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12:38 AM
~ In the Shadow of the Sandcastle
1:28 AM
~ Stars get removed under peer-pressure?
4 hours later…
5:28 AM
good morning
good morning
good morning
5:46 AM
baby morning or evening
@TheLittleNaruto morning
Ok good
@Dro Read this: qr.ae/TUI7MM And now understand the pain what your beloved Gandhi ji did.
6:11 AM
@TheLittleNaruto lol, I read it already. But, as I stated previously, blaming Gandhi Ji for partition was started in recent times for political motives, and now people who do blame him, don't have proper knowledge of historical facts of Indian Independence struggle.
And, he was not my beloved Gandhi Ji. I just have an opinion on him, which is more based on history, than on anything else
@DroidDev It's not like in recent time it started. Gandhi ji got killed right after independence.
And you know the reason, why
yeah, that I have to agree with.
@TheLittleNaruto also, that answer is way off topic, for the question you asked.
@DroidDev All I am saying is, Gandhi ji is to be blamed for this and yes along with him Nehru and Jinna as well.
@DroidDev Yes I gave the feedback.
6:18 AM
@TheLittleNaruto And as far as I remember, you reason for blaming him is, that he could have stopped the division if he wanted, because he was an influential figure (as per yesterday's discussion).
@DroidDev of course.
If division wouldn't have happened, the people wouldn't have suffered this much
@TheLittleNaruto that's true
@TheLittleNaruto that's wrong
things related to division were set in motion long before independence, as I mentioned yesterday
@DroidDev Well... I am not sure why are you not accepting it
@DroidDev I will disagree
@TheLittleNaruto why?
Show me a proof
6:23 AM
The All-India Muslim League (popularised as Muslim League) was a political party established during the early years of the 20th century in the British Indian Empire. Its strong advocacy for the establishment of a separate Muslim-majority nation-state, Pakistan, successfully led to the partition of British India in 1947 by the British Empire. The party arose out of a literary movement begun at The Aligarh Muslim University in which Syed Ahmad Khan was a central figure. Sir Syed had founded, in 1886, the Muhammadan Educational Conference, but a self-imposed ban prevented it from discussing politics...
please don't say that because Gandhi Ji was an influential figure, he could have stopped this also
@DroidDev Ok I take my words back. It is all clear now.
1 hour later…
7:51 AM
~ Edison: The Wizard of Light
1 hour later…
8:55 AM
baby live
@TheLittleNaruto I'm not dead! Honest!
baby live
@kId You do not have permission to use the command live
@BabyBe'el huh!!
hello @Hans1984
how are you?
how is your Japanese class going?
hey @kId
hansu banned
9:02 AM
@InsaneCat Konnichiwa
r u in discored ? @kId
yeah you are
he is active there
and answring to your questions
Moosebot has been activated.
@TheLittleNaruto I have to release the app in Japanese,spanish etc
9:43 AM
@ShadowWizard Did now.
@ShadowWizard where are you hiding?
10:28 AM
@kId Ok then release.
@TheLittleNaruto in August
In India it is released
Which app ? @kId
Also do you need any help in localization ?
will ask if I need it thanks for asking
@ShadowWizard don't sleep too much
@kId sure anytime
@kId checking
No associated word found for checking.
10:32 AM
@TheLittleNaruto ok
>> continue checking looking
@TheLittleNaruto looking (?)
11:31 AM
@Narusan glad to hear!
@kId celebrating
@ShadowWizard commemorative (?)
@ShadowWizard your daughter's birth day?
1 hour later…
12:36 PM
~ Where is everybody!?!
12:54 PM
@kId nope
@ShadowWizard kid (?)
1 hour later…
1:55 PM
~ The Magician and the Imp
@ShadowWizard nope kid
2 hours later…
3:57 PM
~ Warlock
4:08 PM
~ What are you talking about?
BOT running since: Tue May 08 2018 12:19:48 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 64 days
username                      (#msg)
TheLittleNaruto             , seen 5 hours ago (1797)
Princess Luna               , seen less than a minute ago (1744)
DroidDev                    , seen 9 hours ago (920)
Princess Celestia           , seen 4 hours ago (699)
FOX 9000                    , seen 3 hours ago (692)
KennyBOT                    , seen less than a minute ago (664)
kId                         , seen 2 hours ago (446)
@PrincessLuna ie (?)
4:12 PM
:1 no
@PrincessLuna anywhere (?)
>>link ni loo
@PrincessLuna Link added.
@FOX9000 everywhere
@PrincessLuna tumult (?)
4:12 PM
@FOX9000 k
@PrincessLuna ok (?)
@FOX9000 bad
@PrincessLuna vandal (?)
@FOX9000 fine
@PrincessLuna sandstone (?)
4:12 PM
@FOX9000 vandalism
@PrincessLuna arson (?)
@FOX9000 sandstorm
@PrincessLuna climate (?)
@FOX9000 fire
@PrincessLuna bayonet (?)
4:13 PM
@FOX9000 change
@PrincessLuna pri (?)
@FOX9000 weapon
@PrincessLuna munition (?)
@FOX9000 me (:p)
@FOX9000 ammo
@PrincessLuna armory (?)
4:13 PM
@FOX9000 weapons
@PrincessLuna utensil (?)
@FOX9000 tool
@PrincessLuna shovel (?)
@FOX9000 spade
@PrincessLuna swords (?)
4:14 PM
@FOX9000 combat
@PrincessLuna viet (?)
@FOX9000 war
@PrincessLuna expeditionary (?)
@FOX9000 north (pole)
@PrincessLuna carolina (?)
4:15 PM
@FOX9000 state (IIRC)
@PrincessLuna unitary (?)
@FOX9000 military
>> join game
@Narusan Command not found. Did you mean: joingame?
