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4:00 PM
2px solid rgba(255, 77, 0, 0.48) looks fairly good to my eyes
still want the red tho?
Oh yeah, it helps to not put stuff in the wrong spot
kk I'll add that into the sheet.
it'll probably update in the next hour or two, google is slow
np, thank you!
You're my Stylizification Hero of the Day
Ugh, how many reopen votes does meta.stackexchange.com/questions/111493/… have?
4:02 PM
one of them mine
@Undo @OliverSalsburg (however you spell it) was the original author, I just kinda forked his and ran with it
Well you ran pretty far with it
light themes give me migraines
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: MYSQL TABLE DOESN'T EXIST by Nick_Core on serverfault.com
ugh, now Chrome's light bar looks out of place
4:04 PM
@Undo one more! :(
@hichris123 smokey doesn't have enough rep :(
> You have already voted to reopen this question; you may recast your vote in 9 days
@Braiam Time travel then! :P
@hichris123 reopened
4:05 PM
I have a theme for chrome that slightly darkens it
but not by much at all
Why does it need to be reopened @hichris123? Seems to be a dupe if not for the tags?
@Bart is not "fixed"
Am I missing something? It doesn't say that anywhere? The bug report dupe is still open ...
@Bart meta.stackexchange.com/questions/215522/… is fixed, but oneboxing xkcd with https is not. Twitter w/ https is also weird, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
4:07 PM
@TimPost Looks like this is fixed if you onebox a SE post with HTTPS, but XKCD oneboxes still break. Could you add [status-completed] to this question and reopen meta.stackexchange.com/questions/111493/…;? Thanks! — hichris123 Mar 29 at 22:26
one is about internal links (aka X.se) the other is about external links (aka xkcd, twitter, xkcd, wikipedia, etc. did I mention xkcd?)
Ah ...
Me slow
Let's try Twitter:
I love comments in the #stackoverflow codebase: goto default; // hey, blame Lippert, if C# had a fall through we wouldn't be here, would we?
... and see, that worked with https.
but sometimes it... just doesn't.
We lost a peering session with one of our ISPs and experienced a network reconvergence at 14:37 UTC. We are still working on the issue.
@rlemon YES thank you for this
4:09 PM
@Undo np, I also use a dark theme for github and jsfiddle
and google music :P
the jsfiddle one is pretty slick
but those are stylish themes, not in the chrome store afaik
put I a bounty on the question.
"or put I not?"
"or not I put" what Yoda would say is
ahaha I didn't even realize I did that.
4:27 PM
Dark theme <3
@J.Steen I cleared the stars.
4:41 PM
dead, dead, dead. Again.
Feb 10 at 0:41, by hichris123
@FamousBlueRaincoat You do it. I don't want more meta rep.
http works
@MartijnPieters :o
@Martijn @TimStone ^ What bart said.
Yeah, that's a completely separate environment, we can't piggyback on the wildcard cert there.
Also to be fair, it wasn't dead last time, just...crippled. Or something.
4:54 PM
@TimStone Link back to the nomination post for easier commenting.
Huh, yeah, I don't know why it doesn't do that >_>
Will add it to my list, thanks
That statistics page is a way better interface overall than the nominations post page.
@pizza I would have 3k rep if I hadn't given 3 bounties. :P
And I would have... 9943 rep if I hadn't given 50 bounties. O.O
and and... I don't have cool things to say :(
5:01 PM
@TimStone: ah, so it does. It did work before indeed, so I just didn't notice.
Err I'm not sure how it could have, but :o
@TimStone or I am simply dead wrong.
As long as it works now :)
But I've been using SO via HTTPS forever now and so I usually end up on the elections page to read a comment (damn those broken comment links), so that means that usually I think I loaded the elections page over HTTPS, which means that the elections stats page is also reached via HTTPS.
Perhaps the link was made protocol relative very recently? Or I may just be misguessing my usage patterns here.
5:05 PM
@SmokeDetector fpu
@ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ Registered question as false positive, whitelisted user and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
We are about to move the *.stackexchange.com wildcard through CloudFlare. If you see any issues, please let us know.
@MartijnPieters When I access the current elections page via HTTPS, the stats page link is still HTTP. The protocol is explicit in the link. Do you have some browser extension that's forcing HTTPS on it?
