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Q: Will tags in title be prohibited programmatically ever?

abatishchevPretty popular and actual problem: infinite amount of volunteering moderators edit infinite amount of questions by removing tags from beginning or end of question. Day after day, years so far. Didn't see any related answers answered on Meta, didn't see any progress solving this problem either. S...

Josh's pedantic whatever thing of today: People "endorsing" random skills of mine on LinkedIn, when they don't even understand what those skills are.
A friend of my dad's that I'm connected to just endorsed me for SQL. There is no way he even knows what that is.
10 hours later…
@jadarnel27 Based on what I know about you, I'm guessing that you mean that your dad's friend doesn't know what Structured Query Language is. But what if he was merely expressing his confidence in your abilities re Superior Quixote LARPing? Suspect Questioning Logistics? Supervising Quidditch Leagues? Spirit Quarantine Licensure (AKA "ghostbusting")? Way to make assumptions about his intentions.
1 hour later…
That was epic, @PopularDemand. Epic.
Also, I have little confidence in any option other than one that indicates my dad's friend just wants me to endorse him back, because he's a toolbag. And he puts waaaaaay to much stock into the importance of LinkedIn and other social media.
He has had his Facebook account suspended more than once for harassment (friend requesting all of his friend's friends, sending lots of mass messages, etc).
@jadarnel27 My dad has twice now endorsed my Perl skills. If there's anyone who knows less about Perl than me, it's my dad (he's an accountant)
I'm not much of a programmer, so is this worth posting as an answer?
This just occurred to me: can we make the link in the time-stamp go to /posts/comments/12345 instead of the current long version with #comment12345_54321 — Double AA 2 mins ago
@jadarnel27 Oh, well, that clears it up! He's hoping you're a fellow Spurious Qualification Lister.
1 hour later…
@AnnaLear It'd be like a swift kick to the feels, but in badge form!
@TimStone the best kind
@DoubleAA That sounds like a good idea to me. It would probably be easier for them to implement the links that way, than to make the current links work properly.
Yeah, my only issue there would be that it would require a typically-otherwise-unnecessary refresh and redirect.
I'm not sure if it would be appropriate as a stand-alone answer, though. Maybe edit it into your original post.
@TimStone True. What's the alternative, though? Use the anchor links with hashchange, and then redirect the user to something like /posts/comments/XXX if the comment ID isn't on the current page.
Pretty, much, yeah. And you take a gamble with that last step since it's entirely possible the comment has just been deleted.
Some server-side component would need to exist, or they'd need to send down the list of all post IDs by page. Clean links like he suggested seems like the nicer approach.
Since there's not too many questions with multiple pages of answers I guess that's not a huge issue.
Aye. I wonder if there'd even bother implementing pagination if they were re-coding everything today.
"If your question is loading slowly because it has 70 answers on one page, you have bigger problems to deal with."
2 hours later…
Are we supposed to be able to see the questions we protect in the activity tab?
@0A0D not that I'm aware of
2 hours later…
Can't see questions we [un]close or undelete, so I'd figure not.

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