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5:30 AM
@ShadowWizard how about a bottle of this? :D
5:59 AM
73/100 @Sha
2 hours later…
7:39 AM
well, didn't want to flag it, but....
A: Sending anonymous email

StevenHad a nice threesome with Erin miller and Ashley Woodward. Fuck does Erin give fabulous head and swallows too.

1 hour later…
8:54 AM
@DroidDev blue whiskey? Sure! :-}
@ClemensHimmer nice!
@ShadowWizard whiskey ain't blue, its just the bottle :P
also, I like the rusted look of whiskey more than anything ;)
9:17 AM
@DroidDev But they say blue whiskey...
@berserk dunno why
It must be blue in that case...
well, I just drank it last night, so......
poor wolf, got cheated :P
pays respect to @ber
9:19 AM
1 hour later…
10:27 AM
@ShadowWizard yeah soon to be one of the gold boys :D also i got nothing to do at work atm yay
just fiddling with mongoDB
10:38 AM
@ClemensHimmer hugh? One of these boys?
@ShadowWizard yeah imma be bobby.
yay! @bobby!
@Dro @ber @PhMgBr @JoEr from now on, @Clem is actually @bobby
@ShadowWizard not yet
why not?
10:45 AM
why not?
11:18 AM
i do not yet have a golden badge
why not?
11:35 AM
feeling sleepy as hell...
12:05 PM
@ClemensHimmer is a Bobby? Does he have the fancy hat? /cc @ShadowWizard
@DroidDev Since when is hell sleepy?
@JoErNanO you should really visit my company
you know, if I died right now and went straight to hell, it will take me a week to realise that I ain't at work anymore
I'd never be able to sleep if that's how hell works.
If you would then that worries me. :P
@ShadowWizard what is bobby?
Did you mean booby?
12:25 PM
@JoErNanO google.fr/…
@ClemensHimmer Found you!
@JoErNanO what the?
2 hours later…
2:11 PM
@JoEr found you!
/cc @Clem
@berserk yeah, Booby Master is much more fitting for @bobby /cc @Clem ;-)
@ClemensHimmer and I thought you were not in that age range yet... :D
@JoErNanO spit as lube... reminds me of heating pizza in microwave - good for short while then it gets dry. :-P
throwing blue whiskey on @Dro
throwing red whiskey on @ber
throwing green whiskey on @MAR
@ShadowWizard I can see you are an expert on spit as lube. You dirty dirty boy.
@JoErNanO nah, been so long... Prefer heating the pizza in an oven. #ifYouKnowWhatIMean
You know, there was an actual serious discussion in the now dead Sexuality.SE site if doing it is painful for the woman... It was so weird to read the answers...
giving pizza to @Pra
@DroidDev land
2:35 PM
@ShadowWizard emigrant
@FOX9000 immigrant
@PhMgBr asia
@FOX9000 arrogant
@ShadowWizard courteous
@FOX9000 polite
2:36 PM
@ShadowWizard ceremonious
@FOX9000 ceremonial
@ShadowWizard shaman
@FOX9000 droid
No associated word found for droid.
>>continue Droid Dev
2:40 PM
@ShadowWizard Dev
@FOX9000 SE
@ShadowWizard Stack Exchange
@FOX9000 Meta
@ShadowWizard del
@FOX9000 ins
2:40 PM
@ShadowWizard break
@FOX9000 loop
@ShadowWizard foreach
@FOX9000 iterator
No associated word found for iterator.
>>continue iterator traverse
2:45 PM
@ShadowWizard traverse
@FOX9000 tree
@ShadowWizard bush
@FOX9000 shave ;-)
@ShadowWizard chop
@FOX9000 chip
2:46 PM
@ShadowWizard id
@FOX9000 passport
@ShadowWizard admiralty
@FOX9000 royalty
@ShadowWizard peerage
@FOX9000 pee
2:47 PM
@ShadowWizard robin
@FOX9000 Hood
@ShadowWizard windshield
@ShadowWizard catches blue whiskey, drinks it all
refills @Dro's bottle
feels like he is in heaven
2:54 PM
knocking on heaven's door
@FOX9000 windmill
@ShadowWizard nostril
No associated word found for nostrix.
opens the heaven's door, asks if @Sha brought more blue whiskey
>>continue nostrix alchemy
3:04 PM
@ShadowWizard alchemy
@ShadowWizard Doing it? What's it?
taking out silver knife 🔪
@JoErNanO the thing discussed before... ;)
5 hours later…
8:00 PM
Hey Shadow, are you interested in posting another, possibly interesting meta.SE question about "timeline", using this one as an example: drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/198483/… (with no credits due ...) ? If so I'll add another "question" in this chat session for you to try to answer (just to QA-test my question before possibly posting it) ..;
2 hours later…
10:22 PM
@Sha you got a mission!
10:42 PM
@Pierre.Vriens sure, but what about it? Can't see anything unusual in its timeline.

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