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It doesn't?
No, the current system looks at all audits over all queues.
Which honestly doesn't make much sense. Some queues are a lot easier to spot audits, and the punishment should be a lot harsher for failing an audit in that queue.
Close and Reopen audits can be pretty easy, but Suggested Edit audits reach out and smack you in the face.
Btw @animuson, do moderators get any indication of users who serially downvoted? Or is that purely an automated thing that no mod ever sees?
@animuson no, there's always slight chance of misclick. But in such case moderator should manually review the reviews and ban if needed
wait... you got the diamond... <hint hint>
I've had some DMs with the guy, apparently me editing almost all his answers made him feel "not too good". But we've cleared things up, everything is fine now :)
we need Emoji in the chat :P
@Bart No we don't see anything about it. The user will show up in the suspicious voting pattern stats while the votes are still active, but will be removed once they're actually reversed.
Hmm, as I thought then @animuson. So suspensions are only likely if it has not yet been reversed?
Usually we'd only message them if someone flagged and we actually had to look at it. We wouldn't normally suspend someone for targeted voting on the first offense.
Stop being so constructive @Stijn. We want Meta drama, and blood, and rants!! You being all normal and polite and helpful doesn't benefit us at all.
ooooh, someone added UTC time in the achievements dropdown :D :D :D
Okay, thanks for that @animuson. Good to know.
expression of gratitude
@Doorknob Ummm that's always been there.
@animuson no it hasn't... well it was before the new topbar, but this is the first time I've noticed it after
...or maybe I'm just really unobservant :P
ok, nvm, I just never noticed ;P
Sometimes you're such a ... a ... doorknob
no wait, that doesn't work
I use that timestamp like... every day...
@Bart lol, you're doing your bart in adding puns to our life! ...okay that's really stretching it :D
I don't think it was apart of the original top bar push, but they added it in a couple days later.
anyway, I'm going to eat now, bye all
@animuson not really, think it took couple of weeks
@hichris123 Yay!
@Doorknob happy eating!
I just ate tacos. Nine of them.
@Undo I don't get that...
@hichris123 must be a Retina icon problem.
@Undo Probably.
cache, it's always cache.
Q: Halp! The favicon is faceless!

Undo I have a Retina display, and the favicon is faceless, plain, and depressing ev everywhere I go. Can we please fix this?

> ev everywhere
Really @Undo? :P
@hichris123 type fast.
Ready fire aim.
starts writing joke answer on why SE would even consider giving @Undo 100 rep in anything, no less the assoc. bonus
Learning iOS development. Trolling the relevant tags on SO. I am in that phase where you have an itch to click the "edit" button to fix that terrible mess whenever you see Objective-C code.
But I assume that goes away soon. :)
Playing with userstyles. Anyone have suggestions?
(click to expand)
^ Better.
@Undo Me likes!
Still working... What do you think @Undo?
@hichris123 Ooooh, me likey.
For school?
If I'm lucky I'll be able to be here before I'm out of school. :P
> "Why are you in a chatroom named the Tavern?"
> "It's... not as bad as you think. We talk about brown and unicorns and stuff."
Yeah... my Social Studies teacher would really think I'm weird then.
Not that he doesn't think I'm weird or anything... :P
@hichris123 For the good of humanity, please add html{font-family:sans-serif;} to your stylesheet ;)
Or even change <html> to <html style="font-family:sans-serif">
@Undo I would bootstrap-ify it... I don't have a CSS stylesheet on it. :P
@Undo What am I using right now?
@Undo Okay, done. :P
@hichris123 Yay!
@Undo I'm pretty much done now... :)
Q: VBscript to remove duplicate in excel file

user3299809I'm beginner in VBS, actually i'm try to import all data from CSV to excel file. the error appear when i'm trying to add code to remove duplicate data. Please advise. Thank you If writeAccess Then objExcel.Workbooks.Open path Else objExcel.Workbooks.Open strTemplateFile Set objTempla...

