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05:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

5:43 AM
9 hours later...
6:13 AM
GM all
@Dro your Word Seeker spell is required... :D
@ShadowWizard oh! Its still required. Just wait a minute
let me put my code on debug
did you see what I caused poor Shog to do by the way? :P
@ShadowWizard nope, long time since I wandered that realm. Today will be same, sadly :(
no worry! :)
oh we lost @Moo
@Mooseman kill time
6:19 AM
@FOX9000 belt
there you go @Shadow :D
@DroidDev dagger
@FOX9000 vampire
@DroidDev flyer
@DroidDev lol, amazing spell you got there!! :D
Where is mooseman? :/
6:20 AM
@ShadowWizard haha, result of hard-work :)
@berserk dunno, maybe we abused his bot too much? sob
@berserk mwahahahahaha
@ShadowWizard I need him :/
@FOX9000 bat
@FOX9000 !delete!
6:21 AM
@DroidDev #ISeeWhatYouDidThere
@ShadowWizard owl
@berserk ._.
@berserk need? what for? ;)
dat sentence
@ShadowWizard To unicornify @Dro
6:24 AM
Mar 23 at 6:02, by DroidDev
see @mav @Sha real unicorns have curves :P
@berserk oh, too bad then.... need to beg @Moo to return
...or ping him until he wakes up!
why did you leave @Sweet?
let's ping her until she notices
in Tavern on the Meta, May 14 at 10:01, by Mooseman
@Moo wake up! :D
@DroidDev I don't ping ladies, it's unpolite :P
@ShadowWizard ._.
6:27 AM
(unless of course they ping me first ;))
@ShadowWizard *impolite :P
hey when did you become Jan, @Dro? ;)
@FOX9000 !delete!
throws dictionary at @DroidDev
@ShadowWizard lol, I do it sometimes, just to tease people
6:28 AM
casting a spell that makes the dictionary become swarm of bats in midair
I was even gonna do it with my ex, in very heated conversation, but then we broke up again :P
@FOX9000 night
@DroidDev fateful
@DroidDev huh? You mean you were going to correct her spelling during conversation?? :D
@ShadowWizard lol, ya and don't ask me what kind of conversation was that.
@DroidDev OK, I don't ask. :D
6:30 AM
@FOX9000 mistake
@ShadowWizard trifling
@DroidDev OK, I give up. Hint? :P
@DroidDev ex? ._.
@berserk umm....don't you ever think that I am that much bad at girls :P
6:32 AM
@ShadowWizard I'll message you on facebook about it. You see, public channel is too much for it ;)
@ShadowWizard heheh
No associated word found for heheh.
@DroidDev was away
kill fox :P
@SweetWisherツ well...he is a fox and online 24x7. I don't think its possible :P
6:53 AM
@DroidDev sure, no prob :D
@FOX9000 stifling
@ShadowWizard darkness
7:29 AM
@FOX9000 engulf
@ShadowWizard heat
7:52 AM
@FOX9000 heated
@ShadowWizard gaseous
@JasonC perfect chance to post your winning word if you want ^
1 hour later…
9:02 AM
he's back!!!
see what you did, @Moo? In your absence, everyone left! D:
@Mooseman cow
9:03 AM
@Mooseman cow with more words
only exact match
Right. Only a few commands are regex. cow is in the switch.
@Mooseman COW
hmm.... shouldn't it be case insensitive?
...which also makes it case-sensitive. I can fix that though. Give me 30 seconds.
Should be fixed. Try now.
@Mooseman CoW
9:06 AM
.toLower() FTW
Pizza should also work now
@Mooseman PIzza
hmm.... I see why you want to be RO now, lol
just don't abuse it.... too much :P
Fair enough xD
1 message moved to Sandbox
now @ber can keep abusing your bot ;)
9:14 AM
Wish I could refactor the bot today, but I have this thing called work to do. :p
@ShadowWizard Yup :D
@FOX9000 !delete!
you must use "!"
@FOX9000 giant
Deadline is in 28 hours
@ShadowWizard otter
9:16 AM
@ShadowWizard pizza
@Mooseman hosea
@Mooseman huh? for what?
@ShadowWizard CMS for a client
Been working on it for over a month, so...
9:16 AM
so keep working! ;)
I am! Just changed the footer to show CMS Beta 1 RC1 rather than simply CMS :)
Just realized I'll have to change the password from password :/
@ShadowWizard :D
@Mooseman unicornify @DroidDev
@berserk Unicornification is unavailable for absent or non-existent users.
Ah :/
@Mooseman unicornify @DarkAshelin
9:31 AM
@Mooseman LOl that face
@DarkAshelin io
@berserk mi
@Mooseman yummy
@ShadowWizard Oreo
@FOX9000 cookie
9:34 AM
@FOX9000 sex
@berserk inhibition
@Mooseman cowrrush
@Mooseman cow
9:50 AM
@FOX9000 incubation
@ShadowWizard result
@FOX9000 consequence
@ShadowWizard begum
@FOX9000 queen
@berserk kingdom
9:55 AM
@FOX9000 prostitute
@berserk actress
@FOX9000 sex
@berserk That word is already said in the latest 10 words. Please use another. (In case I'm mistaken, run >>rmword sex and then >>reply 3464008)
@FOX9000 busty
@berserk woman
9:56 AM
@FOX9000 bang
@berserk eyebrow
@FOX9000 fetish
@berserk phenomenon
@FOX9000 reproduction
@berserk inexpensive
10:06 AM
@FOX9000 pricey
@Mooseman restaurant
@FOX9000 food
@Mooseman raiment
10:32 AM
@FOX9000 remnant
@Mooseman annihilation
@FOX9000 destroy
@Mooseman germ
@FOX9000 death
@Mooseman sentence
10:33 AM
@FOX9000 grammar
@Mooseman logic
@FOX9000 sharp
@ShadowWizard prick
@FOX9000 freak
No associated word found for frick.
10:38 AM
@ShadowWizard exhibition
@FOX9000 exhibionist
No associated word found for exhibionist.
>>continue exhibionist disorder
@ShadowWizard disorder
10:40 AM
@FOX9000 eating
@ShadowWizard cheese
@FOX9000 goat
@ShadowWizard pasture
10:56 AM
@FOX9000 cow
@Mooseman pasturage
@FOX9000 moooooooooooo
No associated word found for moooooooooooo.
@Mooseman 12 (o's in there)
No associated word found for 12.
10:59 AM
>>continue 12 monkeys
@ShadowWizard monkeys
>>addlinkexplanation 12 monkeys imdb.com/title/tt0114746
@ShadowWizard Explanation added.
@FOX9000 chimps
@ShadowWizard monkey
11:01 AM
@FOX9000 flying
@Mooseman airplane
@FOX9000 wings
@Mooseman dragonfly
No associated word found for 10000.
11:05 AM
>>continue 10000 BC
@ShadowWizard BC
>>addlinkexplanation 10000 BC imdb.com/title/tt0443649
@ShadowWizard Explanation added.
@FOX9000 prehistoric
@ShadowWizard recent
11:21 AM
@FOX9000 -1 ;)
No associated word found for -1.
11:33 AM
>>continue -1 i
@ShadowWizard i
@ShadowWizard Explanation added.
@ShadowWizard supervisor
05:00 - 12:0012:00 - 20:00

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