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~ Wood Wizard
nop Shadow Wizard
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard r u around
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword mhm and then >>reply 7777347)
@KennyBOT hey leave my wood alone!
changing Wood state to Private
err may you add me RO. Need some test. After some time you may remove. No problem :D
just request.
@Shree sorry this isn't test room... I added you as RO in the sandbox: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/1196/…
Unless you need this specific room for some reason? If so, why?
no prob. Ya i know it's not test room. thanks.
just want to see some RO rule . Don't want to to post any thing which abuse room rules. I know it's a room for different purpose. Sorry for ask.
@Shree no all good, just better use the sandbox for tests... what you mean "see some RO rule"?
Ok thanks. Sand box is good for me.
1 hour later…
~ Shade
How can I apply
Suppose there I want questions with answers:1 OR duplicate:1
As you can see in the link above it result in
duplicate questions with 1 or more answers
I want question with one or more answers or they are marked as duplicate
Is that possible
1 hour later…
~ Magician
1 hour later…
@Pie pretty sure it's not possible in one search, however to search for questions with exactly one answer you need answers:1..1 and not answers:1. If you put "or" in the search box it will look for posts having the word "or" in them.
Good morning!
I had sort of a quick meta question, about question editing
@IanC sure, ask away! And welcome to Meta.SE chat and to my Den. :)
Do note, the official Meta chat room is the Tavern: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/rooms/89/tavern-on-the-meta
Here you'll find bunch of people, but also more fun. :D
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard Thanks! I wasn't sure which chatroom was the one, only one I was sure was not the one was the fire department haha
I've an active question and after further research I realized some of my reasoning was wrong and I want to update it. For historic purpose (avoiding making comments sound senseless for example), what is the community preference: That I strikethrough the previous reasoning and append the new one or just delete it to avoid making the question too large?
@IanC no rule set in stone for this, personally I prefer to delete incorrect or outdated parts and replace with correct and up to date info. But careful not to change the question meaning if you already have answers, as it might turn the answers non relevant.
1 hour later…
~ Dr. Fightenstein: Warlock Vigilante
2 hours later…
~ Mike Oldfield: Moonlight Shadow
3 hours later…
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard Thanks! I ended up doing that, just kept a small note on the beginning of the question talking about the changes
4 hours later…
@IanC cheers :)
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard clap (?)
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard sheathe (?)
1 hour later…
~ The Up-to-Date Wizard

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