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2:28 AM
and bye...
4:32 AM
~ Wizard
~ Morning o/
5:07 AM
Man! Today's traffic was really bad! @Dro
@TheLittleNaruto for me it was normal. On my first half of way, I saw less traffic, and thought, I'll find the widest road without any traffic also, and will be able to open my bike in 100s range, from that speedbraker to that next turn in dividers (where I hit brakes). But, no man, I was wrong. Next half was normal traffic, so I was not able to accelerate like I really wanted to. Just normal speeds, and disappointments
also, since I oiled my chain on weekend, bike is pulling through great. The acceleration feels like butter smooth, so I really wanted to check it
5:22 AM
@DroidDev Oh! Why don't you go for long drive sometimes ?
If you'll come early morning to my place we can go to A2B to have breakfast
which will be more than 10km far away
You can also test your bike speed then
Btw I have a doubt bike related.
@Moosebot lick dro
@Moosebot kill dro
> dro was crushed to death by a cow that fell from the sky.
so far I only know 2 commands of Moosebot.
@TheLittleNaruto there's a dam, about 70km out, and a banyan tree, about 100km out. What do you think of this saturday early morning?
5:36 AM
@DroidDev Count me in!
I have got one doubt
...which is?
Few weeks back, I took my bike speed to 94kmph
there are chances of rain though, on saturday
Thereafter, It started making noise whenever I raise acceleration.
Is it because I shouldn't have taken the speed more than 75kmph ?
as it is been told in the manual.
no, that shouldn't create noises. Also, what kind of noises it makes? Some vibrating noises?
5:39 AM
Yes kind of
But it doesn't sound good
this sound is like when a bike needs servicing.
then its most probably some plastic part a bit loose. Also, your bike is cruiser. Isn't made for high speeds, but 70 and cruising for long distances. It will make those vibrating noises at high speeds. Its not built to be stable at high speeds
Man! Then I will never be able to drive at that speed ?
@TheLittleNaruto you can do one thing, on high speed, just try to pinpoint where that noise is coming from (which exact part). Then you can check if something's loose, or just some plastic part loosened because of heat
like, for my bike, one side mirror was vibrating at 80s, I just adjust it to right place, and it solved the problem
@DroidDev The time I cross 62 or something then It'll start making the noise.
my bike does a bit of vibrations around 5k rpm range. But as I cross 6k rpm, it stabilizes
@TheLittleNaruto try to pinpoint, drive carefully in a not much noisy location, so you can listen and see which part is vibrating
5:44 AM
@DroidDev Ok! May be we should go this weekend then ?
We will get to know
yeah, maybe. But, what about weather man
@DroidDev It's always good to drive in rain, you might be able to see deah god. :D
@TheLittleNaruto I like driving in rain, but you gotta get to a place where you can dry up. Not drive 100km in it. That'll get you sick man. LOL :P
cold wind blast when you are wet, will make you catch cold and fever
That's true
When should we start if weather is all good ?
yeah man. Either that or have a proper gear, which doesn't let you get wet (also, too costly, almost 60k for full good gear)
5:49 AM
@Dro Read my message ^
@TheLittleNaruto early morning saturday
@DroidDev What is "early morning" for you btw ?
@TheLittleNaruto 4 am, we will start the bikes
You sure ?
lol, yeah, if 100km, considering city and all, we'll be there by 7. Which gives us ample time to see around, and also, come back. If it rains, we can stop somewhere and wait also. No hurries
last time I went to Nandi hills, we were back by around 12
5:52 AM
How far is it ?
nandi hills? around 70
And where we are going to ?
either banyan tree, or dam (its closed, but structure is there, and everything else)
gotta check the details, but we can plan, as we got days
dude banyan tree is just 36km from my place :O
You guys can come to my place directly
my roomate told me. Then we'll go to dam. I want a long, highway ride. Not city ride, that I do daily, lol
5:56 AM
Where is dam ?
wait...I asked someone. They'll tell
Let's wait!
6:12 AM
@Moosebot kill sha
> Sending poisoned dinner to sha...
6:52 AM
lol, that's just a reservoir, well....another one of those let downs. But, still, I am going for the road, not the destination, so all well and good
also, if we go early, hopefully we can see sunrise
@Moosebot scare @Dro and @The
@ShadowWizard Command not recognized.
>>scare me
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: read?
6:55 AM
>>yes why not
@ShadowWizard me is not a valid message id/link.
>>read ♥
@ShadowWizard Command contains invalid characters.
@Moosebot :|
7:00 AM
@ShadowWizard Command not recognized.
>>randomchoice {{exec {{read 7054004}}}}
@ShadowWizard Command not found.
:7054008 Command not found.
lol a series of fails!
>>knock knock
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: xkcd?
7:02 AM
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: no?
@ShadowWizard Command suggestion cleared.
oh we got a @Baby on board! o_O :D
He ain't got enough rep to talk though lol
7:04 AM
lol I know
but he can on SO chat
SE too? Not sure.
heh, might be a "she", Kushina.
Maybe @kId knows.
lol I dunno
!!detectgender @kId
~ Maybe lookup my instructions?
omg, the Baby isn't really a baby!!