Can anyone explain the process of moving wild cards through flaring clouds?
5:11 PM
@ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ woah, have you fpu'd it after I edited the question?
spam http://android.stackexchange.com/a/104878/44325
spam http://android.stackexchange.com/a/104877/44325
spam http://android.stackexchange.com/a/104875/44325
(all answer, not the question)
You may only flag a post every 5 seconds
@vaultah yeah, your edit was 5 seconds old when I fpu'ed
The flag box isn't transparent anymore, but comment flag boxes are
Does this mean my edit is wrong? @ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ
5:14 PM
@AndrewT. all gone
too late to delete my message, and thanks.
@vaultah Not at all. False positive = not spam. This does not mean the question is perfect.
Wow, it's my lucky day! I got 60 rep without doing anything.
@vaultah fpu adds the current revision of the question, as far as I know. Your edit was good, and since fpu whitelists the question and user (fp = False Positive, u = User).
By the way, it does not matter whether it was before or after edit. Smokey does not fetch the page again, it parses the message to which someone responded, and adds the data to a list.
5:15 PM
9 hours ago, by ProgramFOX
@James Actually, whitelisting the user only makes sense if the user name contains a bad keyword; because only the username is excluded from checking when a user is whitelisted.
Ahh, okies. Thanks @ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ, @pizza
@vaultah Alternatively tpu is tp = True Positive, u = User
All-caps titles usually don't need any response, unless they turn out to be spam. By default they get "ignore", i.e., do not report again.
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: INFORMATION CREDIBILITY QUESTION by Matthew F Lix on ux.stackexchange.com
5:18 PM
VLQ, and this is not the first time...
2 days ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in body: Information Credibility by Matthew Lix on physics.stackexchange.com
@pizza was it a spam seed?
@SmokeDetector ignore, but flag as either VLQ or off-topic
@AndrewT. Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@SmokeDetector tp
5:22 PM
@ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ Registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
closed by a mod
Just post again if it is 6666
Where is the highly voted meta answer which ended in "Answers that contribute to the demise of the site are not helpful"?
It isn't that exact text, but it said downvoting answers to awful questions is ok
Was it on MSE or MSO?
5:32 PM
Where "helpful" comes from the DV hovertext
@JasonC I think MSO
@JasonC I don't.
@JasonC: the page I have open still says HTTPS for that link.
Hrm, perhaps it is SOUP.
Yeah, it is SOUP.
I'll report it to them then.
I hope it wasn't edited…
@JasonC: thanks for pointing that possibility out.
Q: Building a good "Find The Next Question To Answer" query

Kevin MontroseSome of you may recall an experiment I ran a month or so ago, the "Answer Similar Questions" hook. It didn't work quite like we'd hoped, but the data suggests there's some promise there. The quality of the search in the experiment was quite poor, which was noted both here on Meta and in subsequ...

I downvote answers to clearly unsuitable questions if they're from users with more than a few hundred rep, but I guess that's a minority opinion.
@AndrewT. With Robert Harvey's answer on that same question potentially being a stronger case for @bjb.
5:40 PM
I also downvote high-rep people who reply to horrible-formatted potentially-suitable questions without ever bothering to clean them up. I find that behaviour very frustrating.
@Braiam oh, just tried it. That is little bit daunting....
it is very casesensitive
Good night
happy post-evening
5:51 PM
And a happy pre-tomorrow to you as well.
Still couldn't get "Find The Next Question To Answer" to give better result... even with parameter from Travis J... or my answer just suck :/
I really want to flog whoever thought it was a good idea to use this SQL query: SELECT username FROM users WHERE username = $project->user
@hichris123 re-factor code: 20 minutes... redundant query: 20 seconds
6:09 PM
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: HANK DE VENDAS - RELATORIO by antonio germano on pt.stackoverflow.com
Hmmm, what happened to the sidebar advertisement on the SO homepage?
@rene I don't know. In both cases I flagged VLQ; the post disappeared.
There are a couple of divs still there (between favorite tags and hot network questions), but they are empty.
...and it's back.
Maybe I'm crazy.
@AndrewT. I have high hopes for raising the cosine of title length to the power of arctangent of tag count.