It's still alive!
@hichris123 EEEEEEEK eeek eeek kill it with fire
how is that still not closed
@Doorknob STILL NOT CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(does my flag count?) :P
panic panic panic
4 CVs at least
Can you cast an extra one for me? ;)
Userscript complete. (cc @Undo)
Q: Painfully Obvious Moderators - Know when a post is theirs

michaelb958 Screenshots About February 11, 2014. Complaints are raised on Meta Stack Overflow over the invisibility of moderator diamonds. One helpful answerer humorously suggested This is (roughly) what this script does. License The MIT License Download Userscript Platform Runs on any b...

@Manishearth Unicode chars still aren't quite right, apparently.
@michaelb958 I told it to replace with the nearest ascii equivalent. It was giving a bit of trouble initially if I don't put an errors= thing, and if I directly output things break
@Manishearth I don't think ? is the nearest ASCII equivalent to “. Darn it $PROGRAM_LANGUAGE, Unicode shouldn't be hard...
@michaelb958 It's just putting ? when its confused :p
I'll fix it later today so that it doesn't touch unicode. iirc it only has problems if it's outputting
@Manish You should have made a nice confused message like, Sorry, fake Manish isn't sure what this character is. :P
(outputting to the terminal that is, not to SE)
Hahaha, H2CO3's nomination is the election drama so far this year.
@Pëkka lol. no Evan, sadly
y u no nominate
y u no become meta mod
y u not blue
We should have Oscars.
Who would be Leo?
@Manishearth true. But an authentic tweet from a moderator candidate saying "smelly asshole" and "fuck you" over a downvote comes close in general upset.
@Pëkka haha
@Manishearth good question! I guess someone who ran the last couple of times but never succeeded
Hmmm it kind of bothers me that a moderator candidate would write Stack Overflow as "stackoverflow" in their nomination post...
@animuson ugh, I hate that.
it's marginally better than StacKoverflow, though.
I'm pretty happy with my answer
Boasting about your sarcasm may be a bit poor form, but ooh it was was delicious
Hi all, I just failed an audit that was 'closed as unclear what you're asking', yet I either don't understand why (or I disagree). By just reading the question in the state it was (edit version 2) it was clear to me what was asked (as it also was to the 2 people who answered it). Besides that, it was the asker's first question and he forgot to format the code. This was incorrectly fixed by a 65.6K rep user.
So I fixed the answer to the state that the asker had intended it (and was planning to lift the question from the comment in the source to the question body) and voted to leave the question open (so it could be cleared from the review que).
If anything I think the question should be closed as a duplicate.
My question is now: how should I think of this, what should I learn from this? Or should I view this as a bad audit? (and will this impact on my 'behind-the-scenes' rep)?
Oh, forgot to mention: In my opinion the question was even better to understand if it would have been fixed correctly by the previous editor.
I'm confused. It says someone else passed it?
I just read that to..
That's extra weird.. I am 100% sure I got the 'failed audit' message for this question.
(and .. Hi animuson, thx for looking into it, if anything hunting a weird audit bug..)
This is probably an example of where the auto-generated audit's fail. Unless there is some kind of futuristic AI at work that can validate the edit that negates the reason for closing it.
And.. the question is reopened.. I fail to see the logic why I failed the audit.
A: Swipe contents in android

i.n.e.fcheck this link hope this helps you.