/cc @TheLittleNaruto ^
invasion detected!!!
It's my other account which I used to use for bot testing. @sha
Just wanted to check, so logged in.
7:13 AM
evil naruto :P
@ShadowWizard it's a he
btw Baby Be'el is an arse kid who can generate electric current of high power when anyone makes him cry.
Also He doesn't wear anything always stay naked because of (may be) above reason.
@TheLittleNaruto sock!!!
@TheLittleNaruto awesome (!)
@ShadowWizard devon (?)
@FOX9000 divine
@ShadowWizard soul (?)
7:25 AM
@TheLittleNaruto eww nudist baby!
so he pee and poop on the floor? :D
~ Evacuate the room, woman and children first!
~ 💩 💩
!!wipe @Baby
~ I'm not your mother
~ What a mess ...
7:30 AM
1 hour later…
8:31 AM
~ Where is everybody!?!
@KennyBOT everybody is here but @ShadowWizard is missing
I updated Baby Be'el profile so that nobody will get confused.
Baby Be'el, Demon World
1 1
8:55 AM
@TheLittleNaruto well good kId
@TheLittleNaruto boo
@ShadowWizard dax (?)
@FOX9000 Dex
@ShadowWizard ranged (?)
@kId Did you check the updated content ?
@ShadowWizard :O
9:08 AM
@TheLittleNaruto yeah
@TheLittleNaruto well, you can fix it... ;)
> Update profile info
9:39 AM
@ShadowWizard Thanks Man! You're a savior!
That was a trap for berserk back in old days on J&E chat and he fell for it. @sha
10:11 AM
10:38 AM
11:00 AM
Its a really great that you solved with your self. +1 from me. — Piyush Jun 16 '14 at 9:04
@Sha this guy ^
Also fell for the trap
Well, no way to know...
11:35 AM
@Pri How are you running your bot ? Did you set up a headless local server ?
11:55 AM
@TheLittleNaruto think Discord
May 9 at 17:57, by Princess Luna
Had to reset. Got some server overflow on Discord
@ShadowWizard I see
@sha Can we run a javascript file from browser js console ?
(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");a.src="F:/Bot-Source/master.js",document.head‌​.appendChild(a)})()
Is it wrong ? @sha
It says, "Not allowed to load local resource"
12:10 PM
@TheLittleNaruto should host it locally somehow, yeah
maybe try just ;a.src="master.js"
and put .js file in same location
same location as in where chrome executable is ?
@TheLittleNaruto no, location of the file you're viewing and using console from
@ShadowWizard console is browser's
hmm.. dunno then, never done something like that.
Host the file somewhere then and link there
I am trying to run Zirak source code locally : github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/master.js @sha
12:32 PM
ok, run
@sha using "web server for chrome" helped.
It was browser who was messing things up!
Not allowing local script to run
12:58 PM
huh, nice!
1:42 PM
@ShadowWizard It runs on 5 different sites
3 if you call SE one
Discord has servers, I had some problems with data that's server-specific going between each other
it was messy, screwed up some IDs and stuff
@TheLittleNaruto I've been running her off my laptop, now I'm using a raspberry pi
or at least now that I have a power supply that works
@PrincessLuna oh, like @Moosebot!
I have no clue what Moose runs on :*
Feb 9 '16 at 17:20, by Mooseman
@ShadowWizard Debian for raspberry pi - I don't mind leaving it on 24/7 because low power
Raspbian is a really nice OS for it though
really light-weight
1 hour later…
2:52 PM
~ Coo Coo the Magician
~ Poo Poo the Wizard
3:46 PM
//lick @sha
@PrincessLuna Licks @sha. dies
4:10 PM
@PrincessLuna Oh that's nice
@PrincessLuna OliviaZoe/RaspberryPi (164379ec7cb)
Started Mon, 25 June 17:45:09.0314 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 0 hours, 25 minutes, and 33 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                     - Message count
Shadow Wizard (152859)        - 168
Princess Luna (332043)        - 148
TheLittleNaruto (206319)      - 135
DroidDev (244282)             - 61
kId (252202)                  - 47
Pandya (260388)               - 41
rahuldottech (281895)         - 25
Nog Shine (357396)            - 13
Gattsu (199867)               - 11
rene (158100)                 - 7
Having some problems with the database dying
Not sure what's causing it
could be the shutdowns /shrug
I really need a backup command
4:11 PM
something resetting ?
1 hour later…
5:12 PM
~ Can't we be a bit moar talkative?
5:30 PM
@TheLittleNaruto the database sometimes gets wiped
Not sure why
1 hour later…
6:31 PM
~ Shadow
@PrincessLuna lol
@rahuldottech hehe (?)
Hiya @Rahul!
6:37 PM
Also, someone said this about one of my tracks and now I'm super happy:
> So when I listen to it, I think about this super restrained 9-5 person who meets someone and then loosens up and starts to enjoy life. And then goes dancing and shit in the city idk
It's a good day!
1 hour later…
7:38 PM
~ Wizard of the Saddle
2 hours later…

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