 rep, but I didn't fret over the loss of points. Even after the entire episode was over, I am left with a net loss of points.There are some moral standards which apply even on the intenet. Helping suspended users is wrong.
@InfiniteRecursion Helping suspended users is wrong? Somebody is opinionated about ethicality on the internet today.
@Braiam Especially the Cap'n Crunch. I've seen some brutal battles over that last bowl.
2:33 AM
@InfiniteRecursion I agree to an extent based on the points you presented.
When you get down to 1 rep @bjb, then we will see how calm you remain :)
@InfiniteRecursion Didn't you volunteer?
And how you justify suspension :)
Excessive smileys.
2:35 AM
I volunteered for going down to 1 rep. Cool!!
I didn't volunteer and was pretty annoyed but since it's nicael I didn't expect worse.
!xkcd find bjb
No results found.
D: :O >.> <.< \o \o/ o/ :/ ._. :s P:
Or better, actually.
2:36 AM
!xkcd find smileys
Yes @uni, it was annoying without a doubt.
yes @inf
@xkcdBot delete Too large for transcript
@xkcdBot Hey! I was reading that >.<
2:36 AM
@AstroCB You should add a collapse command that turns it into a link or something.
Saying "For science" is not volunteering your account for abuse.
!xkcd find smileys
ok, ok, we get it @inf
@AlexisKing Good idea.
2:37 AM
No results found.
use DDG
@bjb568 No.
@bjb568 How long till we get a DD search engine?
2:38 AM
Maybe a month
@bjb568 A single month? Not even two?
@AlexisKing Right after he finishes writing the privacy policy.
> i no wanna see ur privates
2:39 AM
@bjb568 In that case, I guess you could say it'll be puts on sunglasses 6-8 weeks.
@bjb568 Haha!
@AlexisKing Looks like my hat..
!bjb I will not steal your data.
2:40 AM
me will no noty yur data. [translated]
^ Privacy policy.
I was going to ask the same thing, but I kept staring at it trying to figure out if I was being dumb.
It doesn't matter what noty means, the only thing that's important is that it will no be done to yur data.
2:42 AM
I notyd your sandwich, @Doorknob.
$ sudo noty me a sandwich
regex is soo notyd
> It is not you in particular that I distrust, but the whole of humanity.
I notyd ur mom last night, twice.
2:43 AM
@bjb568 regex is upyd
^ so profound
sorry I reyd your arrow
!bjb steal
steeel [translated]
2:44 AM
!bjb not steal your
no noty yur [translated]
!bjb not steal
no noty [translated]
2:44 AM
!bjb not stea
!bjb what is going on here
what iz going on here [translated]
!bjb not stea
no noty [translated]
2:45 AM
!bjb not ste
!bjb not steak
!bjb steak not
steeek not [translated]
@hichris123 Dude really?
!bjb not s
2:45 AM
no noty [translated]
!bjb nots
notz [translated]
That's what I just got ninja'd on?
!bjb not aoiwejfoaiwef
2:45 AM
no noty [translated]
... not * always translates to no noty.
!bjb yes not
yez not [translated]
That's… peculiar.
!bjb yes not abc
2:46 AM
yez no noty [translated]
!bjb fuzzy is no not me
fuzzy iz no no noty [translated]
!bjb not yourBotIsBorkenSoBad
no noty [translated]
fuzzy iz no no noty!
2:46 AM
!bjb not a b c d e f g
no noty b c d e f g [translated]
!bjb no noty
no noty [translated]
!//mustache bjb568
2:47 AM
!bjb not no noty all over your face
no noty noty all over yur face [translated]
I think it's developed a language of its own.
//!mustache bjb568
2:47 AM
Added to the collection.
But seriously, wth is noty?
!!/mustache bjb568
Oh, it's a jQuery notification plugin, duh.
2:49 AM
Is that… mobile layout?
@James Wrong bot.
@hichris123 what does that mean?
!mustache bjb568
That probably broke some time ago.
2:49 AM
Yep @bjb568.
ur suck
@uni that bjb is fuzzy?
!mustache Braiam
2:50 AM
Huh; I guess it still works.
Okay, final revision before I stop spamming the room.
user image
wonders why he's the example...
candidate for new avatar
I could make it my new avatar if it was higher res.
2:54 AM
Nope, not spending any more time on that. :P
Sigh, going to bed early today.
@bjb568 Yeah, that one is way too low res, everybody would definitely laugh at you.
Oh yeah and don't forget to hit that button on your app the exact moment you fall asleep. If you miss it you have to stay awake until you get it right.
Night! :)
3:06 AM
@nicael Report the bugs of the penalty box when you return. We will wait till then. Find all the holes and enjoy these 30 days, but please don't make the suspension a joke, you are better than that. Nicaelbot, really? You are free to ignore this request, but I just wanted to let you know.
Stack Status is way behind on post mortems.
^ I actually agree, but I'm not sure how to fit in StackStatus and its twitter feed in short sentence.
or.. kind of dilemma whether to use Stack Status or Twitter
(oh sh.. I forgot space on the screenshot)
3:27 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX ONLINE, DROP EXISTING by deharodk on dba.stackexchange.com
Wrong site. You were probably looking for Yahoo Answers. — Yes 10 mins ago
Lol, burn.
@JasonC Yes.
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Yes Blacklisted user.
@SmokeDetector gone
!bjb test of the bjb translating mechanism
3:37 AM
test of the bjb translating mechanism [translated]
@bjb568 much disappoint.
@xkcdBot darnit, was that in response to something I did?
!bjb not a test of the bjb translating mechanism
no noty test of the bjb translating mechanism [translated]
3:39 AM
@Undo Agreed.
