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12:00 AM
Obviously some proofreading on my part
12:17 AM
@ShadowWizard Check my forehead.
1 hour later…
1:17 AM
~ The Wizard of Oz
2 hours later…
3:17 AM
~ In the Shadow of the Pines
4 hours later…
7:13 AM
Wb @Shadow the Ducky Hedgehog :p
1 hour later…
8:16 AM
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ you gotta invite him here :D
8:55 AM
@PrincessLuna I'd be damned
9:06 AM
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ I could of course do it too :3
1 hour later…
10:07 AM
~ Johnny Mysto: Boy Wizard
10:32 AM
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ congrats! Just careful he won't go and upvote all your posts...
@PrincessLuna first you have to figure who he is... ;)
@TheLittleNaruto checked
@ShadowWizard clinic (?)
@Moosebot why you died?
!!what happened to @Moosebot?
~ That is all gibberish to me...
>>what happened to @Moosebot?
@ShadowWizard Command not found. Did you mean: cat?
10:34 AM
@ShadowWizard happened to @Moosebot?
//what happened to @Moosebot?
//what happened to @Moosebot??
@ShadowWizard I already know
10:35 AM
@Alisha what happened to @Moosebot?
@ShadowWizard How can I //help?
@PrincessLuna The neural network has started. Hi!
Started Sat, 7 April 12:34:53.0954 2018 CEST (GMT +0200) (running for 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes, and 46 seconds.)
Message status
Username:                    - Message count
Princess Luna (332043)       - 347
Shadow Wizard (152859)       - 241
FOX 9000 (261079)            - 93
Pandya (260388)              - 82
TheLittleNaruto (206319)     - 75
KennyBOT (269324)            - 54
kId (252202)                 - 36
Unitato (355026)             - 28
Jenna Sloan (350198)         - 18
DroidDev (244282)            - 14
10:43 AM
stats since
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ so.... do you wanna invite or should I? :3
11:21 AM
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ and the idea for the question all his? ;)
@PrincessLuna he can't take part yet, need 20 MSE rep
@Alisha lick @M.A.R.
@ShadowWizard I don't know, but it's not a long idea.
@Alisha help
@ShadowWizard I'm sure. I'm sorry.
@ShadowWizard caregiver (?)
11:23 AM
I could potentially do something stupid
I'm gonna regret this XD
wait and see
>>say something
@PrincessLuna Command not found. Did you mean: yes?
11:25 AM
>>read {{read 6839653}}
@ShadowWizard sighs
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
11:31 AM
@PrincessLuna Saved.
@PrincessLuna How can I //help?
@PrincessLuna How can I //help?
11:56 AM
eh, not gonna implement it
12:55 PM
@ShadowWizard yeah, I just helped with the wording
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ well, good start!
He's an avid movie watcher
I almost read that as semi-erotic. But I know you're too innocent to use such words! :D
So he'll focus on Movies and SF&F?
1:15 PM
@ShadowWizard wanted to get Alisha to reply to FOX9000 with a random word whenever FOX9000 pings her. But it ended up being too complicated and I'm not in the mood for it rn
oh lol
throwing random word on @M.A.R. for leaving
throwing random word on @M.A.R. for living
1 hour later…
2:18 PM
~ Shadow of Sam Penny
2 hours later…
4:19 PM
~ The Wold Shadow
4:36 PM
@ShadowWizard I think it's pretty pointless considering the frequent restarts due to connection stuff. The real uptime would be months/years, but the result of an >>uptime wouldn't exceed a few days.
@ShadowWizard How many years has this bot been here and you still don't know how the association site works? :P You cannot "suggest" associations there at all, any SE-specific associations have to be added with >>link
@ShadowWizard Hah, nice catch, thanks!
5:28 PM
Wb @pro!
5:43 PM
1 hour later…
6:43 PM
~ Friends of the Animal Wizard
6:58 PM
@ProgramFOX well to this day I didn't figure how words are added to that site... ;)
@ShadowWizard either not at all, or the admin does it
@ProgramFOX so you'll really fix this?? :D
I guess so
I mean, that's a bug, right
@ProgramFOX single person? Hard to believe he got so much time...
6:59 PM
anyway the website doesn't accept suggestions except a contact email address
So maybe people suggest words via email...
could be but I don't think many people put their time in that
well @Sha actually the answer is just on their website
> The heart of the process of forming the list of associations is a software module that analyzes the classical and contemporary works of English literature using the key principles of systems approach.
Still shady
"software module" can be lots of things..
And what sources it has...
No wonder many associations are totally weird.
the website doesn't give such detailed information
but you can always send them a mail if you want to know more :P
7:06 PM
there might be an NN approach here
Narrow Narwhal?
neural network
They're commonly used for word association actually
1 hour later…
8:24 PM
~ Shadow Chasers
8:45 PM
@ProgramFOX regardless, I think he's gonna keep saying that to whoever asks in the future
That's what he told me as well
Surely it's the easiest answer :P
This one shadow is too stubborn to ever reshape
You should just turn on the flashlight and kill him
9:27 PM
telling @M.A.R. the flashlight won't work
1 hour later…
10:27 PM
~ Detective Conan: The Last Wizard of the Century

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