@GitaarLAB the only review you did in the last four hours is this one and it's not an audit.
I knew I should have made a screenshot..
@GitaarLAB, assuming what you say is true, you must have opened the question in a new tab to do the edit
yes I did
had you clicked edit in the review queue you would have immediately passed the audit
This made me laugh a bit:
Pull hand off mouse. Pick up phone. Call friend in real life. Ask "Guess what I'm doing right now?" Put hand back on mouse. Then answer "Cleaning up your mess!" Click delete and say "Check your SO notifications, biatch!?" — Code Maverick 6 hours ago
At that moment the question was still closed. "the community already took care of it" something like that was in the 'you failed the audit' message. Probably I missed the edit-button in the review-screen.
@GitaarLAB good chance there is some sort of bug but unless it happens again or can be reproduced don't think there's enough to really look into it.
I understand. Will it reflect on my 'behind the scenes' rep? (since we can't find it in my review history anymore)?
@GitaarLAB, yea sounds like some weird bug, since it's not in your review history I doubt it's being held against you
even if it was, I've failed a bunch of audits and never seen a ban
since I've passed so many more than I've failed
That should be the same for me (I decided to ignore it, I stand by my contributions). :)
I think the automated selection of audits needs some more tweaks.
(If I remember correctly, it was already closed 29 jan).
I didn't make the screenshot becouse I figured it would be visible in my history.
Thanks all for looking into it!
Hmm.. After giving it some more thought.. I'm more confused (about how the 'review close votes' - audits work). Question's get nominated to get closed, then the come in the review que where reviewers get to vote: 'leave open' & 'close' OR the edit-button (that I didn't use because I wanted to look at the edit-history) OR 'skip' this question.
Now, if the audit takes a question that was successfully closed (by the votes) in the past, and presents itself (understandably) as regular review, giving the option to 'leave the question open'.
Since I found the question clear AND I'm already in the process of improving the question, then the 'vote' of leaving the question open is counter-intuative (to me).
Since the audit-mechanism then reasons: I should have voted to 'close' the question (since it was already closed).
@GitaarLAB question with downvotes that got closed becomes a candidate audit item because it's obvious (to the system) that it should be closed. The only way to pass the audit is to vote to close the question as well, any other action means failing the audit. The act of editing also should trigger the audit failure as the question is deemed "lost case". Again, it's all automated and mistakes happen, usually reopening takes place in the first couple of days.
hello 3ventic!
@ShadowWizard *red. That's a great response, thanks for that.
Cheers! what is "*red"? Attempt to color the text?
Nope, (failed haha) short for starred. So both editing and 'leave open' fails the audit (contrary to a OGHaza's response). What is the second part of the story (I'm curious): how does the system handle my edit outside of review-screen, why can't the failed audit be found by others and myself in my history?
@GitaarLAB of my, guess I'm not active in chats enough for those shortcuts, lol! As for your question, yes I'm pretty sure editing via the review cause failing the audit, seen many such reports in Meta. If you open the question in a new tab aka outside the review process then whatever you're doing in there is not related to review and won't be attached in any way to reviewing. The missing failed audit is a mystery, maybe a bug.
Can it be (for instance) this audit was sent to more people around the time I got it, and more people voted to leave it open (voted being the key-word) that the system deceided it was a bad audit in hindsight and cleaned up itself (since animusen already couldn't trace it when I entered the tavern)? That's some hefty AI..
AND track the edit outside of the review(disguised audit)screen..
@Manishearth I'd edit it, it screams for it
No, I really don't think the system is that complex or smart, @GitaarLAB
Maybe best is to open a bug report in Meta, explain again what exactly happened and hopefully a dev would look into it.
@ShadowWizard So the plot thickens (hence my curiosity (in what happened OR how insanely clever the system is))
Yep, so you'll write in Meta?
hmm.. time ... Do you think it's really worthy of meta?
(and there is no screenshot, and several people inc animusen can't find a trace).
Maybe a dev would be able to find something so IMO worth a shot
I'll browse meta tomorrow (maybe post it as a question out of curiosity not bohoho, HAL|SAL|Vicky|"your favorite evil AI here" slapped me unjustly hahaha). Altough the tavern usually is enough to clear things up, usually someone points to a great existing question on meta.. And several people didn't do that (yet) :-)
@ShadowWizard Thanks Have a good day/night
Thanks! 10:45 AM here so it's a good day. See ya!
is this migration as bad as I think it is?
Q: How can i generate SQL DEMO online temporarily base ?

