@Benjol You haven't even gotten to step one, but you're already adding additional steps? Well, at least you know you won't get shot for six to eight weeks.
it's a bit /script-specific. I wanted to show the command list in alphabetical order, is there a better way than this? for (var c in commands) cmds[i++] = c; cmds.sort
@Benjol Oh, wow. Ideally I should keep a very accurate record of my time since time-to-completion is very important for us as far as future planning goes, but I get tied up in the code and forget to switch tabs at the end of the day, heh. ;)
It doesn't help that my "day" isn't really regular either, I suppose.
heh, your message in chat.se asking if I was around just appeared in my inbox when I refreshed. I'd refreshed the sites a few times since you said it though and it only appeared now.
A overwhelming amount of feedback for Help us redesign the Stack Overflow homepage was: "Keep the way the front page looks, just tweak the question order"
Interesting algorithms were suggested by Kip and radp, but there was no real playground to experiment.
Enter Home Page MiniColliderâ„¢ Questi...
I put an Amazon Wishlist onto my SO profile a while ago. Today I got the first book from it from a SO user. How neat is that! It was a really great saturday surprise. Thanks @Einar Petersen.
@YiJiang where's the community wiki box? Why doesn't "700 up flag" stay on the same line?? Why is add comment on its own line??? Where is the edit button for comments????
I understand branches + decent versioning wouldn't make it too difficult to test the changes on just one site and have the HTML++; version roll out gradually as Jin adapts the styling again
at least under PHP tag
People have no idea what is their answer for. Really. "It was asked" is the only explanation.
People never used to use a feature/technology/code they recommend to others. That's a real problem. "use this, use that" - everyone just repeats after everyone. But none of them...
@YiJiang, want to help me go mercilessly assault the people responsible for the new version of Windows Live Messenger for committing the worst design fails in the history of IM clients?
@PopularDemand Disappointed that developers can't just leave well enough alone. :P
Ha! "If this isn't a case of the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is. – Aarobot" "@Aar This is the case of the entire wholesale kitchen supply store calling a teaspoon black. – Rosinante"
@YiJiang It does, unless they've gone and removed that feature. I'm just disappointed that they felt the need to change them, since there wasn't anything wrong.
@TimStone This just reminds me of a story I heard on the radio on the way to work. "Track and field athletes at Wakefield High School have been forced to stop wearing team shirts after the superintendent asked what 'WTF' stood for."
@PopularDemand It's important! I mean, if MSN supports lopsided smiles, then it would be a huge win for the coalition for bi-directional smiley support!
Are questions allowed on SO/SF/SU if they're strongly programming/sysadmin/computer-related but ask about the future? For example, every few days, someone asks a question on Stack Overflow about closures in Java 7; the most recent one I've seen, and the inspiration for this post, is here. I hav...
Trying to get this code off the ground:
Random random = new Random();
public Particle(int mouseInputX, int mouseInputY, int[] RGBBounds){
this(mouseInputX, mouseInputY, 6, 12+ random.nextInt(10),RGBBounds);
But netbeans espouses that I can't reference random before the superclass c...
@TimStone I suspect that it's partially that I am already somewhat familiar with whatever it is I'm asking about, but random other questions are totally new to me.
Yeah, the session isn't tied to an IP (just like on the main site). Imagine the uproar if people suddenly got logged out just because their ISP decided to give them a new IP.
I was telling other people who are stuck working today that it'd be fun -- not for real, just in a vague hypothetical way -- to work all day tomorrow and see if the timecard software will let you enter 25 hours for one workday.
Arguing for four hours on whether or not gaming videos are gaming enough for gaming.
"but they're video!" "but they're gaming!" "they're still video!" "they're still about gaming!" "so what!" "so it's not the same!" "i disagree!" "there's no 'disagree' close reason!" etc.
I just discovered the neat calendar that displays on which days one was active (illustrated below). When was this feature announced and/or implemented?
Does anyone know where I can find a good starting point to code a function that would take a string and convert it to leet speak?
function stringToLeetSpeak($string) {
// Logic
return $leetString;
@PopularDemand Sure. Is it coded in JavaScript? project = $('PopularDemand').find('project').match({current:true}); project.setDeadline(project.deadline + 2); project.setSecedule(project.schedule.without(new Date('Today'));
Is it possible to nest forms in Wicket that are independent of each other? I want to have a form with a submit button and a cancel button. Both buttons should direct the user to the same page (let's call it Foo). The submit button should send some info to the server first; the cancel button shoul...
Postgame report: SO was correct, and I have no idea why the code didn't work the first time I wrote it that way. There must have been a separate error gumming up the works.
We need to start seeding "rchern" into the comments of every project we all touch, until eventually somebody notices and starts wondering what's going on
@MichaelMrozek I pledge to stop using bar as a temp variable and use barchern instead. Similarly, my examples will henceforth retire "Alice" and refer to "R. Chern and Bob."