« first day (17 days earlier)   

8:01 PM
@TheOutOfStarsException Who has time for sweeping?
You look around the hallway. You see a vacuum cleaner by the boarded-up door, attached to an extension cord. There is also a wall outlet there. Exits are kitchen, cellar and main room.
cut extension cord with pliers
8:23 PM
@PopularDemand > kitchen
@RebeccaChernoff You push open the swinging doors and enter the Tavern's kitchen. It is busy in here, and nobody pays you any mind.
@balpha Sorry, I didn't understand that command.
@TheOutOfStarsException You have obtained a plate of warm waffles.
kiss floor
@balpha You kiss the floor. Gross. @TheOutOfStarsException didn't do a good job of sweeping. An astonishing amount of dirt and bacteria enter your body. You feel woozy. GAME OVER
8:38 PM
plug extension cord into wall outlet
@balpha ...your game is over.
8:58 PM
Sorry @PopularDemand, things are crazy over here. Thanks for the waffles though!
@TheOutOfStarsException I do love our kitchen staff.

« first day (17 days earlier)