@Mooseman closed
6:37 PM
Tornado drill cancelled due to weather. Ironic.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: How to convert exFAT to FAT32? by Marco on superuser.com
@jadarnel27 company ad-blocker?
@LynnCrumbling +1
Nom thread seems to be going well.
@SmokeDetector fp
6:51 PM
@ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@SmokeDetector tp
@ʎǝʞuoɯɹǝqʎɔ true/tp cannot be used for answers because their job is to add the title of the question to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'. If you want to blacklist the poster of the answer, use trueu or tpu.
is SO CB broken again?
@Undo wasn't mysql_* depreciated?
6:56 PM
has been for years
but it does work, as long as you don't let users anywhere near code using it
and you sacrifice a goat prior to each invocation
@Undo with or without a single horn in their forehead?
We will observe CloudFlare-proxied traffic to *.stackexchange.com over the next 18 hours before enabling #stackoverflow traffic tomorrow.
It needs to have at least eight horns
what kind of satanic rites are those guys doing using mysql_*?
You should ask them, they'd know better than I would :P
7:00 PM
they are afraid of pdo
because PDO is a scary-sounding acronym
yeah, very scarry
It took me getting bit by an injection before I realized that maaaaaybe I should use PDO.
I worked SQA for many years
Up until then, mysql_* worked and no one was going to tell me to put more work in to learn how to fix something that apparently wasn't borked
7:01 PM
I bit many devs in the butt with injection issues
@Undo but but... SQL injection?
there should be a migration helper for that...
I just moved to Rails :P
postgresql ftw
Hiya @bjb
7:05 PM
im heawr
just a test
7:25 PM
Hoping that (a) I'm not entirely crazy and (b) there are more likely to be some of the super-friendly awesome wonderful brilliant staff around at this time of day than in the middle of the night:
13 hours ago, by Jeremy Banks
Would somebody be able to show me the candidates at http://dev.stackoverflow.com/election/1 and http://dev.meta.stackoverflow.com/election/1 ? I have a memory; it may be false.
13 hours ago, by Jeremy Banks
@JeremyBanks It may be https://meta.dev.stackexchange.com/election/1. I got my metas confused.
@hichris123 might be able to :P
Advice regarding the current means of gaining access to dev would also serve my purpose. ;)
IIRC they locked it down pretty tight
7:28 PM
@JeremyBanks I only got that for a couple of hours in december 2013 but is not open, it could be on invite
@JeremyBanks what? why.
@JeremyBanks you aren't looking for this?
what happened to Lasse? step down?
Kev is also no longer a mod?
/me doesn't pay attention to these sorts of things
Anna Lear and Tim Post didn't get the Sheriff badge... but animuson has it. Unfair.
@rlemon both of them stepped down years ago
7:36 PM
found Kevs post
I thought slaks was (still) a mod :shrugs:
@Undo My cookies got messed up after the dev server went to SSL.
awww :(
actually, hold on.
we need your cookies
wow, 200 reviews in HIQ
7:45 PM
Yeah, not letting me into any of the dev sites.
29 candidates, where's the list of who'll be pushed off?
@rene gluten free?
19 hours ago, by AstroCB
Kick list (I won't bother pinging anymore):
1. Ty221
2. Wobbuffet
3. Me
4. bjb568
5. hichris123
6. Unihedro
7. Undo
8. AlexisKing
9. Mooseman
@hichris123 no, any dev cookie will do
7:46 PM
@rlemon Yeah, I'm currently redoing this... but it's in PHP... :/
Wobbuffet only has 4k? wow
I'm so sorry
And I'm not allowed to use PDO -- still using mysql_*.
Are there any candidates who might be willing to withdraw for the betterment of the group?
There was that one guy, right…
@rene Oh okay. We need @animuson then for gluten free cookies.
7:47 PM
The election page is a mess.
Dan withdrew.. but I think that was for other political reasons.
@bjb568 comments need to collapse, like fully. not just when they spill over X comments
would make navigating the page easier
@rlemon yes
I think fixed width layout is severely constraining the info density. The page is too long.
@hichris123 we can put him on the close vote queue again but I'm afraid Shog9 will not allow that...
@rene He's handling team@ emails now (I think) so I wouldn't want to burn him out more.
@bjb568 wonder if wooble will run again
7:53 PM
@hichris123 Oh...we need to send him cookies...a lot...
