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4:02 AM
How can I add related questions without putting the link as comments?
I didn't see any option for that..
4:56 AM
@SenJacob There is no other way to do that for now. I believe you can delete the comment and it still stays in the related questions, though.
5:12 AM
@jadarnel27 should even if you delete the comment, I think
11 hours later…
3:49 PM
Question #5000000 has just posted!!!
4:10 PM
@dasblinkenlight Cool. Do you know what one it was?
4:35 PM
@JeremyBanks This one.
6 hours later…
10:32 PM
Hey Moshe, how goes it?
@Fosco I'm good.
Late for class, drowning in HW, but alive and well.
How're you?
I'm doing great, thanks.. just got back from a visit to PA last night, back to work and having fun.
@Fosco Back so soon? :p
Looking forward to our official move to the Facebook campus two mondays from now..
10:37 PM
@ircmaxell was at my campus on Tuesday, but I spazzed an missed his talk.
oh damn.. that would've been cool

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