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~ Magician
2 hours later…
~ Where is everybody!?!
3 hours later…
Some ideas for variable names.
@sha :D
1 hour later…
~ Shadow of Fear
1 hour later…
@Maveňツ :P
@EKons boohoo
No associated word found for boohoo.
>>continue boohoo whining
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard whining (?)
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard maryland (?)
~ That is all gibberish to me...
~ Evacuate the room, woman and children first!
BOT running since: Wed May 22 2019 14:47:31 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 23 days
username                                 (#msg (curr/tot))
EKons (225091)                         , seen 7 hours ago (574 / 2631)
Shadow The Curly Braced Wizard (152859), seen less than a minute ago (573 / 3718)
Olivia (332043)                        , seen 8 hours ago (291 / 2548)
KennyBOT (269324)                      , seen less than a minute ago (270 / 1854)
Hans1984 (366991)                      , seen 1 days ago (207 / 1368)
~ What a mess ...
@sha just u and . fox there (>_<)
1 hour later…
~ The Up-to-Date Wizard
@Maveňツ where?
in den :D
BOT running since: Wed May 22 2019 14:47:31 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 23 days
username                                 (#msg (curr/tot))
Shadow The Curly Braced Wizard (152859), seen 4 minutes ago (578 / 3723)
EKons (225091)                         , seen 9 hours ago (574 / 2631)
Olivia (332043)                        , seen an hour ago (292 / 2549)
KennyBOT (269324)                      , seen 26 minutes ago (273 / 1857)
Hans1984 (366991)                      , seen 1 days ago (207 / 1368)
FOX 9000 (261079)                      , seen an hour ago (133 / 2076)
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard @EKons ding ding FIGHT!
@Olivia nah, I won already. :D
@Maveňツ no? There're also @Olivia here, and @Tink sleeping but can easily be reached and kick us all.... and @Mithrandir is also in the room most of the time. :P
You saw EKons last time... xd
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard Awoo?
No associated word found for achu.
>>continue achu sneeze
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard sneeze (?)
!!feed sneeze and half
~ If you consider sneeze and half to be food I might as well grab a Big Mac ...
Don't kick me! :D
Just proved a point to @Mav that I'm not here alone.... :D
So @Tink what's up?
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard You do realize you made me an RO of this room before I even got a diamond, so I could always kick?
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard Not much. Crocheting, maybe I'll go to the city this afternoon to get a new pair of headphones (I just fixed these with tape)
Maybe I'll order new headphones online sometime next week...
@Tinkeringbell sure :P
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard mhm (?)
But now your kicks can cause more pain. :P
Not really...
They still don't autosuspend people after three times XD
@Tinkeringbell ouch... who killed your headphones?
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard I did.
@Tinkeringbell yeah but that means waiting long days.... no?
I know I shouldn't wear them when I have washed my hair and am wearing it wrapped up in a towel, because that hurts the plastic XD
But I still do it anyways.
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard Nah, most companies here deliver the next day.
But if I'm going to order online, I'm going to wait until next week (or even a bit longer...) Until the boss pays vacation money ;)
@Tinkeringbell hmm.... the really cheap stuff we order online in Israel come from China, and can take up to two months to arrive. Local brands cost as much as they cost in a shop.
Oh, this will cost as much as in a shop too, but I'm not aiming for cheap ;)
oh lol
@Tinkeringbell don't you have credit?
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard I just hate getting money out of my savings account, even if it's only for a week :P
Not fair @EKons always arrive right before I need to go :(
Thinking to get that one
@Tinkeringbell well, I always have something in "liquid state" in the bank, ready to be consumed. :)
I guess @Sha needs to go now...
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard growling (?)
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard Same here, usually. But this month was a bit more expensive than I thought: I already bought new jeans, yarn, spent 60 euro's on my grandparents gift, bought a gift for my father tomorrow, and next Friday I'll be sleeping in a BNB.
I remember when I had the chance to fight pure message mode against @Sha... :D
@Tinkeringbell nice, though illegal in Israel. (the 99 cents part ;))
Is it Euro or dollars?
So... Yeah. The 4/500 euros I usually set aside are pretty much gone by now XD
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard Euro
hmm... not cheap at all.