Hey, anyone have @animuson's address?
@Roombatron5000 wooooooble
I like saying that.
@hichris123 I'd imagine it's <lastname>@stack(exchange|overflow).com
@Undo I meant actual address... :P
7:55 PM
(virtual cookies aren't the same)
@hichris123 contact SE HR?
Found a city/state
@Roombatron5000 "Hi uh... I wanted to give an employee named animuson ... that's a n i m u s o n ... yes, um what's his address? I wanted to send him a cookie."
@hichris123 They wouldn't arrive today, I'm afraid.
@pizza Never underestimate UPS Critical shipments.
or whatever that service is called.
7:58 PM
I could build a big cannon, that'd work too
although getting sprayed with supersonic finely crushed cookie pieces probably isn't quite the same
$('.comments').each(function(index, element) {
  var button = $('<button>toggle comments</button>');
  var $element = $(element);
  button.on('click', $element.slideToggle.bind($element));
There's Amazon wishlist, a more sensible way imo.
ugly, hacky, jQuery, works. cc @bjb568 ^
@rlemon ugh
8:00 PM
I'm not spending more than 2 minutes on something to hide election comments :P
@pizza maybe he should narrow that list down a bit?
> Note: This service is not available at locations of The UPS Store®, UPS Drop Boxes, UPS Customer Centers, Staples® or Office Depot®, or UPS Authorized Shipping Outlets.
So, er, where is it available?
UPS Interwebz®
Oh, and brown.
It's been years since I used Amazon wishlist... why is it trying to ship the items to me?
@Shog9 I have a vague memory of seeing a test election with some amusing candidate choices. However, I'm not sure if it was just something dreamed, and the uncertainty is nagging at me. That's all.
8:15 PM
given those are test servers it's entirely possible you saw folks testing stuff
This does sound like a dream, as I describe it: I was one of the test candidates. The other may have been @TimStone. I was kicking myself because the test election ended right before I saw the page, so if I'd been there a couple days earlier I would have been able to cast the only vote in the election, for myself, winning the election. I expect mod promotion is actually manual, but I at least hoped there was a chance that it was automatic, and I would have thereby been granted mod access on dev.
I apparently didn't have the presence of mind to take a screenshot, if this actually ever happened.
The test was to see how people respond if they are given a chance to become mod on any site, even on dev... the test results are in and not public...
@Shog9 (Quick! #14294-A is remembering. We need to take him to the reconditioning center immediately.)
When I was 14, I sent an email to the owners of a commercial forum I participated in, asking if they every hired people under 18 as moderators. They never replied, but I had a dream that they did, saying yes. For at least six months, maybe longer, I thought the email had been real, until one day I finally searched for it.
8:28 PM
@JasonC Unless that email was actually real, but they didn't want me to be a moderator, so they hacked my email and deleted it!
kewl story bro
I mean, haha word, that's a funny dream.
@JeremyBanks hah, that's great
I almost got recruited as a moderator when I was like 12.
They emailed me and said they wanted me on board and asked how old I was. I said 12 and never heard from them again.
@Undo Aww. =P
I guess, since that's less than 13, they had the excuse of "legal reasons" for avoiding you.
actually, more "sweep it under the rug so we don't have to COPPA him"
I was fortunate enough to realize that I was born in 1980.
A nice round number.
That's more than 13 years ago.
8:51 PM
@Undo I rewrote some guy's website from scratch a few years ago free of charge only because I was disgusted with how awful it was. I was probably, what, 15 or 16? It was sort of an adult website. xD He still has no idea that what I was doing was probably illegal, lol.
@JeremyBanks I had a dream that I was at Stack Exchange's holiday party. I wasn't even an employee, just there for some reason.
@TimStone Was it a good party at least?
@TimStone Must be a sign of things to come
8:54 PM
@AlexisKing It was okay. I don't think much happened.
@TimStone Haha. :P
/me consults a map of the United States to see how far from their office you actually are.
Kind-of far.
Just a train ride, it's not too bad.
Not sleepwalking distance.
8:55 PM
@TimStone did you meet Trogdor or saw any pony?
I did not. :(
it wasn't a dream then... but a nightmare :/
Someone did, so we'll assume it was him

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