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12:01 AM
~ Echo ... E c h o ...... E c h o .....
2 hours later…
2:02 AM
~ What is this? Weekend?
4 hours later…
6:02 AM
~ Souls in the Shadow
3 hours later…
Andreas moved to Codidact
9:11 AM
@KennyBOT Ski time.
1 hour later…
10:19 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Nice. I wonder what injury you'll come back with this time :P
Andreas moved to Codidact
11:05 AM
@Tinkeringbell None so far.
It's a small miracle! :D
Andreas moved to Codidact
What, I went 2 decades before my first ski injuries.
Then they came two in a row.
But the top of the mountain was fun.
Was probably 30 m/s wind up there. Sadly, no proper wind measurement other than a guess.
11:31 AM
Wind is nice. We had a storm here last night, I fell asleep on the couch because of the wind/rain outside XD
Then woke up, went to bed at around 11:30 and couldn't get to sleep again
1 hour later…
12:32 PM
~ Obscurity
2 hours later…
2:33 PM
~ Who needs sleep here?
Andreas moved to Codidact
@Tinkeringbell Sue the storm for disturbances.
@Zoe You don’t happen to work in construction in the Tiller area, do you?
Ever since they started anthropomorphizing them, you'd almost try
Andreas moved to Codidact
There was this girl that walked onto the bus, and she looked exactly like you.
Or, well, she looked like a Zoe.
Zoe is on strike
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact :Thinkeyes:
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Haven't taken a bus since july
Andreas moved to Codidact
@Tinkeringbell You’d win too.
@Zoeisonstrike 🤯
@Zoe Please teach me the ability to fly like Superman, thanks. Then I won’t need the bus either.
Zoe is on strike
2:45 PM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact And that wasn't voluntary. Had a flat tire
Andreas moved to Codidact
@Zoeisonstrike 🤯🤯
Zoe is on strike
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Allow me to introduce you to a fantastical AI and blockchain-powered invention, now enhanced with bitcoin and LLMs; bikes
Andreas moved to Codidact
So… you want all buses to be replaced with trains.
@Zoeisonstrike My mission is now to run nails into all bike tires I can find.
Zoe is on strike
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact There's like a couple hundred bikes near where I live, and several hundred to a couple thousand in the areas I park it when I'm not at home, so have fun with that :p
Andreas moved to Codidact
@Zoeisonstrike So I need to buy chemicals.
Zoe is on strike
2:49 PM
I doubt you'd be able to spot me on a bus anyway
Andreas moved to Codidact
Why not?
Do you wear the invisibility cape?
Zoe is on strike
Something like that
Andreas moved to Codidact
So you killed Harry Potter for it?
Zoe is on strike
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact My lawyer has advised that I don't answer :P
Andreas moved to Codidact
@Zoeisonstrike Oh, dear, I may have just slipped the sorcerer's stone into his hands. We'll find out soon enough.
Zoe is on strike
3:13 PM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact No idea what that means, but it won't work
Andreas moved to Codidact
@Zoeisonstrike I am deeply disappointed in you. Go watch all the 8 Harry Potter movies.
So uncultured
Zoe is on strike
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact ew, no
Andreas moved to Codidact
@Zoeisonstrike Ew, so uncultured.
Go watch Harry Potter.
Zoe is on strike
Andreas moved to Codidact
3:53 PM
You have been cursed.
Zoe is on strike
Are you cursing me with real magic, or the potato magic from harry potter?
Andreas moved to Codidact
All magic is real.
I an cursing you with the magic of love.
Let’s see how you can endure everybody in the vicinity of 2 km being crazy about you.
Zoe is on strike
Andreas moved to Codidact
mhm, I’m tired.
Good night.
1 hour later…
5:00 PM
~ Merlin the Magician
2 hours later…
7:01 PM
~ A few more hours and this room will be frozen ...
Shadow Wizard Love Zelda
7:22 PM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact night
FOX 9000
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda sha
1 hour later…
Andreas moved to Codidact
8:35 PM
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda Day.
1 hour later…
9:36 PM
~ The Shadow Strikes
FOX 9000
Bot restarted after crash.
Shadow Wizard Love Zelda
10:03 PM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact you should be sleeping!
@FOX9000 why
FOX 9000
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda This is why we can't have nice things
Shadow Wizard Love Zelda
Andreas moved to Codidact
10:24 PM
@ShadowWizardLoveZelda I woke up in a sweat pool. I'll go back to sleep now.
1 hour later…
11:24 PM
~ The Wizard of Oz
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