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12:51 PM
1 hour later…
2:06 PM
@jadarnel27 He doesn't.
I mean, I don't.
I managed to, uh, shake off the pigs.
I'm safe now.
You were going to reveal some details about our operation now that I passed the test, correct?
I'm afraid my flight reactivated my amnesia.
And hallucinations. I wasn't really being held by the mods.
Pal. Friend.
2:35 PM
Oh, hey! Yeah, sure. We'll, like, totally be sharing those details with you, dawg. I'm just...uh, a little busy at the moment. So it will...uh, be a while. Man. Brosef.
whispers @Pëkka contact me again when you are able to communicate freely
4 hours later…
6:12 PM
Oh, hey...uh, "@Pëkka." The next step in completing the initiation is going to your nearest pub and getting blackout drunk.
Preferably to the point where you are unconscious and unaware your surroundings for several hours.
This is the...uh, hazing portion of the initiation.
A vital aspect of joining our group.
...if, indeed, any such group exists.
3 hours later…
9:10 PM
OK brb bro. Going to be a sick night
I mean, "totally rad" sick. Not "sick" sick.
> This is the...uh, hazing portion of the initiation.
Oh yeah I remember that from the academy.
I mean, from that film, you know. What's the name?
Security Academy... Military Academy... something like that.
Oh yeah, Police Academy.
Totally not like the real thing.
Or so I've, uh, read.
In People.

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