Chirag PipariyaI have some query in SQL data retrieving related so how can i display in stackoverflow, any one know me. please .

Morning all, since there was a cpanel tag, I thought stackoverflow.com/questions/21712535/… would be on topic, but it seems borderline. I've flagged it for mod, should it belong on superuser or any other SE?
@StuperUser borderline because it's not about programming... I saw superuser also got cpanel tag so looks like it's more fitting there.
@StuperUser having a tag on the site doesn't automatically mean questions become on topic. Reading the wiki and looking at a couple of questions I would say they are better suited for SU or SF. I don't now if cPanel comes with some sort of API because that type of question are on topic on SO.
@JanDvorak I flagged that question for closing. It violates the don't migrate crap rule.
1 hour later…
@rene thanks, I thought as much, but since it covered the use of keys in puttygen, thought it would cover programming, but on reflection, it is about the use of cpanel and puttygen. I've deleted it on SO and will have a thorough look at the best site to put it on.
@StuperUser If you like you could ask a meta question about it to get a verdict of the community not just me and @ShadowWizard. The end-result will be a better tag wiki that instruct users when to use/no to use the tag and guide them to other sites. If everybody feel those questions are off-topic we could take some action. Whether that is closing or something else we find out later
Is this off-topic on SO and on-topic on SU? If I understand the tag wiki correctly you can have vlc as a component (instead of a stand-alone app?). How do you notice the difference?
Myeah, not a programming question @rene
Ok, I left a comment on the question as well to verify with the OP... the tag wiki should mention SU...lets see if I can get that edit through the robo-review-queue
did you guys see that? H2CO3 ragequits.
What happened? I know his nomination wasn't doing too great, but "please delete me" seems like a strong reaction for that.
well, that's the procedure for deleting an account.
also, his twitter is pretty clear about his feelings : twitter.com/H2CO3_iOS
god, I've never thought I'd see such drama at SO. lovely.
@Bart I guess you'll be getting your "Meta drama, and blood, and rants" after all
Our data center neighbors are being hit with a DDoS attack, we are being affected intermittently as well. Stop attacking people ya jerks.
I was wondering why my comment votes weren't going through and I was getting 408 at times
maybe it is the big bad attack from that menace post Baba&Friends leaved some time ago
the one "Make me an admin U gonna be hazed othervize"
Yeah, Baba will become mod
good afternoon @flyk
hey @Flyk
Sometimes I hate CodePlex. They tell you who updated an issue and when it was updated, but they don't tell you what has changed.
Ohayou y'all
Baba is on the roll?
@Stijn really? How so?
Yep @ShadowWizard
IMO if someone can't handle such thing it's better he didn't become moderator
First rule for moderator must be: thick skin
That might be true but I don't think that giving up on SO completely is what he deserves.
Never thought I would ever be so soft on people
He chose that path, it's not like he got banned
I mean even if someone accusing him of doing horrible things, so what? As long as there's no proof of those things he can safely ignore this.
Worst case he won't be elected a mod... not the end of the world.
He might not have realized until now that his communication skills caused this effect
The wannabe mods might expect they can change behavior of single users. The reality now hits them that that is not the case.
But still, can't figure why throw it all away
You may hope you can guide the community to a better world, pave the road a little bit.
Think he'll start meta discussion about his leaving?
@ShadowWizard it is a rage
I don't think so
But I do feel his please delete me should be ignored
@Bart I was referring to H2CO3 and @Daniel's message
@rene why rage? what did he break?
His own confidence and pride?
No, I mean "rage quit" is when the user start editing all his posts to "f**k you all* or delete all his posts, or unaccept all the answers to his questions.... just quitting is not "rage". Just being pedantic, lol!
@ShadowWizard as a side note - you should run for the mod office
@Jan me?? I'm not nearly involved enough in the important stuff
I sit on the fence, watching, looking, and sometimes give a tip or two
are you not? I see you here a lot
In chat? I started only during winter bash for the hats :D
The hats are off
mine is still on
But here I am still.... shog predicted this will happen
Chat is great
chat is quiet :)
Quiet moments are rare
@DanielKamilKozar see what, exactly?
@BenCollins : the drama.
but you guys are right, this was not a ragequit.
@DanielKamilKozar I gather the drama - it seems to follow him - but where did he ask for his account to be deleted?
@BenCollins : well, according to this - meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/5999/… - writing "please delete me" is part of the procedure.
where did he write that?
seems very sudden, really. I don't see any buildup to quitting in his activity
@DanielKamilKozar :O
wait, what?
@Doorknob : H2CO3 wants out after realising that nobody loves him.
I do I do I do I do
@BenCollins check his nomination and his twitter account
@ShadowWizard Isn't his nomination gone? At least I didn't see it today.
yeah, I looked for it earlier and didn't see it. He must have withdrawn
@Ben yes he withdrew it but can't you see it as a dev?
not without going to the db, it appears
Also, the comments are still visible in his profile
yeah, that's what had me confused. I was trying to find those comments.
>it's kind of funny how people talking about maturity "confuse" my answers and my mod application, downvoting the former while they would be supposed to downvote the latter...
right. that's the one that caught my attention first
I remember this one.
Think you can convince him to just take a break and come back in his full glory soon, @Ben?
I kinda think if we just ignore his delete request for a while he won't be able to help himself
does he really need help?
@DanielKamilKozar well, he is contributing member for long time it will be a big loss if he's gone for good
is it possible to fake an account deletion?
:-). I hope he does come back. He may have a pretty harsh manner, but he is a major contributor to the site.
At least some reflections
@ShadowWizard I agree. It would be our loss if he's serious.
heh. my guess is that he comes back even more snarky than ever, and telling people that they don't know jack and they can't mess with him.
maybe if we keep telling him when he starts acting like a dick?
yeah right. ;)
picture of the day
@ShadowWizard super late reply that may already have been said, but clicking 'Edit' will pass a 'Leave Closed' close vote audit, I tested yesterday
@OGHaza oh, maybe it's new behavior then? I'm pretty sure people complained about failing audits when trying to edit.
@ShadowWizard, could well be - I've pretty much never hit 'Edit' in the CVQ before (stackoverflow.com/review/close/4020356)
Can anyone repro this?
Q: Halp! The favicon is faceless!

