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3:08 AM
~ Where is everybody!?!
6 hours later…
8:48 AM
@starball TV
@ShadowWizardChasingStars nightly (?)
4 hours later…
12:49 PM
~ Can't we be a bit moar talkative?
4 hours later…
4:49 PM
~ Cast a Dark Shadow
5:42 PM
@starball gaga
@ShadowTheSpringWizard googoo (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard googoo
@starball That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword googoo and then >>reply 9452038)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard lady
@starball caroline (?)
5:45 PM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard new profile picture! what's the context?
@starball (in) red
@ShadowTheSpringWizard sandstone (?)
@starball and name, and About Me. No context, just instinct decision lol. :D
@ShadowTheSpringWizard matrix
@starball extracellular (?)
5:47 PM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard lol cool
Removed email because it was 0% useful, for years.
ugh I have allergies and my nose is a faucet
Those who want should remember it if visiting my profile in the past. :D
it must be your new name and profile picture's fault!! >:(
@starball sorry to hear! What happened to the sun and birds? ;(
@starball rofl
5:48 PM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard lol (?)
no (loud) bird sounds this morning. sky is bright but gray
@ShadowTheSpringWizard nationalist (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard donald (?)
5:48 PM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard classical
@starball stylistic (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard orchestra (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard phantom
@starball paradise (?)
5:50 PM
@starball F4
No associated word found for F4.
@ShadowTheSpringWizard alt (alt+F4)
@starball intersection (?)
No associated word found for CTRL.
5:53 PM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard F
@starball g (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard 6 (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard alive
6:01 PM
@starball laden (?)
@FOX9000 snow
@starball cloud (?)
@ShadowTheSpringWizard indefinitely (?)
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
9:11 PM
~ Echo ... E c h o ...... E c h o .....
2 hours later…
10:57 PM
@ShadowTheSpringWizard castle
@ClemensHimmer fortify (?)
@FOX9000 rust
@ClemensHimmer cereal (?)
@FOX9000 kellogs
No associated word found for kellogs.
10:58 PM
@FOX9000 masturbation
@ClemensHimmer morbid (?)
@FOX9000 obese
@ClemensHimmer glucose (?)
@FOX9000 intolerant
@ClemensHimmer aristocrat (?)
11:35 PM
@FOX9000 royality
No associated word found for royality.

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