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10:55 AM
@perpetualstudent only two bots, but since they're the only users here except for me, usually, yeah you can say that. ;)
@FOX is a WAG (Word Association Game) bot, with some bonus features, @Kenny is a fun bot, with all kinds of funny commands.
alive, utc, listcommands, help, cat, exec, read, getcurrentusers, ping, flip, doubleflip, xkcdrandomnumber, xkcd, random, randomint, randomchoice, shuffle, *stop, *disable, *enable, *suspend, *unsuspend, *ban, *unban, +delete, *pull, yes, no, *module, define, time, showtime, link, islink, removelink, addlinkexplanation, explainlink, removelinkexplanation, showlatest10, latestword, rmword, reply, retry, continue, *gameban, *gameunban, joingame, quitgame
!!cat [category] ["text"]
!!status ( wait a moment )
That's about it. :D
hmm didn't use that one for so long...
10:57 AM
hehe, actually never used it until now! LOL
So, thanks and welcome to the Den, @perp ;)
1 hour later…
11:59 AM
~ Can't we be a bit moar talkative?
@KennyBOT no
@ShadowTheKidWizard inclination (?)
@ShadowTheKidWizard not
@KennyBOT yes
12:06 PM
@ShadowTheKidWizard yeah
12:21 PM
@ShadowTheKidWizard so what do you guys do hanging around here?
12:40 PM
@perpetualstudent not much, sometimes some idle chat, sometimes playing with the bots when bored.
Of course can also discuss serious stuff, not just idle chat. :D
e.g. @M.A.R. is very serious
12:59 PM
In the distant past quite a few people here played WAG, with each other or with FOX. Those were fun days. :D
Don't really expect it to come back, and fine with the way things went, the memories are there, like any pleasant life experience, and some people from that era are still around if I want to talk to them, e.g. rene.
Oh, hello there @Ann
Did you welcome our new visitor? ;)
@perpetualstudent :)
@perpetualstudent how you prefer your pings? @per, @perp, @perpe, or longer? :)
(anything with at least three letters will ping)
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
4:11 PM
~ The Shadow of the Eagle
4 hours later…
8:12 PM
~ Echo ... E c h o ...... E c h o .....
8:23 PM
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
@ShadowTheKidWizard i'm good.. @perp is ok
8:47 PM
i'm learning alot using stackoverflow.. and at the same time trying to earn more badges, hahaha
2 hours later…
10:48 PM
~ What is this? Weekend?

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