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6:22 AM
@MarcGravell, sometime when you've got a minute, can you explain the rules chat uses to send notifications to the inbox?
@RebeccaChernoff to reduce noise, things only go to the global inbox if they haven't been dismissed in chat for 15? (would need to check) minutes. That's about it, though
@MarcGravell Is it possible to count a message on mobile chat as a dismissal by the way, or would that be a bad idea? I think the other week when I was in chat a lot on my phone, my inbox piled up with chat notifications I had already seen.
I didn't know it didn't dismiss ;p
Oh, I never realized it matters whether you dismiss an alert fast enough or not
yes, it does
you don't want me filling up your inbox, after all ;p
6:36 AM
@MarcGravell Apparently not. ;)
Hey, that's not on us! Blame those other crazies!
Right, I figured it was the opposite; as long as you have a chat window open and you see the alert come in, it doesn't go to your inbox
But then I'd randomly have messages I'd seen show up there; I must not have been dismissing the alerts for them
because people tend to leave a machine running somewhere, we don't assume that delivered = seen
@MarcGravell who would do that? seriously >_<
although maybe we could detect messages we know haven't been delivered; hmmm...
actually: the other thing is: we batch them up
so rather than getter 16 "Hi @Michael", you get one with "16 new messages"
again, noise reduction
Aye, I'm very appreciative of that :P
That would have been rather obnoxious otherwise, heh.
Ah, now I remember what else I had wanted to mention..
6:42 AM
When it is a single message, it'd be kinda nice to know who said the message also.
When someone enters the room, I believe that chat checks to see if you already have their user information in some user cache. However, if the person's name has changed, the auto-complete never evicts their old name, and won't add their new name without refreshing the page. So somewhere along the way chat decides not to not update that information...is that fixable?
@RebeccaChernoff Yeah, that even happens with on-site comment notifications too...kind of frustrating, but I guess you're expected to click through to the information anyway.
but then how can I think "oh that's just Tim, don't need to deal with that"?
I'm having a hard time envisioning a scenario where that'd happen. ;)
I could list them off if you'd like.
Pretty long list though...
I was making your help dialog all shiny, but now...
6:51 AM
don't need to deal with it because i know you can handle it yourself
This is true, I was going to ask you a question about it earlier, but opted to just continue on. :P
Hm, I think there was one more chat thing that was bugging me...ah right, the tab title thingadongdong. I should look into that and answer balpha's question.

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