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7:52 AM
Bot started with waiting time set to 5 seconds.
bot! yay!
>>reply 2954996
@ShadowWizard unfriendly
oh, morning @Pro :D
7:54 AM
@FOX9000 unkind
@ProgramFOX forgive
@FOX9000 kind
@ShadowWizard gratitude
Got to go for breakfest, cya!
8:14 AM
cya! hmm... bot here?
@FOX9000 thanks
@ShadowWizard fervently
@FOX9000 urgent
@ShadowWizard yield
8:53 AM
9:09 AM
welcome back!
@FOX9000 surrender
@ShadowWizard inevitable
Had a good breakfast @Pro? ;)
Yes. Why do you ask? :P
9:21 AM
@FOX9000 avoid
@ProgramFOX dodge
@ProgramFOX just curious :D
@FOX9000 Neo (dodging bullets)
No associated word found for Neo.
9:23 AM
>>continue Neo The_One
@ShadowWizard The One
@FOX9000 Matrix
@ShadowWizard outside
@FOX9000 inside
@ProgramFOX lid
9:25 AM
@FOX9000 closed
@ShadowWizard shop
@FOX9000 eBay
@ShadowWizard eCommerce
9:43 AM
@FOX9000 virtual
@ShadowWizard stranger
10:24 AM
@FOX9000 beautiful
@ShadowWizard graceful
@FOX9000 humble
@ShadowWizard fidelity
gtg now, will keep bot on
10:41 AM
@FOX9000 Fiddle
@Pro looks like the bot can't live without you :(
Just a useless ping for @Dro as part of Payback Plan :D
Just a useless ping for @Fla as part of Payback Plan :D
wonder also where @maveň is :D
2 hours later…
12:47 PM
@ShadowWizard Trying to hide myself behind the green bushes ;)
is shadow awaken
till then me playing silently
@ShadowWizard Roof
@rene ellow :)
@malviň elbow
1:03 PM
how's you
fine I guess
is your sunday progressing well?
Its Monday on mars :D
2345 hrs
@rene its time to sleep ..cyaa ;)
1:17 PM
@ShadowWizard Sorry, one of my parents shutted down the network.
Bot started with waiting time set to 5 seconds.
@ProgramFOX huh? You arent doing things that are forbidden by your parents, right?
@rene No, but apparently they didn't know my bot was running, and I didn't yet notice that it was shutted down.
OK, I don't want to get your parents angry at us ;)
1:25 PM
If they show up here I blame @ShadowWizard ....
>>reply 2955929
@rene bend
@rene You sound like a very responsible individual :D
only for the show ...
@FOX9000 turn
@rene around
@rene flee
1:39 PM
@FOX9000 cat
@rene dog
@rene purr
@FOX9000 meow
No associated word found for meow.
@ProgramFOX sound
1:40 PM
@rene consonant
@FOX9000 character
@rene equivocal
my laptop is borked in such a way that new tab/windows refuse to connect...I can't google and therefor don't know any word to reply now...
@FOX9000 equivalent (well, it is a quite similar word)
@ProgramFOX hebrew
1:43 PM
@FOX9000 jewish
@rene warsaw
@FOX9000 poland
@rene belgium
@FOX9000 france
@rene monarchy
1:44 PM
@FOX9000 kingdom
@rene popish
@FOX9000 pope (no idea if this fits)
@rene schism
1:56 PM
@FOX9000 spasm
@rene lung
@FOX9000 breath
@rene sucked
2:07 PM
@FOX9000 low-pressure
No associated word found for low-pressure.
@rene high
@ProgramFOX low
@FOX9000 esteem
@rene estimable
2:35 PM
No associated word found for estimatable.
3:24 PM
@FOX9000 estimate
@bluet loss
@FOX9000 floss
@bluet yellow
i like to promote good dental hygiene whenever possible
not sure if yellow is the right color for dental hygiene botty
@FOX9000 submarine
@bluet cheyenne
3:32 PM
@FOX9000 Wyoming
@bluet prairie
@FOX9000 field
@bluet distortion
@FOX9000 unclear
@bluet refer
3:33 PM
@FOX9000 referee
@bluet rule
@FOX9000 golden
@bluet poppy
@FOX9000 seeds
@bluet pare
3:34 PM
@FOX9000 pear
@bluet russet
3 hours later…
6:20 PM
@malviň oh, name change, avatar change... congrats! :D
@ProgramFOX lol, one of the known risks of being teenager or more accurately living with your parents... it can happen even when one is 30 years old :P
@rene and I'll blame @Bart. Win Win situation! :D
@rene oh, same for me on mobile, can't really go and Google everything so limited to "Basic WAGing only" :)
@FOX9000 brown
@ShadowWizard tablespoonful
@ShadowWizard (is) still (brown)
@ProgramFOX nominally
6:24 PM
@FOX9000 annually
No associated word found for anually.
@ShadowWizard payment
@ProgramFOX eh? Really? lol
@FOX9000 down
6:25 PM
@ShadowWizard yeah, just saw that a few minutes ago :P
@ShadowWizard plummet
@FOX9000 plum
@ShadowWizard canned
@ProgramFOX lol, totally forgot I posted it :D
6:26 PM
@FOX9000 spam
@ShadowWizard powdered
whaaaat... ? that's vague even for the bot! D:
@FOX9000 cupcake
@ShadowWizard top
6:46 PM
@FOX9000 over
@ProgramFOX plop
@FOX9000 sound
@ProgramFOX gurgle
Got to go now, shutting down bot.
@ProgramFOX Bot terminated.
2 hours later…
8:27 PM
@FOX9000 throat

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