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4:34 PM
RO plz
You see, everyone likes bots! :D
(and what Uni said)
botlings are so cute
inb4 Inf complains about Uni rushing into every room
@rene i do not wish to be a room owner, thanks
4:36 PM
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
room topic changed to Botlings practice room: A room for bots to try their own logic and that of other botlings. [botlings] [chatbot] [machines-learning] [raising-botlings]
I like that new name and description.
Okay, now you know how to bork it. KICK IT @Unihedro!
,.. heh, forgot to remove that one as well
4:36 PM
@NotDoorknob Thank you!
help is still borked, no idea why
List of commands: help, listcommands, eval, admin
@Sompuperoo granted
ND>admin test
ND>admin rights
4:37 PM
ND>help admin
Run with no arguments to list admins or `add USERID' to temporarily add an admin for this session.
ND>admin password
(add isn't implemented yet)
`' isn't the way to format code, @Doorknob
4:37 PM
... what, that's borked too?
Use ``
both have to be backticks, you have the other one as a single quote
Unknown command `loop{loop{loop{}}}'.
ND>eval loop{loop{loop{}}}
Eval result:
4:38 PM
ND>eval 7893783974937493754^29382937429379234^2037429374
Eval result: 7918516802841033766
Unihedro has added an event to this room's schedule.
Bot killed manually
Unihedro has removed an event from this room's schedule.
fixed help and admin bugs
4:38 PM
hang on, wait for it to reboot
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
Type ND>listcommands to list all commands that the chatbot can execute, or ND>help CMDNAME for help on a specific command.
ND>eval kill()
4:39 PM
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined method `kill' for ChatbotEval:Class
Hey @KennyBOT <3
If your botling needs room owner privileges to test room owner-related features, make an agreement with any existing room owner.
@Sompuperoo ;)
Admin ids: 180276
4:40 PM
@Unihedro Please kick NotDoorknob, I want to see whether it's still alive after the kick is done ;)
lol :D
uh oh
I'm gonna get Gham...
Poor NotDoorknob...
@Unihedro pleeeeeease
4:41 PM
Yay! Thanks :D
Now let's wait a minute to see whether it's back alive.
thinks it won't recover
What happens when someone gets kicked?
Error recovery is very important, botlings!
braces himself in case of kicking
4:42 PM
@anorton They cannot access the room for one minute.
~ BOT running since: 1419957710428
username (#msg)
Unihedro (1)
anorton (1)
And after a second kick, 5 minutes, etc.
Type ND>listcommands to list all commands that the chatbot can execute, or ND>help CMDNAME for help on a specific command.
4:42 PM
have fun all
@anorton They get suspended for N minutes and cannot return in the duration, only seeing a panel telling them how to behave.
List of commands: help, listcommands, eval, admin
4:42 PM
It's... It's unstoppable!!!
ND>help listcomands
ND>help listcommands
Lists all commands the bot can execute.
I should hurry my chat framework so I can use it to deploy my bots :p
ND>help help
I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym
4:43 PM
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
ND>help admin
Run with no arguments to list admins or add USERID to temporarily add an admin for this session.
Type ND>listcommands to list all commands that the chatbot can execute, or ND>help CMDNAME for help on a specific command.
4:44 PM
ND>eval eval("$0)")
Admin ids: 180276
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - read
ND>eval Thread.kill $mthread
Eval result:
ND>eval $SAFE
Eval result: 4
4:45 PM
ND>eval $SAFE = 1
(removed) to you too, anorton.
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't change global variable value
I cannot even change the safety...
ND>eval ->f{->x{f[x[x]]}[->x{f[x[x]]}]}[]
Eval result: Error in eval: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
Hallo wurld!
4:46 PM
ND>eval ->f{->x{f[x[x]]}[->x{f[x[x]]}]}[1]
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't modify instance variable
I'm not doing that???
ND>eval code
ND>eval ["uni", "ren", "pro"].map( |a| "@" + a);
Eval result: code
Eval result: Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ')'
["uni", "ren", "pro"].map( |a| "@" + a);
(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting $end
["uni", "ren", "pro"].map( |a| "@" + a);
4:47 PM
ND>eval code = "1"
Eval result: 1
ND>eval code="loop{}"
Eval result: loop{}
4:48 PM
ND>eval code=loop{}
Eval result:
Must. Break. This.
ND>eval break;
ND>eval def f;f;end;f
Eval result: Error in eval: (eval):1: Can't escape from eval with break
4:49 PM
@Doorknob冰 Could we have the code for eval again? (Then we can star it...)
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't define method
@Unihedro :D
in Tavern on the Meta, 30 mins ago, by Doorknob 冰
eval: ->a{
    code = a
    class ChatbotEval
        def self.safeEval code
            Thread.kill $mthread
            $mthread = {
                $SAFE = 4
                result = begin
                             eval code
                         rescue Exception => e
                             "Error in eval: #{e}"
                Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
   { sleep 3; Thread.kill $mthread }
Everything is star-worthy...
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
Meh, that code is not complete. Better one:
ND>eval ->x{1}[2]
Eval result: 1
eval: ->a{
    code = a
    class ChatbotEval
        def self.safeEval code
            Thread.kill $mthread
            $mthread = {
                $SAFE = 4
                result = begin
                             eval code
                         rescue Exception => e
                             "Error in eval: #{e}"
                Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
   { sleep 3; Thread.kill $mthread }
ND>eval a
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `a' for ChatbotEval:Class
4:50 PM
@anorton never mind.
Everything is star-worthy...
ND>eval self.safeEval("1+1")
Eval result:
ND>eval self.safeEval("loop{}")
ND>eval 1+1
Eval result: 2
4:51 PM
Oh no, I'm getting rate limited.
ND>eval SAFE=1
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't set constant
ND>eval `dir`
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - `
4:53 PM
Everything is star-worthy...
ND>eval eval("eval('loop{}')")
Eval result:
ND>eval f=->{f[]};f[]
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't modify instance variable
4:55 PM
ND>eval eval=1
Eval result: 1
ND>eval eval
Eval result: Error in eval: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..4)
ND>eval f=->{1};f[]
Eval result: 1
4:55 PM
ND>eval eval("1+1", 1)
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't modify trusted binding
ND>eval result="test"
Eval result: test
ND>eval f=->{f};f[]
ND>eval result=""
4:56 PM
Eval result: #<Proc:0x00000002e60710@(eval):1 (lambda)>
Eval result:
ND>eval fun=->{fun[]};fun[]
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't modify instance variable
ND>eval Thread.current[:evalResult] = result = "foobar"
Eval result: foobar
ND>eval result
4:57 PM
Eval result:
ND>eval Thread.current
Eval result: #<Thread:0x00000002f6a890>
ND>eval Thread.current.kill
Eval result:
Cya DavidG.
4:58 PM
ND>eval f=->x{if x<1 then [x] else f[x-1]+[x]};f[5]
Eval result: Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting keyword_end
f=->x{if x<1 then [x] else f[x-1]+[x]};f[5]
(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting keyword_end
f=->x{if x<1 then [x] else f[x-1]+[x]};f[5]
@NotDoorknob Make that message fixed font so the arrow points at the correct place, @Doorknob
ND>eval Thread.current.stop
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined method `stop' for #<Thread:0x000000031016b8 run>
ND>eval f=->x{if x<1 then [x] else f[x-1]+[x] end};f[5]
4:59 PM
Eval result: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

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