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3:00 AM
And yet here we are BACK to that topic :S
> "What do all these have in common?" Chef Wendy asks. "Broccoli, mushrooms, tomatoes, inosinate, guanylate, and autolyzed yeast extract? Give up? They are all sources of monosodium glutamate. So don't bother telling me you're allergic to MSG if you eat pizza.
@drachenstern It's a circular linked list!!!
I feel that we are on the verge of a dying group
@TheNeedsMoarJqueryException I don't like cycles tyvm ~ I like deliberate paths. Very solvabe. Very Turing Complete.
Also, nobody needs to point out that I had a message with four zeroes on the end, I saw it
@drachenstern Wow! Awesome!
I find it funny that I got a 'Nice Answer' on the voting ring question.
3:01 AM
I didn't see that, but, it's cool
@Moshe I do too
Oh wait, actually.
@RebeccaChernoff Do you have more search powers than us normal mortals?
> "What are you doing right now?" "Watching a meta discussion about discussions in a meta site about a programming Q&A site. Someone just mentioned Turing completness." "Oh."
Ok, yeah, that was my first message. In another room my first message was on 7/15 not 7/14.
@RebeccaChernoff How did you search? I searched my history for the word "chat"
3:04 AM
in Chat feedback, Aug 16 '10 at 4:41, by Yi Jiang
Hmmm... I'd expect something more sophisticated than just ajax POST every 2 seconds
I painstakingly scanned the transcript.
My first message I think. Ha!
Apparently I became a chat member several days before I actually said anything. >_>
I viewed the transcripts for the deleted rooms from the beta and just clicked through each time span doing a browser search for rchern. >_<
@TimStone that doesn't surprise me
3:06 AM
@RebeccaChernoff LOL
@DanGrossman Did this surprise said individual?
Not very much
@YiJiang BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!!
ignores @YiJiang
@TheNeedsMoarJqueryException I was expecting long polling with comet :P
In another room, my first message during the beta was:
user image
3:07 AM
Hahahah, already causing trouble.
You and @YiJiang shakes head
@RebeccaChernoff Hang on. :(!?
.... :O
3:08 AM
So should I join the dba meta chat since it's in beta?
@YiJiang OMG. Good catch!
That's hysterical
The sad part is I'm not really a dba, just a glorified programmer
@drachenstern It's OK, you can still join
I'm not really a CTO, I just play one in chat
@RebeccaChernoff Oy, stop rewriting history!
3:10 AM
You edited to adjust your whitespace cropping?
You flipped your smiley!
@RebeccaChernoff you can't fool us with your mod powers :p
Do you want me to make an animated gif with that?
AH! And she didn't even use her newfound powers to cover her tracks!
3:12 AM
@DanGrossman welcome to 1984
@YiJiang lol, sure
@YiJiang yes
Ah crap...
Wow, @RebeccaChernoff wasn't the first to say "Oy" in here!
Aug 5 '10 at 19:31, by George Marian
oy...drives me nuts when a site needs javascript to function but they fail to inform me of that fact
Sep 1 '10 at 13:56, by rchern
> I use Boxbe to prioritize my email. While I did receive your email about "Customer Receipt/Purchase Confirmation", you are not currently listed in my priority Guest List.
3:13 AM
@TimStone What happened?
I shouldn't have to answer spam filter challenges to send you a receipt.
@TimStone jes?
My remaining tiles in my WwF game against Jin aren't going to be easy to place. :P
Speaking of which, I got a game I should be playing huh?
Oh, yeah. No rush or anything, I'm not going anywhere.
3:15 AM
You got game.
I think I may end up passing @YiJiang before I stabilize on my place in this chat :|
I've been totally neglecting WwF to play Drop7. Oops.
Otherwise if I don't stabilize there I'll be be ahead of @PopularDemand
@RebeccaChernoff Had you said "To make things awesome" I would have been behind you on that, but...
Cos I'm past Tyler
3:16 AM
@drachenstern You're moving right up!
@TheNeedsMoarJqueryException yeah but is that a good thing? :p
@drachenstern Sure it is!
Remember, this advice is coming from the #1 non-employee user of chat...
@TheNeedsMoarJqueryException ;)
One message shy of 12K...
lol, I aim to be the #3 such person
3:17 AM
(I like my new status)
@TimStone say something else ;)
@TimStone Things were fricking awesome by 8am. Hrmph!
make it important @Tim!
@RebeccaChernoff What's 8 am?
@RebeccaChernoff 8am yesterday?
oh geez, that's 12k? You coulda done better!
You coulda been a contenda
3:19 AM
Heh :P
@drachenstern 'bout when I started, sure. (:
It took you that long to sign up for all those sites? ;)
I can see that I'm going to be regularly visiting three sites now :|
3:20 AM
Yes. That's the one, SINGULAR thing I've done the past 2 days.
Damn people in chat kept distracting her...
I didn't start signing up for the sites until this afternoon. (;
@RebeccaChernoff Honestly, I'm not sure what I accomplished in the entire last two days, so you've one-upped me either way. :P
@Rebecca what's your StackFlair look like now? :-D