Undo I have a Retina display, and the favicon is faceless, plain, and depressing everywhere I go. Can we please fix this? Easy Repro Steps: Open Chrome (haven't tested it on anything else) Zoom in (command-+ on a Mac) to 200% Go to Arduino.SE Observe the facelessness of the icon.

Let me buy a retina display first
@Undo sort of. will post comment shortly
@rene Non-retina repro steps in question.
Found the bug!
Cool trick by the dev team, I must admit
@ShadowWizard what are they doing?
@Undo you won't let me buy a retina display?
@rene I'm not stopping you from it ;)
I repro-ed in chrome on win 7 as well
Retina displays are awesome.
Then stop posting repro-steps for non-retina users
writing answer shortly
Now we need a dev to go fixy.
Or maybe even Jin.
Jin can fix the sprire, probably a dev need to deploy. :)
Don't accept my answer though just yet, the devs might think it's already solved and skip it.
Anyway, does it mean Retina display use 200% zoom by default?
OS X scales everything by 200% by default, not sure how it works in terms of the browser
@OGHaza oh didn't know that... wonder how it does not break other things
You've gotta download 3rd party tools if you want to view stuff at actual resolution - but it hurts to try and read text at that point
amazing how much you can fit on your screen at that point though :P
@OGHaza 10 unicorns?
@ShadowWizard kinda sorta, more it's HiDPI.
An iPad reports itself as a 1024x768 display, but at 2x resolution.
@ShadowWizard All of the unicorns
Adding the painfully obvious moderators script now...
Please go looking for me if I don't come back.
we will. :)
but hey, you're Undo.
just undo.
Whew, it's not working :D
@michaelb958, your script no worky.
What script?
Or is it a secrat?
> It is too late to undo this operation
Need few more votes to kick it out of the queue
hi, is there an SO meme page?
Oh man, what have I started: stackoverflow.com/a/21732207/578411
"It's a answer for his question! And it works! No need to to this."
People are just..... what's the word?
I really think my experience is against me here. Insecure crap? not on my shift...
@LaszloPapp what do you mean?
"But be careful this way have SQL Injection issues." well, at least he realises his answer is bad.
Q: The Many Memes of Meta

