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6:44 PM
I fear bot would stay silent today, it can't parse latest word on its own and I have only couple of minutes now (could sacrifice my last word in theory :))
I think I found the latest word.
@ShadowWizard I'm FOX 9000, ProgramFOX's chatbot. You can find the source code on GitHub. You can get a list of all commands by running >>listcommands, or you can run >>help command to learn more about a specific command.
@ShadowWizard keep
@ProgramFOX portcullis
6:45 PM
@ShadowWizard Commands: alive, continue, help, islink, latestword, link, listcommands, random, randomchoice, randomint, removelink, reply, retry, setlatestword, showtime, shuffle, time, translate, utc, viewspells, xkcd, xkcdrandomnumber
eh, was about to setlatestword :)
@FOX9000 gate
@ShadowWizard open
@ShadowWizard bar
@ProgramFOX wide
6:46 PM
@ShadowWizard prairie
@FOX9000 prayer
@ShadowWizard devoutly
@FOX9000 faith
@ShadowWizard infidelity
@FOX9000 cheating
6:48 PM
@ShadowWizard birthright
@FOX9000 birthday
@ShadowWizard meredith
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
7:13 PM
@ShadowWizard State
looks like I'm here a little late...
depends on your timezone
7:30 PM
@rene for the bot.
If I start now, my wpd will go down :(
2 hours later…
9:45 PM
@rene liquid
@Frank yup, that's true :/
@ShadowWizard gas
@rene poison
@ShadowWizard Poisson
@ShadowWizard Linux
9:50 PM
@rene Penguin
@ShadowWizard BlueFeet
@rene diamond
@ShadowWizard Forever
@rene eternity
@ShadowWizard long
9:57 PM
@rene stretched
@ShadowWizard limo
jpegs one-box?
thats new
I'm out ... need sleep ...
cya rene!
@Frank yeah, they always did as far as I know... no?
@ShadowWizard did they?
I always had to upload them...
10:06 PM
we can force onebox even of url's without extension by prefixing with "!"
@Frank weird.... well, enjoy the new feature! ;)
@ShadowWizard lol
@rene Nikki
too long since the Den hosted a pic of a nice girl :-D
@ShadowWizard says image not found for me
@Frank weird... and if you click it?
@ShadowWizard opens new tab with pic
10:18 PM
And now?
@ShadowWizard there's a pic
10:42 PM
11:02 PM
Planned to run stats now but my ISP is borked... can still browse via mobile but stats run as Windows application on PC so can't run it without connection. Sorry guy, girls, ponies, and everyone else!
11:24 PM
@ShadowWizard poor you

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