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5:34 AM
Bot started.
@ProgramFOX Bot terminated.
adding API keys for translate and define...
Bot started.
1 hour later…
6:55 AM
>>translate en de {{read 5098247}}
@ShadowWizard [Powered by Yandex Translate] hinzufügen von API-keys für übersetzen und definieren...
>>define {{read 5098247}}
@ShadowWizard 1 argument expected
>>define {{randomchoice {{read 5098247}}}}
@ShadowWizard No entries found for that word.
6:57 AM
@FOX9000 What word?
@Pro maybe add what word? :)
@ShadowWizard likely "define..." with the dots
Definition from Merriam-Webster:
1. verb
- to bear or change from one place, state, form, or appearance to another :
- to transport to heaven without death
- to turn from one language into another
- to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another :
- to express in different words :
- to explain in a clearer way :
- to subject (as genetic information) to translation in protein synthesis
- to undergo translation
- to have as a result
2 hours later…
8:54 AM
Bot restarted after crash.
>>flip :(
>> doubleflip ):
@Pro what's up with @FOX? :/
What's down with @FOX?
What's right with @Joe?
maybe @FOX is acting rebellious
and that escalated quickly...
>>be happy
9:09 AM
@Sha tell me one thing
one thing
bot @ber
Someone was saying that ROs shall not be given privelage to see deleted message in room.
@ber check the Other Den (now MLnW), @Dro was PDM today..... :D
9:11 AM
What do you think why it is allowed for ROs to see them? means any advantage?
@ShadowWizard yeah, and deleted
@berserk deleted?? :-(
I am on limited data, and I fapped continuoulsy for 2 days.
lolz poor @ber
I'll keep it for you :D
now, answer me ._.
@berserk of course it gives, and IMO should stay, this way they can judge if someone is misbehaving and kick him/her or summon moderator.
See? ^
9:12 AM
cool tanks
RO should know what happened
I will share transcript with him :) thanks
No problem :D
lol he is here
welcome to the Den :)
9:18 AM
Hello @ank and welcome! :D
You from Java room?
>>flip @ankit
yeah from many rooms i guess
Sorry our local bot is borked :(
i see
LMAO, @Sha, this is ur chance
9:30 AM
hey @ShadowWizard whatsup?
@ankitagrawal you really want to know what I have up? :-P
I feel like ignored ;_;
btw, what I meant above was to write: i pee
ignoring @ber
@berserk good for you! Let's pee together.... :D
@ber you're too shy? ;)
9:34 AM
I know you're not @Clem but still.. nothing to be ashamed of..... :D
shy berserk
shy bladder syndrome
I have the opposite! :P
I will pass on peeing together with ppl...
@berserk lol, so you never use public urinals?
9:37 AM
To be honest I didn't use them too as teenager, but it all changed during army
lol I do, but what you said above was completely different ...
@ShadowWizard know that feel lol
@berserk pee together... hmm... how different than public urinal? :-(
depends on positions, and covers...
lol, fair enough.... you know me too well! :P
9:40 AM
Now let's make a pee contest! :D
50 unicoins to the one who reach most far!
10:15 AM
2 meters sounds like a reasonable record
So many results... still didn't watch any on YT though... :D
23 foot sounds like a total fake, no way it can be true...
well, maybe it is
remember to tilt it to 45 degrees for maximum distance :P
@berserk of course! I wonder.... maybe size plays a role too? :P
(e.g. pissing with erection might give more pressure, making it reach more far... ;))
10:25 AM
Mental note: give it a try next time in shower :D
@berserk do you know how to find out
where a support lib version came from
panics, starts running in circles
@DroidDev lol
10:36 AM
Sep 23 '14 at 12:46, by DroidDev
@ShadowWizard can't find a link to video and find words too vulgar, so, I guess you'll have to leave it now, but just to keep you thinking about it, what is one thing circular about boobs, there are circles within circles within circles....
lol, ain't that true to the last word?
@DroidDev yup
kicks @DroidDev is his butt
joining @ank, making it a double kick
10:49 AM
follows it up with a hyper beam to finish @DroidDev
starts fapping on everybody's face
@berserk you might like above ^
kicks @berserk is his butt
faps on @ank's face
shoots hydro pump on @DroidDev
watches sperms flying through pumped water towards the face of @ankitagrawal
I am laughing so bad right now
10:53 AM
reflect those back to @DroidDev
laughs at victory
pissing on @Dro's sperm, making it turn back
diverts sperms towards @Sha
@DroidDev do you know the song which has 12 3 123
@ankitagrawal umm...many?
10:55 AM
nightcore one
which starts from s
@ankitagrawal well....if its a hindi song, I am sorry man! I don't listen to them much. Only punjabi and some of english for me
@berserk where areyou berserk man
@DroidDev ki
@ankitagrawal ka
@DroidDev ki
@DroidDev collecting sperm in a bottle, for later use against @ber
eating cookie
11:23 AM
hungry again
2 hours later…
1:40 PM
@ankitagrawal wut?
@DroidDev ._.
lol you took it to the next level, this is just too filthy talk lol
@ankitagrawal yo
@TIPS lol just saw somewhere on internet few days ago
@berserk berserk
starting making music player from scratch
you making offline and online music player?
for client?
1:50 PM
I got one ready. I made it 2 years ago, but with MediaPlayer, and without cache support.
13.7k plays lol
well i am interested in online player
offline i have my own already
2:05 PM
what why?
why hmm i mean
lol I was saying: hmm, I see
2:29 PM
@ShadowWizard Oh I just shutted down my laptop so it auto-died.
shut down
not shutted down
oh yeah
that's one of the verbs I always forget
Grammer nazi supported lol, and that too the one who was the lolspeak guru lol
2:32 PM
Complains on twitter
@berserk lol speak guru?
@ankitagrawal Unity 3D is the kind of person who thinks that it's funny to intentionally misspell words frequently aka "lolspeak".
So no robotics mentioned on HGV wikipedia? Bias! https://t.co/QADQp0LBNp
The image is composited
@ProgramFOX oh i see lol
2:35 PM
by the way @ankitagrawal, are you new here? welcome :)
yes and ty
@berserk invited me here
@ankitagrawal beware of foxes, they are cunning and can lure you and eat anytime :P
Force field and parang
lol yeah i have seen @TLN already he is bad fox
well, he is just an imaginary fox, but foxes here are real ones
2:37 PM
fox are cruel
nah, they are nice here :)
lolspeak is difficult to learn, and you know it.

lolspeak iz difehcualt too lern, an yu noe itt.
easy_install is not easy install when easy install gives errors about setuptools
>>flip @Unity3D
oh, bot not here :(
2:45 PM
1 hour later…
3:54 PM
4:11 PM
4:55 PM
+---[RSA 4096]----+
|  o     ...     o|
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|      o + =.     |
|       + % o     |
|        O.E      |
TRS (Totally Random Stuff)
5:11 PM
@Unity3D always....
1 hour later…
6:38 PM
Envys C for having pointers

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