@PrincessLuna humanitarian (?)
4:15 PM
@FOX9000 mission
@Narusan You joined the Word Association Game! Take a look at the tutorial. Run >>quitgame to leave.
o/ @Narusan
@PrincessLuna spacecraft (?)
@FOX9000 aliens
@FOX9000 ftl
@PrincessLuna demonic (?)
No associated word found for ftl.
4:16 PM
>>continue ftl faster_than_light
@PrincessLuna faster than light (?)
>>link ftl drive
@PrincessLuna Link added.
@FOX9000 fast
@PrincessLuna mcdonald (?)
4:16 PM
@FOX9000 food
@Narusan meat (?)
@FOX9000 fast
@PrincessLuna That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword fast and then >>reply 7092185)
@FOX9000 unhealthy
@PrincessLuna immoral (?)
4:17 PM
@FOX9000 devil
@FOX9000 slavery
@Narusan occult (?)
@PrincessLuna segregation (?)
@FOX9000 eye
but how do I score?
@Narusan suspiciously (?)
@FOX9000 amerika
4:18 PM
No associated word found for amerika.
>>link amerika country
america, no?
@PrincessLuna Link added.
@FOX9000 duck
@Narusan dewey (?)
4:18 PM
@FOX9000 donald
@Narusan woods (?)
@Narusan just noticed >.<
>>removelink amerika country
@PrincessLuna Link removed.
>>link amerika america
@PrincessLuna Link added.
4:19 PM
Confused it with the norwegian word
somehow. Normally it's the other way around xD
@Narusan trump
@PrincessLuna apprentice (?)
@FOX9000 forest
@PrincessLuna temperate (?)
@Narusan AFAIK there is no scoreboard
@FOX9000 education
@PrincessLuna mathematic (?)
4:21 PM
unless you count !!status and //status
BOT running since: Tue May 08 2018 12:19:48 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 64 days
username                      (#msg)
TheLittleNaruto             , seen 5 hours ago (1797)
Princess Luna               , seen less than a minute ago (1788)
DroidDev                    , seen 9 hours ago (920)
FOX 9000                    , seen less than a minute ago (736)
Princess Celestia           , seen 4 hours ago (699)
KennyBOT                    , seen 12 minutes ago (665)
kId                         , seen 2 hours ago (446)
that isn't just WAG though
@TheLittleNaruto almost there now :>
ah, all messages?
4:22 PM
can u link two words?
like donald > apprentice and donald > SAD
@Narusan >>link word second_word
but if it's already linked, the word?
spaces are _ if you want to use them
>> link donald SAD
@Narusan Link added.
4:23 PM
@FOX9000 donald
@Narusan FOX tells you they're already linked if that's the case
@Narusan That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword donald and then >>reply 7092252)
@FOX9000 fox
@Narusan simulcast (?)
@FOX9000 dota
4:23 PM
No associated word found for dota.
>>link dota newbie
@Narusan Link added.
@FOX9000 green
@Narusan leafy (?)
@FOX9000 tree
4:24 PM
@Narusan pear (?)
@FOX9000 three
@Narusan triangle (?)
@FOX9000 right angle
@Narusan if a word fails, use >>continue
it links the word and replies to the message
ah, okay
4:25 PM
it might fail to reply though, but AFAIK, linking always succeeds
this is ... more fun than i imagined
Obviously, it's optional, you could just use >>link.
@Narusan :D
@FOX9000 level
@Narusan provincial (?)
@FOX9000 provence
4:26 PM
@Narusan gaulle (?)
@FOX9000 elysee
@Narusan morning (?)
@FOX9000 time
@PrincessLuna ill (?)
@FOX9000 sick
4:27 PM
@PrincessLuna suffering (?)
@FOX9000 pain
@PrincessLuna anesthesia (?)
@FOX9000 loss
@Narusan metabolite (?)
@PrincessLuna inning (?)
4:27 PM
@FOX9000 game
@FOX9000 wow, how does he/she/it know NSAID?
@PrincessLuna telecast (?)
@FOX9000 remifentanyl
No associated word found for remifentanyl.
>>link remifentanyl aenesthesia
4:29 PM
@Narusan Link added.
@FOX9000 aenesthesia
@Narusan remifentanyl (?)
I gtg, I'll be back later
And hiya @rahul
1 hour later…
5:30 PM
~ Night Shadow
5:42 PM
@PrincessLuna is Alisha your bot?
@PrincessLuna you have a question: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/312490/…
Thanks for the heads-up ^^
6:38 PM
@rene posted.
7:03 PM
BOT running since: Tue May 08 2018 12:19:48 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 64 days
username                      (#msg)
Princess Luna               , seen less than a minute ago (1811)
TheLittleNaruto             , seen 8 hours ago (1797)
DroidDev                    , seen 12 hours ago (920)
FOX 9000                    , seen 2 hours ago (756)
Princess Celestia           , seen 7 hours ago (699)
KennyBOT                    , seen an hour ago (667)
kId                         , seen 5 hours ago (446)
Baby Be'el                  , seen 10 hours ago (285)
Started Wed, 11 July 13:47:14.0419 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 7 hours, 16 minutes, and 51 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                        - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)           - 585
Shadow Wizard (152859)           - 335
TheLittleNaruto (206319)         - 274
Pandya (260388)                  - 137
kId (252202)                     - 109
Baby Be'el (394252)              - 99
DroidDev (244282)                - 72
rene (158100)                    - 51
Narusan (353950)                 - 45
@TheLittleNaruto :p
7:32 PM
@PrincessLuna nice
@rene lombardy (?)
1 hour later…
8:32 PM
~ Detective Conan: The Last Wizard of the Century
2 hours later…
10:33 PM
~ Can't we be a bit moar talkative?

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