I'm not into headphones, so can't really tell prices though.
This one has RGB lights, so it will match my PC :P
But I mainly like it because it's wireless :)
It's not that expensive, but it's certainly not the cheapest either ;)
@Tinkeringbell oh.... so you're excused. :P
@EKons good memory!
OK, let's make Kenny happy.
~ 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩
Just got this:
BOT running since: Wed May 22 2019 14:47:31 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 23 days
username                                 (#msg (curr/tot))
Shadow The Curly Braced Wizard (152859), seen less than a minute ago (605 / 3750)
EKons (225091)                         , seen 2 minutes ago (577 / 2634)
Olivia (332043)                        , seen 13 minutes ago (297 / 2554)
KennyBOT (269324)                      , seen less than a minute ago (276 / 1860)
Hans1984 (366991)                      , seen 1 days ago (207 / 1368)
buh only 29.... @EKons enjoy winning... cya! :P
@Tinkeringbell lol.... nice! (30 now @EKons ;))
It's been so fun! I made one for each team member and now they keep trying to outdo each other with creative pictures in the team app :P
@Sha meh, now that I'm forced to use impure tactics it's no longer as fun :/
the rate limit was the real challenge :D
(btw I don't think the !!status is counted in the status output)
btw @Tink "crochet" is nice thingy 10/10
@EKons It's a parrot :P
I like crochet too :)
Now back to finishing my parrot :P
from what planet? ;D
I dunno. They have an evil Tux overlord.
so... you said you're going to add another one right there... looks like we have a crochet fanatic with favorite animal parrot here... :P
hm... thinks about practice called crochet Den usability Den not much wool need hunt :(
@EKons Hahaha. I had the parrot avatars online before I dropped into this team. But it's called ARA (Dutch, also means 'macaw'). So when 1 coworker found out I crocheted, they asked if I would make them a small parrot they could use as a rubber duck for debugging ;) I instead made one for each team member, but started a bit late so my own wasn't finished when I shared them last Thursday.
I'm now making one, and when that's done I won't make another parrot for a year! XD
dem parrots too exhausting eh?
Kinda boring after doing it 9 times I don't even have to look at the pattern anymore :P
And I'm running out of color combo's :P
so... maybe try to make them with a more normal beak and eyes... ;)
That's boring.
woah there calm down ok ok retreats
Looks way less cute too
just trying to give ideas :D
Hahaha. I'm going to make bookmarks next, flamingoes and dragons and rats and frogs and foxes... And after that, well... We'll see ;)
whoops, this escalated quickly
Maybe some F-bombs.
btw how would a woolen bookmark even work
Those are still on my to do list too
@EKons Just like any other bookmark? And I use cotton, not wool :P
@Tinkeringbell um... I meant where it suddenly went from "flamingos" to "dragons" and "rats", but... eh
eh, can't clearly see from the picture
Don't tell me that isn't genious :P
I guess you can squeeze that whenever you're about to utter "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF..." loudly... ;)
Throw it, against the wall :P
actually, that's clever (especially at e.g. work) if you don't want people to unnecessarily hear things
BSOD FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU throws at wall 15-20 times calm down, calm down, it's not the end of the world, it will reboot, caaaaaalm down, anger doesn't help, chiiiiiillllllllll... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10... inhales, exhales, inhales, exhales phew
(I guess "15-20" is an understatement)
Hahaha. I guess you'll need a whole box of those at your desk :P
boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom INCOMIIIIIIIING [repeat 50-100 times] like this?
hm... thinks about implementing practice
1) what if people mock... yeah, just tell them they'll be 99% less annoying if they try just once
~ Not everything is star-worthy...
@ShadowTheCurlyBracedWizard :D
now ur a big guy, invited mods for dinner party
meh "mod" is nothing in Den
here you need basic survival skills, and this isn't survival skills: ♦
@EKons A diamond requires more than basic survival skills. I'm the Bear Grylls of survival skills!
you know, I've heard that name before...
> give a man a fish, and he'll eat once
teach him how to fish, and he'll eat forever
1 hour later…
~ Can't we be a bit moar talkative?
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
~ India: A Magician of Benares
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
~ Shadow

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