!bjb Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.
productivity iz never an accident. it iz alwayz the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, n focused effort. [translated]
Hmm, subtle, but somewhat effective.
!bjb test if xkcdBot is bot-spamming and needs a kick
test if xkcdbot iz bot-spamming n needz a kik [translated]
3:42 AM
Oh, I just unignored xkcdbot. That's not obnoxious at all.
Maybe it just thinks DD needs a bigger legal team?
Apr 20 at 13:12, by Infinite Recursion
@AstroCB I kicked @xkcdBot for bot spam. Please add an appropriate invocation sequence. Random oneboxes are bot spam.
^ same reason for this kick @AstroCB ^
Add a proper invocation sequence.
@AstroCB your !bjb command is conflicting with bjb's !bjb command
Guess that was kind of my bjb's fault, in a way. Kind of.
3:47 AM
@Unihedron It's Doorknob's fault.
Doorknob as usual.
Aw, I just realized that I actually did break part of my laptop when I dropped it down the stairs the other day.
Whoa~ player.io services are now Yahoo Games?!
3:56 AM
A onebox to move bjb569 out of the window:
4:09 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website: your face with a facial soap cleanser by ayadebiey on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Minecraft Help with signing in! by Kyle on gaming.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in username: Show when user is online by Buscar웃 on stackapps.com
Oh hey, Smokey's back.
@AlexisKing It's hichris123's fault.
Thanks hichris. ;)
Anyway, sleep for me, I think. I have a job interview tomorrow to possibly alleviate this problem, wish me luck!
4:16 AM
Good luck!
@SmokeDetector stack.. apps...
@AlexisKing wishing you the best!
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: Anti-wrinkle Eye Cream by James King on superuser.com
@AlexisKing Interview question one: How fast can you clean a bathroom?
4:55 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PROBLEMA COM CKEDITOR NO BOOTSTRAP MODAL by José Damião on pt.stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Has this ever happened to you? by Epow Laza on askubuntu.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@James Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
blacklist candidate occn.org
5:10 AM
@ProgramFOX Bot command to add host names from links in a post to a blacklist.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: The helicopter itself there is a final hiring by chloerob on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@James Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Happening now he in places 500 kilometers by hirra hyatik on superuser.com
5:28 AM
@JasonC That would require moving the list of blacklisted sites from the Python code itself (findspam.py) to an external file, similar to blacklistedUsers.txt. Which may be a good idea, although there's a drawback: Smokey clones will start with empty list. Also, in Undo's environment those .txt files might be getting wiped out once in a while (not sure). cc: @ProgramFOX
Which is zero effort on my part if ProgramFOX does it. Sounds good to me!
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: C# REGEX EXPRESSION NEEDED by user274294 on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: what is the1285-muscle-extreme? by migueljohnson on superuser.com
5:43 AM
@SmokeDetector answer of that one
6:06 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Is Reel That Fat Useful For Men? by ediith dolan on drupal.stackexchange.com
@ShadowWizard Sorry! It's what happens when you let @nicael tell you about a bug :P Basically, when you see the edit, you click improve, do nothing, and click 'Save Edits'. It's never made a new revision (at least since nicael told me about it), and I'm pretty sure there is already a bug report about it... I'll try not to do it again... because it is kind of unfair (like you said, it's binding), but you've got to admit, it's hard to stop using a bug, once you know about it! :P
spam superuser.com/a/916072/172747 again drivethelive.com
But @ShadowWizard I didn't use an invisible whitespace! I just clicked SAVE EDITS - nothing else!!
@SmokeDetector gone
6:27 AM
blacklist candidate testosteronebuyonline.com
6:53 AM
blacklist candidate keycdn.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: removeFrom(map) doesn't work by hazem khd on gis.stackexchange.com
no repro
maybe I have bad cookies
still 503 after clearing cookies
fine for me, even your link
7:06 AM
Uncaught Reference
Error: jQuery is not defined(anonymous function) @ VM264:708
favicon.ico:1 GET area51.stackexchange.com/favicon.ico 503 (Service Unavailable)
VM264 is a cached .js file.
no repro... CDN issue again?
blacklist candidate emailsupport.dycineglobal.us
on meta ^^^^
I can access the favicon link of area51, linking to sstatic.net/area51/img/favicon.ico
@AndrewT. I can too, but my browser can't
Typical, SE for android app can't even load area51
7:30 AM
Today's xkcd comic:
@xkcdBot ...
!bjb cats do not sleep
catz do no noty [translated]
!bjb catz make noty botz
catz make noty botz [translated]
7:36 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website, repeating characters in body: how does it work mass masscel by Betty Ragany on drupal.stackexchange.com
blacklist candidate hipslimgarcinia.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: email validation in registration form by Jay Sarraf on magento.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@James Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector ignore
7:38 AM
@Unihedron Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: VISUAL BASIC (CONSOLE MODE) by Bilal Hussain Shah on programmers.stackexchange.com
morning everyone
morning dark
@SmokeDetector closed by a mod and I don't bother polishing...
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: WIRED LAN NOT CONNECTING by Ashwin Ebenezer on askubuntu.com
7:55 AM
@Shog9 no, you are wrong. I care, even though I was never suspended (yet). Plus, 7 people care for this minor wording issue. Plus a developer of Stack Exchange care enough to fix another UI bug. Need more examples?
@ᔕᖺᘎᕊ yeah, that's a pity - but I noticed you don't do it all the time, so kudos!
Anyone knows why nicael's account was suspended?
@PatrickHofman ask Shadow Wizard
oh wait...
@ShadowWizard Well? Do you know?
7:58 AM
@PatrickHofman yes I do
@ShadowWizard Wanna share?

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