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6:28 AM
~ A few more hours and this room will be frozen ...
6 hours later…
4 hours later…
4:55 PM
~ A Lighter Shade of Pearl
1 hour later…
6:14 PM
@Mithical are you around ?
depends on why you're asking...
Once you say happy to review text, If you have some time ?
Thanks. Please create room. It's long text.
@Shree can you send me a GitHub gist?
6:20 PM
It's about SO nomination and don't want to create gist.
do you have a Discord account?
You can create an unlisted gist, so it'll only be accessible to those with the link. Then you can send the link in here and immediately delete it. As a RO, I can see deleted messages
New user onlu post 2 links on gist. Sorry, try but fail. What's a problem with SO chat room ?
I mean, I can create a non-private room
6:29 PM
No problem
Finally it's go public
1 hour later…
7:32 PM
~ Chandu the Magician
2 hours later…
9:25 PM
@Mithical thanks for input. I post what I think , rest depends upon community. stackoverflow.com/election/13?tab=nomination#post-69576736
1 hour later…
10:27 PM
~ Where is everybody!?!

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