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1:04 AM
~ Magician Mickey
3 hours later…
4:19 AM
wakes up
looks right
looks left
runs away
1 hour later…
5:21 AM
~ Echo ... E c h o ...... E c h o .....
@FOX9000 hi
1 hour later…
6:30 AM
~ Shadow
7:19 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact yay (?)
@ShadowWizard cowboy (?)
@FOX9000 cowgirl
@ShadowWizard lazy (?)
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact sure, Kenny should check if the food is plural or singular.
@PetəíŕdtheWizard you forgot to look down, so you fell to the hole. :P
@Pandya almost! it's >> to trigger the FOX. ;)
>>alive or not?
@ShadowWizard Yes, I'm alive.
7:24 AM
@FOX9000 Good
@ShadowWizard boy (?)
@FOX9000 girl
@ShadowWizard shy (?)
8:08 AM
@ShadowWizard Indeed
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact very (?)
8:41 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact tell @rene then.
@ShadowWizard Can’t, @SPA muted me.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact you haz teh powerz
@ShadowWizard I do ont
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact look inside yourself
Ok, picking up a knife to cut myself open
8:58 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Gimme the knife...
And behave.
But I have to look inside!
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact no need for a knife, nature already made few openings we can peek through.
@ShadowWizard I’ll need a mirror.
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact of course, that's common knowledge. Everyone should have a mirror. And a towel.
@ShadowWizard i have napkins.
9:06 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact oh no, towel is a must. If aliens arrive and abduct you, you must take a towel with you.
They won't take you if you'll have only napkins.
@ShadowWizard I just stich the napkins together.
9:20 AM
Interesting, Israel has implemented official sanctions against Norway today.
10:07 AM
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact whoops, so you're banned from arriving here? ;(
ah, this.
10:30 AM
@ShadowWizard Yes.

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