My brain feels exceptionally foggy at the moment...
3:21 AM
I'm curious what they've had you doing
you could be ... keeping a blog or something
@TimStone and yet you're still both beating me
Well, she had to go get the microchip implanted, I'm sure that ate up a few hours.
or twiddiling or whatever it's called on twitter
In WwF?
@TimStone no, in general
reread your post
@TimStone long line, seriously. ):
3:23 AM
I'm not sure how my general disorientation trumps you, but uh, we can go with that I suppose.
@RebeccaChernoff Did you get your office furniture yet?
@YiJiang I figued you were gonna go for a two panel flipper
Hahah, oh boy...
that's more involved than I woulda done
3:25 AM
@TimStone you got it
@drachenstern That would've been a little boring, wouldn't it?
@YiJiang no
because the only thing to change would be the smilies
Hmmm... still a little too fast.
@YiJiang You're right, we shouldn't have expected anything less from you.
3:25 AM
You people have too much time
if properly aligned
And by "you people" I of course include myself ;-)
@TheNeedsMoarJqueryException hey I'm trying to talk to my sister and wife AND participate in the dba beta
I busted out laughing...had to control myself before I could type, lol.
@drachenstern For some reason I first read that as, "I'm trying to talk my sister and wife into participating in the dba beta" and was going to say Wait, what??
@RebeccaChernoff Yes the "MUAHAHAH" frame caused me to laugh out loud too. Good one @YiJiang
3:28 AM
@RebeccaChernoff The last frame with the "MUAHAHAH!!" got me
@TheNeedsMoarJqueryException Hahah
Thanks for the edit @TimStone ;-)
Heheh ;)
I was too lazy to type it correctly myself, but copy paste I can handle
Good stuff :P
y'all are nuts. so very nuts.
3:29 AM
@RebeccaChernoff Thanks. You too.
was not including herself. (;
@RebeccaChernoff Of course we gladly do include you in our crazy group, even if you have one of those pesky ♦s
@RebeccaChernoff Right, and we didn't want you to look foolish with that mistake, so @YiJiang corrected it for you.
this sucks
in JavaScript on Stack Overflow Chat, Oct 25 '10 at 14:18, by Raynos
Oh god. Backwards smileys. Oh god someone actaully wrote a reversal script. Seriously do we have nothing better to talk about?
^ Typical reaction. Hmmm...
3:31 AM
I can only hope you drew the Q
@YiJiang good reaction!
Pesky vowels..
Man, this sore throat is really distracting.
Is there an easy way to revert all local changes in svn?
And I really don't have that much wiggle room before my distractions become problematic.
Uhh yeah.
3:34 AM
I guess I could do find . -not -name .svn -exec svn revert {} \;
@TimStone remember that vacation you said you don't want to take
Oh wait. rm -rf * works better
duh :-)
You can revert the root directory too.
I tried svn revert . and it had no effect at all
3:37 AM
Could be because of my wacky repo / workingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg copy struture
wtf happened there?
synergy FAIL
I almost edited but I think it's better as-is
do I get relaxed voting restrictions on private beta?
Hey Tim will you move AWAY from the center of the board? :p :p
@drachenstern What specifically do you mean?
I just created Trac ticket #888! XD
Do I still have a 20 or whatever cap? I need more votes!
@TheNeedsMoarJqueryException Lucky number!
3:43 AM
30 per day, yeah, I think, right @RebeccaChernoff?
@YiJiang it was such a lame bug too
Also, are my votes on meta connected to my votes on the site proper on SE2.0 sites?
I believe you get 30 on each
30 on each.
30 on the meta and 30 more on the parent site
Because you also don't get Civic Duty / Electorate on meta for votes on the parent
which reminds me, I stopped voting on Unix questions recently, must pick that back up
No new answers here yet:
Q: Is "a disclaiming" a gerund?

drachensternEDIT see end of question for updates: The question came up if this is proper English: Sorry, I felt the need for a disclaiming for some reason. And I think it is but some others say it isn't. I gave a further example to back up my case that that is acceptable with: "A disclaiming was...

3:48 AM
Yeah I'm gonna give it a few days. Feel free to remind me Thursday ;)
Will do
Some SE sites are more active than others
Attention span. I needs one.
@mootinator Here, you can have min- oh look, there's a squirrel!
has departed
@YiJiang I have a T-shirt that reads I don't have ADD, it's just that-- Oh look, a bunny!
3:55 AM
Heh, all of you ADD infected people won't be able to read my blog post for longer than 30 sec - hey, there's a link:mosheberman.com/wordpress/?p=308
Moshe's predicted meme's of 2011:
1. IRC style /me comments
2. "...wait for it..."
3. ADD Jokes
4. Backwards smiley jokes.
And, once again, shameless plug:
@Moshe Your site is slow to load for me
/me doesn't get it. Ooh look, a bunny!
Wordpress was pretty quick but the homepage won't load
@Moshe Are we talking legen...wait for it...dary or something else?

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