TheTXICatchphrases and concepts that spread from person to person are known as memes, which, courtesy the Internet, can now explode across the Earth like a highly contagious virus (hence "going viral"). As with their real-life counterparts, some infectious diseases are global (pandemic), while others a...

This also include Stack Overflow meme's as far as I can tell
I'm still unsure if my answer holds though. If it is vb.net it needs an edit...
@rene most likely classic ASP, syntax looks fine
OK Tnx
@ShadowWizard: yeah, I saw that, but I hoped for having one with funny photos, etc.
funny photos aren't really a meme
or are they?
but no, no such thing I'm afraid
@ShadowWizard: they are
@Flyk I wouldn't even show them my real history..
I asked a question on Arduino.SE yesterday:
Q: "avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00" when attempting to upload

Ryan CarlsonWhenever I try to upload a program to my Arduino, I get this error message: avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00 What does this mean, and how can I fix it?

Now I'm really tempted to change the title to something like "Some dude named "avr" complains when I try to upload a program"
@LaszloPapp oh, cool! but I fear there's no place for them in SO or MSO
Anyone got any idea what he's talking about?
Q: Why are the ads shown on StackExchange of StackExchange websites and apps only?

shaurya guptaWhy are the ads shown on SE about SE websites and its android app only? I don't think that'll earn SE something. I'd says that almost every time, the ad is about SE network website and only a few times about other websites like:ProofWiki, MIT OpenCourseWare, etc. So why is it so?

The comment he posted makes no sense
A: Convert HTML5 into standalone Android App

affiszervmentioncan't comment, so I'm answering instead @omega embarcadero is a html5 to standalone app converter, here is a download link https://thepiratebay.se/search/embarcadero/0/99/0 download rad studio xe5, it comes with the html5-builder

@LaszloPapp DV'ed, VTD'ed
total crap but still not sure NAA flag is proper
I went even further than that.
@LaszloPapp spam?
No spam as it's probably not his own product
I flag such answers with "Other" and mention it has illegal content.
seems it is getting extreme downvotes
though yeah, it does not necessarily need moderator involvement.
It's not useful and its sole purpose is to promote a product, with an illegal download no less. I see that as spam.
oh, it is not fading away at 10 even more? :)
heh, someone suggested it as comment, wow.
Make that a
@rene: the fading stuff?
Yeah, with flames and fire and explosions
and <blink>
@RyanCarlson Should I take that star to mean I should?
Woah, you can reply to yourself!
Whoa, these retractable sharpies are cool!
They have a little plastic gizmo that slides down over the writing part when it's retracted.
Makes a little airtight seal.
@Undo Weird. Where did you find one?
@RyanCarlson In my swag box.
Feb 4 at 0:39, by Undo
user image
@Undo Where did you get that?
Q: Work is hard, let's color the walls

Tim PostPicture pages! Picture pages! Time to get your picture pages! ... time to get your crayons and your pencils! That's right, it's time to realize that you're simply not going to get anything meaningful accomplished this week, and your time would be better rewarded by joining in on the last of th...

@Undo Ah, right. I forgot about that.
I made an entry for that contest, but then I forgot to submit it.
I want to give a cookie to whatever engineer came up with that design for these sharpies.
coughs Sharpies still don't smell good, though.
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